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REST Countries API with color theme switcher. Solution to a FrontendMentor challenge


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Made with HTML, CSS, TypeScript, ReactJS, styled-components
Bootstrapped with Vite

GitHub Workflow Status GitHub last commit GitHub

🖼 Screenshotsℹ️ About⚙️ Tools🔨 How to Build Project📁 File Structure

📦 NPM Packages worth mentioning💡 Details🔗 Useful resources👤 Author

🖼 Screenshots

ℹ️ About

This is a solution to the challenge "REST Countries" from Frontend Mentor (link).

The challenge is to integrate with the REST Countries API to pull country data and display it like in the designs.

I made my own Figma prototype and redesigned the whole application.

Figma prototype:

⚙️ Tools

  • HTML5
    • ReactJS
  • CSS
    • styled-components
  • TypeScript
    • ReactJS
    • React Query
    • React Router
    • Vitest
    • Cypress
  • NodeJS
  • Vite
  • Github Pages
  • Github Actions for CI/CD

🔨 Build project

Command Description
npm install First of all install all required packages
npm run dev Starts a local web server with HMR (Hot Module Replacement) for development
npm run build Builds the project, and outputs to the ./build folder
npm run preview Start a local web server that serves the built solution from ./build for previewing
npm run test:e2e Open application that allows to run 2e2 tests
npm run test:unit Runs unit tests
npm run lint Check that code conforms to Eslint

📁 File Structure

├── 📁 .github
|   ├── 📁 workflows
|   |   └── 📝 main.yaml      CI/CD instructions for Github Actions
│   └── 📝 dependabot.yml     Instructions for Dependabot
├── 📁 cypress                End-to-end tests
├── 📁 docs                   Additional information, documentation 
│   └── 📁 results            Screenshots of how the application works after being fully developed
├── 📁 src                            Source files needed for application development
│   ├── 📁 assets                     Static assets: images, icons, favicons
│   ├── 📁 components                 React components
|   |   └── 📁 Component Name
|   |       ├── 📝 index.tsx          Component logic
|   |       ├── 📝 index.styled.tsx   Component styles
|   |       └── 📝 index.types.tsx    Component types (optional)
│   ├── 📁 global                     Global styles
│   ├── 📁 hooks                      Custom React hooks
│   ├── 📁 pages                      React page components
|   |   └── 📁 Page Name
|   |       ├── 📝 index.tsx          Page logic
|   |       ├── 📝 index.styled.tsx   Page styles
|   |       └── 📝 index.types.tsx    Page types (optional)
│   ├── 📁 utils                      Utility functions
│   ├── 📝 App.tsx                    App React component
│   ├── 📝 index.html                 Main html file
│   ├── 📝 index.tsx                  Entry point for the module bundler
│   ├── 📝 styled.d.ts                Types for Styled Components theme
│   ├── 📝 styles.css                 Styles for the loader displayed until JS is loaded
│   └── 📝 vite-end.d.ts              Some Typescript stuff for Vite
├── 📝 .eslintrc.json         ESLint configuration file
├── 📝 .gitignore             Instructions for Git about what files to ignore
├── 📝 LICENSE                MIT License. Basically you can do whatever you want with the code
├── 📝              Project description
├── 📝 cypress.config.cjs     Cypress configuration file
├── 📝 package-lock.json      Keeps track of the exact version of every package that is installed
├── 📝 package.json           Various metadata relevant to the project, scripts, dependencies
├── 📝 tsconfig.json          TypeScript configuration file
├── 📝 tsconfig.node.json     TypeScript configuration file for Vite
└── 📝 vite.config.js         Vite configuration file

📦 NPM Packages worth mentioning

styled-components For CSS-in-JS
react-loading-skeleton Used it to show skeletons while fetching new data
react-outside-click-handler Used it to close options list in select component when clicking outside
react-router-dom Routing between pages
react-transition-group Animates showing and hiding of options list
antd Used 1 component from it : Image, that helps to open image in a full-screen mode
API requests
cypress End-to-end testing
vitest Unit testing

💡 Details

Another project that seemed to be very simple, but took 2-3 weeks to complete


  • Light / Dark mode
  • Skeletons during load
  • Page for the list of countries, page for a country
  • Custom select, input fields
  • Used a component from Ant Design (but it looks like it made the bundle realy, really big)
  • Unit & e2e testing
  • CI/CD with Github Actions. Automatically lint, unit test, e2e test, build and deploy to Github Pages

🔗 Useful resources

👤 Author