This is the EEE339 assignment 1 Verilog personal implementation.
This design is used to construct a timer and a clock. Both of them contains 4 digits. The four digits of timer is "minute : second/10 : second/1 : tenth of a second". And the dour digits of clock is "minute/10 : minute/10 : second/10 : second/1". Both of them should not interfere with each other during operation. One of them should be work properly while the other is displaying number. The timer display could be reset. Both of them could be set time by buttons.
There are three switches total. The followings are functional description respective.
- Choose modes. The timer or the clock.
- Control start or stop.
- Clear timer.
And four buttons are used to set four time count respectively. Each click will increase the count by one until it is carried. Triggering the carry will make the indication of this digit zero and next digit increase by one.
Button only be effective when the timer is stop.
The output circuit of quartus.
The circuit is not separated into several part because it is as the task to instead of module. I divided the four time digits into task
. And the display number to HEX
is also a task
In this design, the number of each time bit and CLOCK is in the always@
Because the simulation cannot have 50M clock, the logic of clock should be change to 0.1 second per clock cycle. The original logic is 0.1 second per 5M clock cycle.
Set the clock is 10ns.
The output of HEX0 and HEX1 is the last two digit of display. The value of hex is obey the display order.
Set the clock is 1ns. Because if the clock cycle is not enough, the operation of carry will not apparent. As the figure shown, the circuit is work property.
module ass1 (CLOCK_50, KEY[3:0], SW[2:0], HEX0, HEX1, HEX2, HEX3);
input CLOCK_50;
input [3:0] KEY;
input [2:0] SW;
output reg [6:0] HEX0;
output reg [6:0] HEX1;
output reg [6:0] HEX2;
output reg [6:0] HEX3;
// minutes
integer min=0;
// ten seconds
integer sec10=0;
// one seconds
integer sec1=0;
// one/ten seconds
integer sec01=0;
integer counter_timer=0;
// carry_out array
reg [0:4] w;
// boot switch
assign mode=SW[0];
// count switch
assign is_count=SW[1];
// variables for clock
integer m10=0;
integer m01=0;
integer s10=0;
integer s01=0;
reg [0:4] c;
integer counter_clock=0;
integer b0;
integer b1;
integer b2;
integer b3;
reg [1:0] key_status3=2'b11;
reg [1:0] key_status2=2'b11;
reg [1:0] key_status1=2'b11;
reg [1:0] key_status0=2'b11;
always @(posedge CLOCK_50) begin
counter_clock = counter_clock + 1;
counter_timer = counter_timer + 1;
if (mode==0) begin
set_time(key_status0 [1:0], 5, sec01);
set_time(key_status1 [1:0], 9, sec1);
set_time(key_status2 [1:0], 5, sec10);
set_time(key_status3 [1:0], 9, min);
b0 = sec01;
b1 = sec1;
b2 = sec10;
b3 = min;
end else begin
b0 = s01;
b1 = s10;
b2 = m01;
b3 = m10;
if (counter_timer>=5000000) begin // 5M
if(is_count==1) begin
time_bit(10, w[4], sec01, w[0]);
time_bit(10, w[0], sec1, w[1]);
time_bit(6, w[1], sec10, w[2]);
time_bit(10, w[2], min, w[3]);
counter_timer = 0;
w[4] = 1;
if(counter_clock>=50000000) begin // 50M
time_bit(10, c[4], s01, c[0]);
time_bit(6, c[0], s10, c[1]);
time_bit(10, c[1], m01, c[2]);
time_bit(6, c[2], m10, c[3]);
counter_clock = 0;
c[4] = 1;
sec01 = 0;
sec1 = 0;
sec10 = 0;
min = 0;
always @(*) begin
HEX0 = num_to_hex(b0);
HEX1 = num_to_hex(b1);
HEX2 = num_to_hex(b2);
HEX3 = num_to_hex(b3);
task set_time;
input reg [1:0] key_status;
input integer up_limit;
inout integer clk_bit;
task time_bit;
input integer up_limit;
inout carry_in;
inout integer s;
output carry_out;
if (carry_in == 1)
s = s + 1;
carry_in = 0;
if (s == up_limit) begin
carry_out = 1;
s = 0;
function [6:0] num_to_hex;
input integer number;
0: num_to_hex = 7'b1000000;
1: num_to_hex = 7'b1111001;
2: num_to_hex = 7'b0100100;
3: num_to_hex = 7'b0110000;
4: num_to_hex = 7'b0011001;
5: num_to_hex = 7'b0010010;
6: num_to_hex = 7'b0000010;
7: num_to_hex = 7'b1111000;
8: num_to_hex = 7'b0000000;
9: num_to_hex = 7'b0010000;