BlurHash implementation in ReScript language.
You can use this in plain html by simply inserting a script tag, then add data-blurhash
attribute in image.
<script src="[email protected]/dist/production.min.js"></script>
The script will automatically replace all images with data-blurhash
attribute with the blurred version of the image. When the original image is loaded it will change back the blurred image with the original one.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
style="width: 269px; height: 173px"
style="width: 269px; height: 173px"
<script src="[email protected]/dist/production.min.js"></script>
In the gif below, the right image is with blurhash, and the left is without blurhash.
npm install --save rescript-blurhash
Then add rescript-blurhash to bs-dependencies in your bsconfig.json:
"bs-dependencies": ["rescript-blurhash"]
type t = string;
type pixels = Js.TypedArray2.Uint8ClampedArray.t;
type dataURL = string;
type error =
| ValidationError(string);
let decode:
(~hash: t, ~width: int, ~height: int, ~punch: float) =>
Belt.Result.t(pixels, error);
// This function can only run on browser environment
let toDataURL:
(~hash: t, ~width: int, ~height: int) => Belt.Result.t(dataURL, error);
let encode:
~pixels: pixels,
~width: int,
~height: int,
~componentX: int,
~componentY: int
) =>
Belt.Result.t(t, error);
let make = () => {
let dataURL =
switch (
) {
| Belt.Result.Ok(data) => data
| Belt.Result.Error(_) => ""
style={ReactDOMRe.Style.make(~width="269px", ~height="173px", ())}