I'm a passionate dev who thrives on creative thinking and innovative solutions. Experienced in developing complex web apps and optimizing performance.
💼 Sr. Software Engineer by profession - Currently working as fullstack at EagleView. Architected TrueDesign™.
💖 Open Source Enthusiast - I have a deep passion for contributing to the open-source community and love to share my knowledge and collaborate on exciting projects.
😎 Astrarudra is my cyber name in the digital realm - Embodying my creative and innovative spirit. I started early in 2006, being the webmaster of warezvb.org during my school life. My passion for technology led me to become a dedicated CS Engineer.
🎸 Drummer & Hobbyist - When I'm not coding, you'll find me behind a drum set, enjoying a swim, or strategizing in a game of chess.
Feel free to explore my projects and get in touch!
- Zustand-Controller - A UX design pattern to replace Redux-Saga with a lightweight architecture.
- Oxy-Utility - A Node.js package for insights with systematic logging and tracking.
- Sadhan-Sangha - Open Source Spiritual Webapp, Useful for learning purpose, or building similar webapp.
- Redux-Simplified - An effort to reduce boilerplate of Redux, simplify learning.
- React-Wordament - The Wordament Game built using React featuring 3 modes.