The currently required Ruby version is in the root folder inside the .ruby-version file.
It is strongly recommended to use a Ruby version manager to be able to switch to any version.
The most popular version manager available for Linux
and macOS
, is rbenv
You can find the installation guide here
If you are on Windows
, a separate rbenv
installer exists here:
If you wish to use a different manager or installation method, you can choose one of the following:
Clone this repository on your machine, navigate to the root application folder, and run:
rbenv install
gem install bundler
bundle install
To run the tests on the
, run:
bundle exec cucumber
To run the tests on localhost, you have to setup the application with:
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up
Wait until everything is up and running.
You can check if the staff interface is running on http://localhost:8080
Then, to run the tests, open another terminal, and run:
bundle exec cucumber HOST=localhost staff_features/
bundle exec cuke_linter
bundle exec rubocop