This is a simple Kalman filter based on c language, but it's easy to use in all programming languages such a micro controllers and cross platform programmings and ...
1- init your kalman with kalman function like: kalman(4,4,0.016);
2- use kalman_update(your_data_to_filter_in_float) to filter your data
e_mea: Measurement Uncertainty - How much do we expect to our measurement vary
e_est: Estimation Uncertainty - Can be initilized with the same value as e_mea
since the kalman filter will adjust its value.
q: Process Variance - usually a small number between 0.001 and 1 - how fast your measurement moves.
Recommended 0.01. Should be tunned to your needs.
mea: the data you want to filter
#include "kalman.h"
int main(){
float kalman_out;
float your_data_to_filter=0;
// this is an example function like reading analog value with microcontroller or other function you want ...
// now kalman filter result is in kalman_out variable, you can use it :).
If any questions please ask :) [email protected]