Fluent splunk-friendly logging with automatic escaping. Use this library to have a consistent logging format across your libraries and applications.
Fluent splunk-friendly logging with automatic escaping; e.g
public class Demo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Demo().run();
protected void run() {
// report starting conditions
final Operation operation = operation("operation").with("argument", UUID.randomUUID()).started(this);
//operation with JSON layout
final Operation operationJson = Operation.operation("Operation that outputs in JSON format").jsonLayout()
.with("argument", UUID.randomUUID()).started(this);
try {
// do some things
int x = 1/0;
// report success
operation.wasSuccessful().yielding("result","{\"text\": \"hello world\"}").log();
} catch(Exception e) {
// report failure
Refer Demo.java for full source code of an example.
Operation might log:
09:42:28.503 [main] INFO Demo - operation=demo id="bd09f108-2a4d-4e47-8b9f-d20c19c0dad0"
09:42:28.543 [main] INFO Demo - operation=demo id="bd09f108-2a4d-4e47-8b9f-d20c19c0dad0" outcome=success result="{\"text\": \"hello world\"}"
09:47:06.397 [main] INFO Demo - {
"argument" : "f7ca4805-58e0-449f-8cb1-64bf70588285",
"logLevel" : "INFO",
"time" : "2019-09-13T09:47:06.476Z",
"operation" : "Operation that outputs in JSON format"
on success, or:
10:02:13.484 [main] ERROR Demo - operation=demo id="bd09f108-2a4d-4e47-8b9f-d20c19c0dad0" outcome=failure exception="java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero"
java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
at Demo.run(Demo.java:19) [test-classes/:na]
at Demo.main(Demo.java:10) [test-classes/:na]
at ...
09:47:06.407 [main] ERROR Demo - {
"exception" : "java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero",
"argument" : "f7ca4805-58e0-449f-8cb1-64bf70588285",
"logLevel" : "ERROR",
"errorMessage" : "/ by zero",
"time" : "2019-09-13T09:47:06.476Z",
"operation" : "Operation that outputs in JSON format",
"outcome" : "failure"
on failure.
The argument passed to the started()
(and, optionally, terminating log()
) method is used to derive
the logger name, and is usually the object which is the orchestrator of an operation. Alternatively, a specific slf4j
logger instance can be passed.
Arguments (passed by with()
and yielding()
etc.) are escaped to allow Splunk to index them, e.g. double
quotes are escaped.
See https://sites.google.com/a/ft.com/technology/systems/membership/logging-conventions for suggested argument key names.
To remove plain text from logs and to have only KV pairs as output use following configuration of the repository using Fluent-Logging library:
Dropwizard application:
logFormat: "logLevel=\"%p\" time=\"%d{yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSz}\" category=\"%c\" %m%n"
Spring Boot Application:
logging.pattern.console=logLevel=\"%p\" time=\"%d{yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSz}\" category=\"%c\" %m%n
logging.pattern.file=logLevel=\"%p\" time=\"%d{yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSz}\" category=\"%c\" %m%n
Create operation with jsonLayout:
//operation with JSON layout
final Operation operationJson = Operation.operation("Operation that outputs in JSON format").jsonLayout()
.with("argument", UUID.randomUUID()).started(this);