jQuery Stepy - A Wizard Plugin - http://wbotelhos.com/stepy
jQuery Stepy is a plugin based on FormToWizard that generates a customizable wizard.
The jQuery Stepy is licensed under The MIT License
@version 1.1.0
@since 2010.07.03
@author Washington Botelho
@documentation wbotelhos.com/stepy
@twitter twitter.com/wbotelhos
@package jQuery Plugins
- jquery.stepy.min.js
- jquery.stepy.css
back: undefined // Callback before the backward action.
backLabel: '< Back' // Change the back button label.
block: false // Block the next step if the current is invalid.
description: false // Choose if the descriptions of the titles will be showed.
errorImage: false // If an error occurs, a image is showed in the title of the corresponding step.
finish: undefined // Callback before the finish action.
finishButton: true // Include the button with class called '.finish' into the last step.
ignore: '' // Choose the fields to be ignored on validation.
legend: false // Choose if the legends of the steps will be showed.
nextLabel: 'Next >' // Change the next button label.
next: undefined // Callback before the forward action.
titleClick: true // Active the back and next action in the titles.
titleTarget: undefined // Choose the place where titles will be placed.
select: undefined // Callback executed when the step is shown.
validate: false // Active the jQuery Validation for each step.
<form id="step">
<fieldset title="Step 1">
<legend>description one</legend>
<!-- input fields -->
<fieldset title="Step 2">
<legend>description two</legend>
<!-- input fields -->
<input type="submit" class="finish"/>
$('#step').stepy('step', 2); // Change the form to the second step.
- Almir Mendes
- Andrey Fedoseev
- Igor Tamashchuk
- Rafael Machado
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