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Instance Segmentation in PyTorch*

This repository contains inference and training code for Mask R-CNN like networks. Models code is designed to enable ONNX* export (with custom operations) and inference on CPU via OpenVINO™. Detectron and maskrcnn-benchmark models are wrapped to export their weights to ONNX and OpenVINO™.



  • Ubuntu* 16.04
  • Python* 3.5.2
  • PyTorch* 0.4.1
  • OpenVINO™ 2019 R1 with Python API


To install required dependencies, run the command:

$ cat requirements.txt | xargs -n 1 -L 1 pip3 install

To install the package itself, run the command:

$ pip3 install -e .

Get Pretrained Models

A bunch of top-performing models from Detectron and maskrcnn-benchmark projects can be easily obtained and automatically prepared for running in PyTorch and OpenVINO™ via the tools/ script. By default, the script requires no parameters to run, for details on its configuration, run it with the -h key. This script could also be considered as a sample, showing how models are supposed to be converted to ONNX/OpenVINO™ Intermediate Representation (IR).

Download MS COCO Dataset

To be able to train networks and/or get quality metrics for pretrained ones, download the MS COCO datasetthe dataset (train, val and annotations) and unpack it to the ./data/coco folder. The resulting structure of the folder should be as follows:

└── coco
    ├── annotations
    │   ├── instances_train2017.json
    │   └── instances_val2017.json
    └── images
        ├── train2017
        └── val2017


To train the Mask R-CNN model, run the command:

$ python3 tools/

This script has a default configuration which conforms to end-to-end Mask R-CNN baseline from Detectron. To view all arguments available to configure, run the command:

$ python3 tools/ --help

For fine-tuning, pass a path to a file with the model weights to the training script.

Another option for training models is to use dedicated scripts for particular models (like tools/ that solely encapsulate the training setup.

Instructions for training models from the OpenVINO™ Open Model Zoo can be found in


tools/ script implements a live demo application that runs a given Mask R-CNN like a model on a set of images or a video and shows resulting instance segmentation mask. Both PyTorch and OpenVINO™ backends are supported.


As an input, the demo application takes:

  • a model
    • a path to PyTorch nn.Module implementing the network of interest specified with a command-line argument --model
    • a path to a file with pretrained weights specified with a command-line argument --ckpt
  • a source of data:
    • a path to a single image file or a folder with image files specified with a command-line argument --images
    • a path to a video file or a numeric ID of a web camera specified with a command-line argument --video
  • preprocessing parameters
    • an image resize mode and target resolution. Two options available:
      • --fix_max SCALE MAXSIZE command-line argument forces image to be resized to such a size that its shorter and larger sides are not greater than SCALE and MAXSIZE respectively, while the original aspect ratio is left unchanged.
      • --fit_window MAXHEIGHT MAXWIDTH option enables the mode when image height and width are made not greater than MAXHEIGHT and MAXWIDTH respectively, while the original aspect ratio is preserved.
    • a mean value subtracted from every pixel of an image (--mean_pixel argument)
  • extra options controlling visualization and performance statistics collection. Refer to the help message of the script (run it with -h argument) for more details.

For example, assuming that the tools/ script with default options has been used to fetch public pretrained models, to run the demo on live video stream from a webcam using the ResNet50-FPN Mask R-CNN model for instance segmentation, run the following command:

$ python3 tools/ \
    --dataset coco_2017_val \
    --ckpt data/pretrained_models/converted/coco/detectron/mask_rcnn_resnet50_fpn_2x.pth \
    --mean_pixel 102.9801 115.9465 122.7717 \
    --fit_window 800 1333 \
    --video 0 \
    --delay 1 \
    --show_fps \
    pytorch \
    --model segmentoly.rcnn.model_zoo.resnet_fpn_mask_rcnn.ResNet50FPNMaskRCNN \

NOTE: Use the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable to configure which (if any) GPUs to use during evaluation. If empty value is assigned, PyTorch uses the CPU backend.


The same demo application can be used for running instance segmentation models on CPU via OpenVINO. Almost the same set of parameters is available in this case. The major difference is that the model (--model argument) should be defined as a path to an XML file with the OpenVINO™ IR description, rather than a PyTorch class, and the --ckpt argument should point to a BIN file with OpenVINO™ IR weights.


