Electric vehicles are an essential part of keeping the world clean. However, there are insufficient business models within the charging stations industry.
The efforts of the industry are based around the development of the following scheme:
Charging Operators maintain a Charging Station (connect using open protocol OCPP)
Drivers of Electric Vehicles discover charging stations using e-Mobility Service Providers who point them to a convenient Charging Station (using roaming-like open protocol OCPI) and collect the bill for the electricity
A complex settlement procedure involving manual steps, complex negotiations, trust issues sends the money collected from the Drivers to the Charging Operators
Chaerge is a next generation roaming protocol that enables Charging Operators and e-Mobility Service Providers to connect through a trustless, real-time zero-fee bill collection protocol.
The smart contracts operate as an extension to the widely used open-source OPCI and OCPP protocols.
Charging operators and e-Mobility Service Providers can join the network with small effort keeping their existing infrastructure.
This allows for a smoother transition to a fully blockchain based solution and an undoubtedly easier adoption of other open protocols.
Source: https://medium.com/share-charge/decentralizing-the-charging-business-for-the-emobility-industry-part-iii-5a1a2cb58129
This is a work in progress concept using aeternity
. CONTRACT: implement payments/settlement with charge operator address