Coded with HTML
This is a solution to the Order summary card challenge on Frontend Mentor.
- Build out an order summary card component.
- Folder with designs. Contains both a mobile and a desktop version of the design./images
- Folder with assets. The assets are already
- File with the style information: color palette, fonts, etc.
- Get it looking as close to the design as possible.
- Use any tools to like. You can use any tools you like to help you complete the challenge**. So if you've got something you'd like to practice, feel free to give it a go.
- Your users should be able to:
- See hover states for interactive elements
- Semantic HTML
- Flexbox
- Responsive design
- BEM naming convention
- Github Pages - for hosting
- Glassy effect. Card and footer have glassy effect
- Hover and click animation on image. Plus filter
- Smooth animation.
transition: 0.3s
- Hover and click animation on buttons
- Waves on background. See this codepen
- Codepen : Goodkatz : Simple CSS Waves - Awesome moving waves
- Codepen : Barbara Rodriguez : Gradient background with waves - Moving background
White background + some opacity to the background color + backdrop-filter
.class-name {
background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75);
backdrop-filter: blur(8px);
.button {
cursor: pointer;
transition: .3s;
width: 100%;
border: none;
font-size: 1rem;
font-weight: 900;
border-radius: .75rem;
.button:hover {
transform: scale(.95);
.button:active {
transform: scale(.85);
.card__bg:hover .card__bg-image {
transform: scale(1.25);
filter: hue-rotate(45deg);
.card__bg:active .card__bg-image {
transform: scale(1);
filter: hue-rotate(90deg);
Removed unnecessary properties
.page {
background: linear-gradient(60deg, rgba(84,58,183,1) 0%, rgba(0,172,193,1) 100%);
animation: gradient 15s ease infinite;
background-size: 400% 400%;
background-attachment: fixed;
@keyframes gradient {
0% {
background-position: 0% 0%;
50% {
background-position: 100% 100%;
100% {
background-position: 0% 0%;
- Frontend Mentor - @GrbnvAlex
- Telegram - @Arlagonix
- Github - @arlagonix