This Package's purpose is to bring Objects to Julia that can dynamically modify or add fields, as is standart in many other modern high level languages. In Julia, once a struct or NamedTuple is defined, it is impossible to add new fields to its instances. This package mainly introduces the DynamicObject
type, for which this is possible.
julia> d=DynObj( :a => 1, :b => "2"; c = BigInt(3), d = [4] )
DynamicObject with 4 entries:
:a => 1
:b => "2"
:d => [4]
:c => 3
julia> d.e = 6.0
julia> d.e + d.a - d.d[1]
One can add a typerestriction as the first argument to the constructor, so that all entries of this object must have the specified type:
julia> o = DynObj(Int; a = 1, b = 2)
DynamicObject{--,Int64} with 3 entries:
:a => 1
:b => 2
julia> o.c = "3"
MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type String to an object of type Int64
It is also possible to add a "TypeTag" (any `Symbol`) to the `DynamicObject` type. The compiler will treat `DynamicObject`s with different Typetags as different types (because they are), allowing them to take part in the regular type and dispatch maschinery
julia> apply(o::DynObj{:Addcontent,T}) where T = o.a + o.b;
julia> apply(o::DynObj{:Multcontent,T}) where T = o.a * o.b;
julia> addthese = DynObj{:Addcontent}(; a = 3, b = 2);
julia> multthese = DynObj{:Multcontent}(; a = 3, b = 2);
julia> apply(addthese)
julia> apply(multthese)
Even though this is quite a small package, this is still work in progress, so use with caution.