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The GDR Scholars Catalog WordPress Plugin enables the GDR Catalog, a React.JS frontend application for the ASU-USAID Fellowships program, to be deployed within a WordPress site via a shortcode.


Setup and installation

  • Download and install the latest named release package (GDR-Scholars-Catalog-Wordpress-Plugin-xxx.tar).
  • Activate the plugin in the WP Plugins Admin screen.
  • Insert shortcode, [gdr-catalog], into page content area
  • The "Full Width" page template is recommended for this application.

Setup for Development

Development Usage

  • Install required modules: yarn (or npm install)
  • Build development version of app and watch for changes: yarn build (or npm run build)
  • Build production version of app:yarn prod (or npm run prod)

Quick Start


This plugin is based on the boilerplate plugin code from WP-Reactivate. WP-Reactivate provides three different WordPress views in which an independant React app can be rendered:

  • Shortcode
  • Widget
  • Settings page in the backend (wp-admin)

NOTE: GDR-Scholars-Catalog-Wordpress-Plugin has disabled or removed unused portions of these views. Only the Shortcode view is currently in use.

Each JavaScript root file will correspond to the independant React app to be bundled by Webpack.


entry: {
  'js/admin': path.resolve(__dirname, 'app/admin.js'),
  'js/shortcode': path.resolve(__dirname, 'app/shortcode.js'),
  'js/widget': path.resolve(__dirname, 'app/widget.js'),

Using the Shortcode

In order to get the shortcode attributes into our Javascript we need to pass them to an object which will be made available to the shortcode.js app via wp_localize_script. Be careful with the security of data you pass here as this will be output in a <script> tag in the rendered html.


public function shortcode( $atts ) {
  wp_enqueue_script( $this->plugin_slug . '-shortcode-script' );
  wp_enqueue_style( $this->plugin_slug . '-shortcode-style' );

  $object = shortcode_atts( array(
    'title'       => 'Hello world',
  ), $atts, 'gdr-catalog' );

  wp_localize_script( $this->plugin_slug . '-shortcode-script', 'wpr_object', $object );

  ?><div id="gdr-catalog-shortcode"></div><?php

You can access the shortcode attributes via the wpr_object in your React container component.


import React, { Component } from 'react';

export default class Shortcode extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div className="wrap">
        <h1>WP Reactivate Frontend</h1>
        <p>Title: {wpr_object.title}</p>

Using the Settings Page

In our admin class we add a sub menu page to the Settings menu using add_options_page and register a setting to be used on the page.

We set 'show_in_rest' to true when registering our setting in order to access our options via the REST API.


public function register_settings() {
    register_setting( 'general', 'wpreactivate', array(
        'show_in_rest' 	=> true,
        'type'			=> 'string',
        'description'	=> __( 'WP Reactivate Settings', $this->plugin_slug )
    ) );

In the React container component we show how to retrieve and update this setting via the WordPress REST API default Settings endpoint.

We polyfill the browser Fetch API to make requests to the WordPress REST API. It is a powerful API, which can be seen as an evolution of XMLHttpRequest or alternative to jQuery.ajax().


getSetting = () => {
    fetch(`${wpr_object.api_url}settings`, {
        credentials: 'same-origin',
        method: 'GET',
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'X-WP-Nonce': wpr_object.api_nonce,
    .then(response => response.json())
        (json) => this.setState({ settings: json.wpreactivate }),
        (err) => console.log('error', err)


Tech Description
React A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
Babel Compiles next generation JS features to ES5. Enjoy the new version of JavaScript, today.
Webpack For bundling our JavaScript assets.
ESLint Pluggable linting utility for JavaScript and JSX


WP-Reactivate boilerplate made by Pangolin


A React frontend application for the GDR Scholars (ASU-USAID Fellowships) Catalog







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