An angular.js wrapper around window.navigator.geolocation
This module is available as bower package, install it with this command:
bower install angularjs-geolocation
bower install git://
- Add the geolocation module as dependency
- Inject the geolocation service (yes, it has the same name)
- Invoke the getLocation method on the geolocation service to retrieve a promise
- The promise will be resolved with the position returned by window.navigator.getCurrentPosition if the user allows the browser to access their location
- The promise will be rejected if the user rejects location access or the browser does not support it
.controller('geoCtrl', function ($scope,geolocation) {
$scope.coords = {lat:data.coords.latitude, long:data.coords.longitude};
See this plunker that displays your latitude/longitude
The geolocation module defines a geolocation-msgs constant holding error msgs that are broadcast if the user rejects location access:
or if the browser does not support geolocation:
grunt test