dwm is an extremely fast, small, and dynamic window manager for X.
main screen | secondair screen |
dwm out of the box has the necessary features. Through patches you can determine what features you would like to add. patches can be found on the suckless.org website. The more I use it the more patches I add/modify (for learning purpose and just trying out new patches if they fit my need). The patches that I added:
alpha | scratchpads |
attachbottom | stacker |
canfocusonclick | staticstatus |
center | steam |
cyclelayouts | swallow |
fullscreen (modified) | switchtag |
layoutmenu | tagothermonitor |
noborder | tagswapmon |
pertag | vanitygaps |
resetlayout | warp |
restartsig | xrdb |
- Add indicator line on active or occupied tag which color can be changed in config.h
- Status on one specified monitor keeps updating regardless which monitor is active
- Pertag keeps settings per tag
- Toggle attach top/bottom (
MODKEY + Shitf + d
) - Reset
, andmfact
when last window on tag closes or with keybinding - No border when one window or in monocly mode
- Vanitygaps for gaps between windows and screen
- Scratchpads for quick access to terminal
- Swallow for saving space when a program is opend trough a termnial
- Change colors with Xresources and reload with
dwm.normbgcolor: <COLOR>
dwm.normfgcolor: <COLOR>
dwm.normbordercolor: <COLOR>
dwm.selbgcolor: <COLOR>
dwm.selfgcolor: <COLOR>
dwm.selbordercolor: <COLOR>
dwm.normlinecolor: <COLOR>
dwm.sellinecolor: <COLOR>
- Included layouts whitch can cycled through:
- Bound to key: tile, monocle, spiral, bstack, floating (
MODKEY + t/m/y/u/f
) - Not bound to key: dwindle, deck, bstackhoriz, grid, nrowgrid, horizgrid, gapplessgrid, centerdmaster, centerdfloatingmaster
- Bound to key: tile, monocle, spiral, bstack, floating (
In order to build dwm you need:
- libxft (or libxft-bgra for colored font and emojis)
- st, or my own build of st
- dmemu
- ttf-joypixels
Optional programs
- picom (transparency)
- playerctl (audio control)
- pamixer (volume control)
- scrot (screenshot)
Edit config.mk to match your local setup (dwm is installed into the /usr/local namespace by default).
Afterwards enter the following command to build and install dwm (if necessary as root):
make clean install
Add the following line to your .xinitrc to start dwm using startx:
exec dwm
Or add the following line to your .xinitrc to start dwm using startx with logging:
exec dwm 2> ~/.cache/dwm.log
The configuration of dwm is done by creating a custom config.h
and (re)compiling the source code.
Afterwards enter the following command to (re)build and install dwm (if
necessary as root):
make install
I use dwmblocks for my statusbar. If you want you can make your own script with use of xsetroot -name
This is list of the most keybindings set in the config file. All the keybindings can be found in the config.def.h
. add/change/delete keybindings to your liking.
Keybinding | Action |
MODKEY + enter |
Open terminal |
MODKEY + p |
Open dmenu (application laucher) |
MODKEY + shift + c |
Close window |
MODKEY + 1-9 |
Switch to tag |
MODKEY + shift + 1-9 |
Move focused window to tag |
MODKEY + ,/. |
Focus next/previous monitor |
MODKEY + shift + ,/. |
move focused window to next/previous monitor |
MODKEY + l/h |
Expand/shrink window size |
MODKEY + ctrl + shift + backspace |
Restart dwm |
MODKEY + shift + backspace |
Quit dwm |
Keybinding | Action |
General | |
MODKEY + j/k |
Move window up/down the stack |
MODKEY + Shift + d |
Toggle attach top/bottom |
MODKEY + shift + t |
Toggle picom (transparency) |
MODKEY + ~ |
Toggle terminal scratchpad |
MODKEY + shift + ~ |
Toggle ranger (filemanger) scratchpad |
MODKEY + shift + f |
Toggle fullscreen layout |
Reload colors Xresource |
MODKEY + r |
Reset layout |
MODKEY + ctrl + ,/. |
Switch next/previous layout |
MODKEY + /ctrl/shift + s |
Make screenshot (scrot) of screen/window/selection |
MODKEY + SECMODKEY + (/shift+) u |
Increase/decrease gaps |
MODKEY + SECMODKEY + (/shift+) i |
Increase/decrease inner gaps |
MODKEY + SECMODKEY + (/shift+) o |
Increase/decrease outer gaps |
Toggle gaps |
MODKEY + SECMODKEY + shift + 0 |
Reset default gaps |
Multi monitor | |
View tag on next monitor |
MODKEY + SECMODKEY + shift + 1-9 |
Move window to tag next monitor |
MODKEY + SECMODKEY + ctrl + 1-9 |
Move all windows to tag next monitor |
MODKEY + SECMODKEY + ctrl + ,/. |
Swap all windows on active tag between next/previous monitor |