Website address is ''
Joyable equivalents for existent linux commands
npm install -g nixar
Prints everything after [mask]. Has option 'after last [mask]'
Prints everything before mask
Get specific columns. Example: cols 1-3 5 6 9-20
Joins lines into one line
Prints content, content lines, content created date, content modified date, content size
Calculates lines count
Drops lines
Excludes line specified by mask
Filter lines
Finds file(s) by glob-like mask (. or **/. or */ or all)
Calculates characters count
Logs output to file and continues printing
Converts characters to lowercase
Transforms line
Highlights lines' parts according to the provided mask
Calculates maximum number from list of numbers
Calculates minimum number from list of numbers
Shows all commands. Run nixar killall
in order to kill all running nixar's commands
Sorts lines
Removes substring in line
Replaces substring in line
Reverses the order of output
Gets specific rows
Prints file, file lines, file created date, file modified date
Splits line into lines
Returns the part of string specified by start and length parameters
Calc sum of numbers in list
Create columns from line based on separator
Select lines
Remove spaces from start and end of line. But if you provide the substring it will remove it from start and end of line
Rotate the table. Convert rows to cols and cols to rows. This command can replace concat and split commands
Get unique records
Convert characters to uppercase