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An SQS queue creator and SNS subscriber


sqns :: { k: v } -> Promise String

Call sqns to create an SQS queue (and deadletter queue). You will be returned the queue URL of the newly created SQS queue. Optionally subscribe the queue to an SNS topic via the options below.


sqns accepts a JSON object with the following options:

Option Type Default Description
region String AWS region
queueName String an identifier for the queue
maxReceiveCount Number 3 maxReceiveCount for the queue redrive policy
topic object { rawMessageDelivery: true } SNS Topic Subscription options (see below)

SNS Topic Subscription Options

Option Type Default Description
arn string SNS Topic ARN
filterPolicy Object SNS Topic Subscription Filter Policy
rawMessageDelivery Boolean true SNS Topic Subscription Raw Message Delivery

Example Usage

const sqns = require('sqns')

const queueUrl = sqns({
  region: 'us-east-1',
  queueName: `{username}-events`,
  maxReceiveCount: 1,
  topic: {
    arn: topicArn,