#Setting up your build environment You will need to increase your maven memory settings and set the https protocol.
export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx512m -XX:PermSize=256m -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2"
You also need to add trustedanalytics.org certificate to your java keystore to download dependencies from our maven server.
wget https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/analytics-tool-kit/public.crt -O `pwd`/public.crt &&\
sudo keytool -importcert -trustcacerts -storepass changeit -file `pwd`/public.crt \
-alias trustedanalytics.org -noprompt \
-keystore `find -L $JAVA_HOME -name cacerts`
If you don't want to trust our public certificate you can change the all repository urls in parent pom from https://maven.trustedanalytics.org to http://maven.trustedanalytics.org
#Building After cloning the repository (to a directory we'll refer to as 'atk'),
Start the zinc server for incremental compilation
bin/zinc.sh start
Compile source
mvn compile
mvn package -DskipTests
If you want to run all the test run the maven package without skipTests option
mvn package
You can add -T option to run maven with parallel execution except when running tests.
mvn -T 4 package -DskipTests
mvn -T 4 compile
#Not OK, will fail
mvn -T 4 package
This is an overview. Additional details and instructions are in the user documentation.
- Pre-requisites
- Maven 3.3.3
- Java 8
- Access to Cloudera Hadoop cluster with Yarn, HDFS, HBase, Zookeeper
- PostgreSQL
- python 2.7
- Python depedencies installed
- Build the project jars
- Setup conf/ folder
- Create a conf/application.conf based on the templates under conf/examples
- Add cluster settings in application.conf
- Create a conf/logback.xml if you want to configure logging
- Create a conf/application.conf based on the templates under conf/examples
- Use bin/rest-server.sh to start the server
- cd /python-client
- Open ipython or python shell
- Verify you are running a python 2.7
- Run these commands first
- import trustedanalytics as ta
- ta.connect()
- bin/ - scripts for starting REST server and scoring engine, etc.
- conf/ - configuration templates for setting up a system, put your application.conf here for running out of source code
- deploy/ - a module for creating an uber jar needed for deployment on Analytics PaaS.
- doc/ - end user docs for the system (except doc for specific plugins goes in the plugins themselves)
- doc-api-examples/ - examples of api usage for plugins
- engine/
- engine-core/ - loads and executes plugins and provides the basic services that plugins need.
- interfaces/ - interfaces the Engine exposes to the REST server. (we should move plugin args/return values out of here)
- graphbuilder - Titan graph construction and reading
- meta-store/ - code that interacts with the meta-store database repository including SQL scripts
- engine-plugins/ - plugins use engine services to implement user visible operations
- frame-plugins/ - frame related plugins, e.g. frame.add_columns()
- graph-plugins/ - graph related plugins that run on Spark and GraphX
- model-plugins/ - model related plugins, e.g. LinearRegressionModel
- giraph-plugins/ - a few algorithms that run on Giraph
- integration-tests/ - developer written, build time integration tests in python, these run against a minimal version of our product
- misc/ - miscellaneous items that aren't really part of our product
- launcher/ - starts up our application, launches parts of our app
- module-loader/ - future replacement for launcher, starts application and sets up ClassLoaders appropriately.
- package/ - packaging for VM's, RPM's
- python-client/ - python client code (talks with rest-server)
- examples/ - example code for users of how to use the API
- rest-server/ - the rest server converts HTTP requests to messages that are sent to the Engine
- scoring-engine/ - a small lightweight REST server that can score against trained models
- scoring-interfaces/ - interfaces the scoring-engine depends on. Other model implementations could be plugged in as long as they implement these interfaces.
- scoring-models/ - implementations of models the scoring-engine uses.
- testutils/ - some test utility code that gets reused between tests in different modules
- Most items under misc should move to separate repos
- Enable lazy execution and delayed execution. We have a plan where SparkContexts can be re-used and only shutdown when needed.
- Properly support directed and undirected graphs (get rid of "bi-directional")
- Data types in graphs/frames needs to be extended greatly
- Improve Plugins
- Further separation between framework and plugins (ideally these are even separate projects)
- Possibly separate plugin from yarn job
- Dependency Injection
- Need many more extension points for 3rd parties
- Meta-programming needs to be expanded to support more kinds of objects
- Nicer interfaces for plugin authors
- All plugins should move to plugin modules (a few lingering plugins under engine-core)
- Add support for Spark's dataframes
- Replace Slick with something simpler (even straight JDBC would be better, everyone already knows SQL and we aren't getting enough value to justify the learning curve for Slick)
- Replace Spray DSL with something simpler (the DSL is confusing to use and our REST layer is too thin to make people learn a DSL)
- Integration tests need support added to be able to test Giraph and Titan functions
- testutils should probably merge into engine-core
- giraph-plugins needs refactoring of packages (the current hierarchy is very poorly organized)
- Need Maven profiles to make it easier for developers to build only part of the project
- Break up CommandExecutor
- Move args classes out of interfaces next to their associated plugin (possibly get rid of args classes all together)
- Auto-conversion of return types
- Frames should go back to mutable and immutability should be re-implemented but where frames can keep stable ids
- Launcher code needs simplification and tests (it doesn't seem to setup classloaders all of the way how we want)