$ python3 tools/ \
    --dataset coco_2017_val \
    --ckpt data/pretrained_models/ir/coco/detectron/mask_rcnn_resnet50_fpn_2x.bin \
    --fit_window 800 1333 \
    --video 0 \
    --delay 1 \
    --show_fps \
    OpenVINO™ \
    --model data/pretrained_models/ir/coco/detectron/mask_rcnn_resnet50_fpn_2x.xml

NOTE: For most of the Detectron and maskrcnn-benchmark models mean pixel value of [102.9801, 115.9465, 122.7717] is used while running with a PyTorch backend. On the other hand, this value is integrated into the model itself by OpenVINO™ Model Optimizer during export to IR, so there is no need to specify this value when running with an OpenVINO™ backend.


tools/ script is designed for quality evaluation of instance segmentation models. The script has almost the same interface as a demo script, and supports both PyTorch and OpenVINO™ backends.


For example, to evaluate ResNet50-FPN Mask R-CNN model on COCO 2017 Val dataset using PyTorch backend run:

$ python3 tools/ \
    --dataset coco_2017_val \
    --ckpt data/pretrained_models/converted/coco/detectron/mask_rcnn_resnet50_fpn_2x.pth \
    --mean_pixel 102.9801 115.9465 122.7717 \
    --fit_max 800 1333 \
    pytorch \
    --model segmentoly.rcnn.model_zoo.resnet_fpn_mask_rcnn.ResNet50FPNMaskRCNN \

NOTE: Use CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable to configure which (if any) GPUs to use during evaluation. If empty value is assigned, PyTorch uses CPU backend.


For example, to evaluate ResNet50-FPN Mask R-CNN model on COCO 2017 Val dataset using OpenVINO™ backend run:

$ python3 tools/ \
    --dataset coco_2017_val \
    --ckpt data/pretrained_models/ir/coco/detectron/mask_rcnn_resnet50_fpn_2x.bin \
    --fit_window 800 1333 \
    OpenVINO™ \
    --model data/pretrained_models/ir/coco/detectron/mask_rcnn_resnet50_fpn_2x.xml

NOTE: Default quality evaluation protocol for Mask R-CNN model uses fit_max image resize mode at a preprocessing stage (see the note above about resize modes), although by default OpenVINO™ IR models created by the tools/ script are configured to work properly with the fit_window mode only. This has no difference for landscape-oriented images, but affects portrait-oriented ones. So to directly reproduce the reference quality numbers, export PyTorch models to OpenVINO™ IR manually setting the MAXSIZExMAXSIZE input resolution. This will be fixed in later releases.

Export PyTorch models to OpenVINO™

To run the model via OpenVINO™, export the PyTorch model to ONNX first and then convert it to OpenVINO™ Intermediate Representation using Model Optimizer.

Export to ONNX

tools/ script exports a given model to ONNX representation.

As an input, the script takes:

  • a model
    • a path to PyTorch nn.Module implementing the network of interest specified with a command-line argument --model
    • a path to a file with pretrained weights specified with a command-line argument --ckpt
  • a number of classes that network detects specified either directly using a -nc NUMBER_OF_CLASSES argument or implicitly by specifying a dataset the network was trained or supposed to work on using a --dataset DATASET_NAME argument
  • an output ONNX file path specified with a command-line argument --output_file
  • an input resolution the network should work on specified with a command-line argument --input_size in a HEIGHT WIDTH format.

For example, here is the command used inside the tools/ script to export ResNet50-FPN Mask R-CNN model to the ONNX representation:

$ python3 tools/ \
    --model segmentoly.rcnn.model_zoo.resnet_fpn_mask_rcnn.ResNet50FPNMaskRCNN \
    --ckpt data/pretrained_models/converted/coco/detectron/mask_rcnn_resnet50_fpn_2x.pth \
    --input_size 800 1344 \
    --dataset coco_2017_val \
    --show_flops \
    --output_file data/pretrained_models/onnx/coco/detectron/mask_rcnn_resnet50_fpn_2x.onnx

NOTE: Most of FPN Mask R-CNN models assume to have an input with a size divisible by 32. So even when the image resize is configured to work in the fit_max mode with SCALE 800 and MAXSIZE 1333, maximal input resolution is actually 800x1344 to ensure divisibility.

Convert to the OpenVINO™ Intermediate Representation (IR)

Conversion from ONNX model representation to OpenVINO™ IR is straightforward and handled by OpenVINO™ Model Optimizer. Please refer to the Model Optimizer documentation for details on how it works.

For example, here is the command used inside the tools/ script to export the ResNet50-FPN Mask R-CNN model to IR given its ONNX representation:

$ \
    --framework onnx \
    --input_model data/pretrained_models/onnx/coco/detectron/mask_rcnn_resnet50_fpn_2x.onnx \
    --output_dir data/pretrained_models/ir/coco/detectron/ \
    --input "im_data,im_info" \
    --output "boxes,scores,classes,batch_ids,raw_masks" \
    --mean_values "im_data[102.9801,115.9465,122.7717],im_info[0,0,0]"