Keeping Simple-KeychainSwift up-to-date is a time consuming task. Making updates, reviewing pull requests, responding to issues and answering emails all take time. If you'd like to help keep me motivated, please download my free app, Photo Flipper from the App Store. (To really motivate me, pay $1.99 for the IAP 😀)
And don't forget to ★ the repo. This increases its visibility and encourages others to contribute.
Thanks Ash
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
Just drop the Keychain.swift file into your project. That's it!
Simple-KeychainSwift is available through Swift Package Manager. Xcode 11.0+ is required.
To install, open Xcode -> File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency
and paste repo's address
Simple-KeychainSwift is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "Simple-KeychainSwift"
Simple-KeychainSwift was wrtten by Ashley Mills, [email protected]
Simple-KeychainSwift is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
Simple-KeychainSwift declares a protocol TypeSafeKeychainValue
public protocol TypeSafeKeychainValue {
func data() -> Data? // Convert to Data
static func value(data: Data) -> Self? // Convert from Data
You can use Simple-KeychainSwift to set any types that conform to this protocol. Currently supported are String
, Int
, Bool
and Date
, To set other types, add conformity to TypeSafeKeychainValue
, e.g.
extension Int: TypeSafeKeychainValue {
public func data() -> Data? {
var value = self
return Data(bytes: &value, count: MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: value))
public static func value(data: Data) -> Int? {
return data.withUnsafeBytes { $0.pointee }
Keychain.set("some value", forKey: "some string")
Keychain.set(true, forKey: "some bool")
Keychain.set(Date(), forKey: "some date")
Keychain.set(27, forKey: "some int")
Keychain.value(forKey: "some string") as String
Keychain.value(forKey: "some bool") as Bool
Keychain.value(forKey: "some date") as Date
Keychain.value(forKey: "some int") as Int
Keychain.removeValue(forKey: "my key")
Got a bug fix, or a new feature? Create a pull request and go for it!
If you use Simple-KeychainSwift, please let me know.
Cheers, Ash