Production link: [] (
Local link: [http://localhost:4567] (http://localhost:4567)
This program will store words in a list. Then, the user will be able to add definitions to those words on a separate screen.
This is an exercise completed at the end of the second week of Epicodus, a code school, to see if we have successfully learned the basics of Object Oriented Java.
In order to install word-puzzle-java, you'll need to have [Java] ( and [Gradle] ( installed on your computer. In order to run the application, you'll need to type gradle run
on your command line. All additional libraries will be installed after running gradle.
There are both unit tests per object and integration tests associated with this application. The test files can be found under /src/test/java in the
, and
files. To run the test suite, you'll need to type gradle test
in your command line.
Created by Ashley Sullins.
[MIT License 2015] (