This is a simple dashboard for an e-commerce no templates or APIs added
just a Django-Jet Dashboard
Please note that this project was supposed to be live for a client so you may find unuseful fields/admin structure
Actually, you can only use this while practising on building django models/admin also you can use this if you need a quick/ready models so you can start building your templates or APIs easily
This project can be deployed to heroku by just adding postgres configurations instead of SQLite like this:
DATABASES = {'default': dj_database_url.config(default=dj_database_url.config('postgres://XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'))}
This app has i18n enabled (Arabic / English) with translations added
1- Cutomers App:
Customer info
Seller Info
Customer/Seller Payments
2- Expenses App:
Other Expenses info
Other Revenues info
Insurance info (bussiness matter)
3- Orders App:
- Containing Customers/Sellers orders / Order items
4- Reports App (supposed to be a big one if the work continued hehe..)
- Containing just a view showing all needed data for a date range
5- Settings App:
- Should contain all required configurations (Such as Starting Balance, Project Version ...etc)
6- Stock App:
- Contains Products Management (Categories, Product Details, Product Attributes)
PS: i tried to follow django-oscar product hierarchy
1- Create a Python3 Virtual Environment and activate it
2- install requirements pip install -r requirements.txt
3- run migrations python migrate
4- Create a superuser account to access the dashboard python createsuperuser
5- python runserver
Feel free to ask anything, modify anything :)