A MERN based expense manager app that lets you add your expense and earnings. Based on the saved data, it gives an overall analyses.
- React JS
- Express JS
- Material UI
- MongoDB
Just fork it and fell free to use it.
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
1 Install Node js in your local system 2 Code Editor 3 Browser (optional)
After making a clone of this repo open your cmd/terminal and use
into backend and frontend and perform the following actions. Do the backend first.
npm install
(this will install all the dependencies )
Once everything has been installed, go to root folder. In the terminal type:
npm start
(this will open localhost and start the app)
👤 Aravindan S
- Github: @aravindsakthivel
- Hackerrank: @aravindan_0811
- Linkedin: @aravindansakthivel
- Email: ([email protected])
👤 Arjun K Prasad
- Github: @arjun1237
- Hackerrank: @arjun1237
- Linkedin: @arjun1237
- Email: ([email protected])
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Implemented basic concepts of react to build this application with basic CRUD for the backend.
- Used redux to store data from the frontend and the backend was handled with MongoDB atlas
This project is MIT licensed.