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Basic Local Setup & Installation

  1. Ensure you have node 18 instaled (nvm is recommended for installing & managing multiple node versions)
  2. Clone this repo: git clone [email protected]:asibs/tactical-next.git
  3. Switch into project folder: cd tactical-next
  4. Install the dependencies: npm install
  5. Run the app: npm run dev
  6. The app should be available at: https://localhost:3000/

Production Deployment

Production Build (main branch)

We deploy the app to Vercel. Vercel will auto-deploy each commit to the main branch into Production. The ENV VARs for Production need to be set appropriately - see the .env.example to see the different ENV VARs and descriptions of how to set them. In particular, for Prod, you want ENABLE_STORYBLOK_LIVE_EDITING set to false in order to statically generate the site and avoid any runtime dependency on Storyblok.

Storyblok is used to generate the app content. Whenever changes are published to Storyblok, files containing all the Storyblok content are added or updated in the GitHub repository for this project. The production build of the site simply reads the Storyblok content from these files, meaning the site can be statically rendered and there is no runtime dependency on the Storyblok website or APIs. This means we can effectively use Storyblok for free, and we don't have to worry about Storyblok downtime affecting our live website. Note, the production runtime app does still depend on Storyblok node modules.

Storyblok Build (storyblok branch)

The sync-storyblok-branch.yaml GitHub Action (stored in .github/workflows) runs every time any code is merged to main, and pushes this code into the storyblok branch. This branch exists purely to give us a "staging" environment for Storyblok live-editing. This branch is auto-deployed to Vercel through their standard build-per-commit setup. However, we configure the storyblok branch with different ENV VARs from Prod - in particular, we set ENABLE_STORYBLOK_LIVE_EDITING to true.

This build of the app can be hooked up to Storyblok, enabling Storyblok admin users to edit the website content directly in the Storyblok UI and see real-time updates. This needs to be setup in the Storyblok UI by pointing Storyblok at the URL for the Vercel storyblok build. In order to have a fixed URL for the storyblok branch across multiple Vercel builds, you need a custom domain. Once this is all setup, you should be able to live-edit the website content through the Storyblok UI.

Pushing Storyblok changes to Prod

Any updates made through the Storyblok UI won't be reflected on Prod. In order to get these changes into Prod, they need to be checked into files in the main branch. This can be achieved automatically by a combination of webhooks and GitHub Actions.

There is an API endpoit at app/api/githooks/storyblok/route.ts. When called, this endpoint will trigger the GitHub Action at .github/workflows/storyblok-published.yaml, which will generate a new PR with all the changes to Storyblok content against the GitHub repo.

In theory, you could call this endpoint on Prod, but it's preferable to call it on the Storyblok build, if only to avoid unnecessary API calls on Prod.

  1. Set the STORYBLOK_TO_GHA_KEY for your Vercel Storyblok build to a secure, randomly generated string.
  2. Create a webhook in the Storyblok UI which will trigger whenever a Story is published, unpublished, deleted or moved. It should point to the API endpoint mentioned above, with a URI param called apiKey set to the random key from step (1)- ie. https://MY_APP_STORYBLOK_BRANCH/api/githooks/storyblok?apiKey=MY_RANDOM_KEY
  3. Generate a GitHub Personal Access Token (User Settings -> Developer Settings -> Personal Access Tokens). A fine-grained token is recommended, as this allows you to limit the access more. You will need to grant access to this repo only, with the following permissions:
    • Actions - Read & Write (TODO: Verify if this is definitely required...)
    • Contents - Read & Write
    • Metadata - Read-only
    • Pull Requests - Read & Write
    • Once generated, copy the token.
  4. Set the ENV VARs in the Storyblok build (through the Vercel UI). You need to set GHA_TOKEN (using token you generated & copied in step (3)), GH_OWNER (your GitHub username), and GH_REPO (the URL to the GitHub repo).
  5. Add a new GitHub Action Repository Secret, called GH_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN (again, using the GitHub Personal Access Token you generated previously). You can do this by navigating to your repo, and going to Settings -> Secrets and variables -> Actions -> Repository secrets.
  6. In the Storyblok UI, generate an Access Token (Settings -> Configuration -> Access Tokens). Give it an Access Level of "Public", as we only want the GitHub Action to pull Storyblok content which has been published (not preview content). Copy the token, and add another GitHub Action Repository Secret, called STORYBLOK_TOKEN with the value of the token.

Now you should be able to publish changes to the site content in the Storyblok UI, and this should auto-generate a Pull Request in GitHub! A link to the Vercel Preview deployment for the branch should also be automatically added as a comment on the PR within a few minutes of the PR being created. Once you've confirmed the Vercel Preview build is good, you can merge the PR to main, and the changes will auto-deploy to Production.


During development, you are likely to want to add new types of Storyblok blocks (eg. you might create a ButtonLink block or a PostcodeLookup block, etc). If & when you add these, you can automatically pull Typescript definitions for them by running scripts.

  1. Set the STORYBLOK_SPACE_ID in your .env.local to your Storyblok Space ID (you can find this in the Storyblok UI)
  2. npm run storyblok:login - logs you in to the Storyblok CLI.
  3. npm run storyblok:pull_components
  4. npm run storyblok:generate_types

Note, if you have auth issues at step 3, you may need to force logout and login again (npm run storyblok:logout then npm run storyblok:login).

This will pull type information about the bloks you've defined in Storyblok, and writes them to /storyblok/types/components.storyblok.json (step 2), then generates Typescript types from the JSON, and write them to /storyblok/types/storyblok-types.d.ts (step 3). These types can then be used when creating your React Components for the Storyblok blocks.

This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Getting Started

First, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying app/page.tsx. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

This project uses next/font to automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font.

Learn More

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:

You can check out the Next.js GitHub repository - your feedback and contributions are welcome!

Deploy on Vercel

The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.

Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.