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Test Setup Mac OS Test setup Mac machine Test Setup dotfiles on Mac OS Test Setup Vim on Mac OS Test Ubuntu

  1. - Automate the dotfiles setup with this one (Warning: the script does not always work)

  2. setup/ - Cryptocurrencies development related packages (ethereum, solidity, truffle etc.)

  3. _bashrc - bashrc file (it primarily sources files in bashrc includes)

  4. _gitconfig - git config file

  5. _macos - macOS config file (one time setup file based on Mathias's file)

  6. _screenrc - several productivity improvements to GNU screen

  7. scripts - some random scripts

  8. _vimrc - vim config file

  9. _vim - vim config dir, it contains several vim related stuff

  10. setup - contains one time setup scripts for Mac, GNU/Linux and Nexus 5.

  11. bashrc_includes - contains several bash improvements (git friendly prompt, adb auto completion, p4 auto completion, git auto completion, android reverse engineering aliases etc.)


For setting up Mac OS

git clone && \
cd dotfiles && \
git submodule update --init && \
bash && \
bash setup/ && \
bash setup/_macos && \
vim +BundleInstall +qall

For setting up GNU/Linux

git clone && \
cd dotfiles && \
git submodule update --init && \
bash && \
bash setup/ && \
vim +BundleInstall +qall

Note: My GNU/Linux setup scripts are stale since I have not used GNU/Linux in a while.