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dohmatob committed Jun 2, 2017
1 parent 0ccd042 commit f3fb719
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from math import sqrt
import numpy as np
from sklearn.utils import check_random_state
from sklearn.utils.testing import (assert_array_equal,
from nilearn.decoding.objective_functions import _gradient, _div, _unmask
from nilearn.decoding.fista import mfista
from nilearn.decoding.proximal_operators import _prox_l1, _prox_tvl1
from ..utils.math.enet import enet_projection
from .social_sparsity import _prox_social_sparsity

def _gram_schmidt(V, offset=0, normalize=True):
"""Computes modified Gram-Schmidt (MGS) orthogonalization of a set
of vectors specified as rows of a 2D array V.
offset: int, optional (default 0)
assumes that all vectors from index 0 to offset - 1 (inclusive) have
already been processed.
scales = {}
for i in range(offset, len(V)):
for j in range(i):
if j not in scales:
scales[j] = V[j].dot(V[j])
if scales[j] > 0.:
weight = V[j].dot(V[i]) / scales[j]
V[i] -= weight * V[j]
if normalize:
scales[i] = V[i].dot(V[i])
if scales[i] > 0.:
V[i] /= sqrt(scales[i])
return V[offset:]

def test_gram_schmidt():

V = np.array([[3., 1.], [2., 2.]])
assert_array_almost_equal(_gram_schmidt(V, normalize=False),
np.array([[3, 1], [-.4, 1.2]]))

V = np.array([[1., 1., 1., 1.], [-1., 4., 4., 1.], [4., -2., 2., 0]])
assert_array_almost_equal(_gram_schmidt(V, normalize=False),
np.array([[1., 1., 1., 1.], [-3., 2., 2., -1.],
[1., -10. / 6., 7. / 3, -10. / 6.]]))

V = np.array([[1., 1., 1., 1.], [-1., 4., 4., 1.], [4., -2., 2., 0]])
V_ = V.copy()
_gram_schmidt(V, offset=2, normalize=False)
assert_array_equal(V[:2], V_[:2])

def _atomic_prox(atom, weight, mask=None, pos=True, atom_init=None, idx=None,
which="social", AB=None, alpha=1., l1_ratio=1., norm=None,
output=None, max_iter=100, check_lipschitz=False,
check_grad=False, tol=1e-3, verbose=2, **kwargs):
Solves for SSODL (Smooth Sparse Dictionary Learning) dictionary update.
\argmin_{V} \frac{1}{2} .5/n * tr(VV^TA) - (1/n)tr(VB^T) +
n * alpha \sum_j \varphi(v^j),
where \varphi is a regularizer that imposes structure: sparsity and
smoothness like GraphNet, TVL1, or social sparsity.
[1] Dohmatob et al. "Learning brain regions via large-scale online
structured sparse dictionary-learning", NIPS 2017
[2] Varoquaux et al. "Social-sparsity brain decoders: faster spatial
sparsity", PRNI 2016.
[3] Kowalski et al. "Social sparsity! neighborhood systems enrich
structured shrinkage operators", Transactions on Signal Processing
if verbose and idx is not None:
msg = "[SODL (%s)] updating component %02i" % (which, idx)
msg += "+" * (80 - len(msg))

n_voxels = len(atom)
weight = alpha
if which == "enet":
if norm is None:
raise ValueError
if pos:
atom[atom < 0.] = 0.
enet_projection(atom, output, norm, l1_ratio)
atom = output
elif which == "social":
atom = _prox_social_sparsity(_unmask(atom, mask), weight,
elif which == "gram-schmidt":
raise NotImplementedError
# dictionary[k] = _gram_schmidt(dictionary[:k + 1], offset=k)[-1]
elif which == "enet variational":
l1_weight = weight * l1_ratio
l2_weight = weight - l1_weight
scale = sqrt(1. + l2_weight)
atom /= scale
if l1_weight > 0.:
atom = _prox_l1(atom, l1_weight)
atom /= scale
elif which in ["tv-l1", "graph-net"]:
# misc
flat_mask = mask.ravel()
l1_weight = weight * l1_ratio
if which == "laplacian":
spatial_weight = weight - l1_weight
spatial_weight = 0.
lap_lips = 4. * mask.ndim * spatial_weight
loss_lips = 1.
loss_lips *= 1.05
lips = loss_lips + lap_lips

def smooth_energy(v):
"""Smooth part of energy / cost function.
e = .5 * np.sum((v - atom) ** 2)
if which == "laplacian":
lap = np.sum(_gradient(_unmask(v, mask))[:, mask] ** 2)
lap *= spatial_weight
lap *= .5
e += lap
return e

def nonsmooth_energy(v):
"""Non-smooth part of energy / cost function.
e = l1_weight * np.abs(v).sum()
if which == "tv":
gradient = _gradient(_unmask(v, mask))
tv_term = np.sum(np.sqrt(np.sum(gradient ** 2,
tv_term *= spatial_weight
e += tv_term
return e

def total_energy(v):
"""Total energy / cost function.
return smooth_energy(v) + nonsmooth_energy(v)

def grad(v):
"""Gradient of smooth part of energy / cost function.
grad = v - atom
if which == "laplacian":
lap = -_div(_gradient(_unmask(v, mask)))[mask]
lap *= spatial_weight
grad += lap
return grad

def prox(v, stepsize, dgap_tol, init=None):
"""Proximal operator of non-smooth part of energy / cost function
if which == "laplacian":
out = _prox_l1(v, stepsize * l1_weight, copy=False)
info = dict(converged=True)
elif which == "tv":
v = _unmask(v, mask)
if init is not None:
init = _unmask(init, mask)
out, info = _prox_tvl1(v, init=init, l1_ratio=l1_ratio,
weight=weight * stepsize,
max_iter=1000, verbose=verbose)
out = out.ravel()[flat_mask]
raise ValueError("Unknown value for which: %s" % (which))
return out, info

# for debugging
if check_grad:
from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_less
from scipy.optimize import check_grad
rng = check_random_state(42)
x0 = rng.randn(n_voxels)
assert_less(check_grad(smooth_energy, grad, x0), 1e-3)

# use FISTA update atom
atom, _, _ = mfista(
grad, prox, total_energy, lips, (n_voxels,), tol=tol,
max_iter=max_iter, check_lipschitz=check_lipschitz,
verbose=verbose, init=dict(w=atom_init))

return atom

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