Useful bash aliases, functions and other scripts
- ssl-san - check subject alternative name
- ssl-dates - check expiry certificate dates
- grep-ip - fetch all ip from file
- server-info - get basic information (cpu,hdd,ram) from ssh server
- docker-enter - enter to docker container (script not mine)
- change-root-password - changing root password for given server
- shadow-pass - generate shadow password (eq. for pillar needs)
- server-deinstallation - prepare server for deinstallation
- decrypt-p12 - exctracts file.p12 into key, crt, chain and pem
- s - ssh
- h - host
- docker-clean - cleans not removed images from disk
- hosts - network domain checker
- netreport - report traffic from given network
Fedora >30
- dnf copr enable ardin/ardin-tools -y
- dnf install ardin-tools -y
CentOS 7 / CentOS 8 / Rocky 8
- yum install yum-plugin-copr -y
- yum copr enable ardin/ardin-tools -y
- yum install ardin-tools -y