Gym-renju is an Renju game simulating environment for Open AI Gym. The game is played mainly 15x15 sized board, and 2 players (Black and White) put a stone on the board alternatively.
The player will win the game when he/she make a 5 not breaking stones horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. The detail rule is a little bit complexed, so please refer to the link below if you want to know it.
Also, I have to note that some of the detail rules is not implemented. Please refer to [To be implemented] to know it.
- gym (
- Chainer (
- pytest (
- parameterized (
- injector (
pip install gym-renju
To implement machine learning code, please refer to the sample implementation below. This code is an implementation of AI with DQN on Chainer.
See src in
You can test environment with the code below.
# Imports
import gym
import time
# Change import on installed on pip
import sys, os
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))
import gym_renju
env = gym.make('Renju15x15-v0') # default 'beginner' level opponent policy
# Play a game
for _ in range(225):
action = env.action_space.sample() # sample without replacement
observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
if done:
print ("Game is Over")
py.test -v
- Cases of 'Not San San'. This is the case that a player create 'San San' but he/she will not be able to create a 'Yon' on either of 'San' because the action to create 'Yon' is not allowed by other rules (ex. 'Yon Yon').
- Add envs and AI policies.