A BitTorrent client as a Chrome Packaged App.
Contrary to other implementations, this one talks the native BitTorrent protocol 100% in JavaScript.
New: install from the Chrome Web Store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/bitford/agjcpjkkccmhfopfciohkkfolnjbbdoh
- Go to
- ☑ Developer mode
- Load unpacked extension...
- Choose this directory
- Launch
- Keep an eye on the console of the background page
- seeder peers dropping
- cancellable file saving
- Priorities
- Error handling
- store-backend: unify open bitford-store
- Smarter request selection, based on downRate * requestedChunks.length
- Profiling, profiling, optimization
- Intercept .torrent files that users download
- Peer limits
- by IP
- Upload slots
- Extension protocol
- Magnet Links
- Encryption
- uTP