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Deprecations AKA KubePug - Pre UpGrade (Checker)

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KubePug/Deprecations is intended to be a kubectl plugin, which:

  • Downloads a data.json generated containing Kubernetes APIs deprecation information
  • Verifies the current Kubernetes cluster or input files checking whether exists objects in this deprecated API Versions, allowing the user to check before migrating


  • Can run against a Kubernetes cluster, using kubeconfig or the current cluster
  • Can run against a different set of manifest/files
  • Allows specifying the target Kubernetes version to be validated
  • Provides the replacement API that should be used
  • Informs the version that the API was deprecated or deleted, based on the target cluster version

How to use it as a krew plugin

Just run kubectl krew install deprecations

How to use it with Helm

If you want to verify the generated manifests by Helm, you can run the program as following:

helm template -f values.yaml .0 | kubepug --k8s-version v1.22.0 --input-file=-

Change the arguments in kubepug program (and Helm template!) as desired!

How to Use it as a standalone program

Download the correct version from Releases page.

After that, the command can be used just as kubectl, but with the following flags:

$ kubepug --help
      --cluster string           The name of the kubeconfig cluster to use
      --context string           The name of the kubeconfig context to use
      --database string          Sets the generated database location. Can be remote file or local (default "")
      --error-on-deleted         If a deleted object is found, the program will exit with return code 1 instead of 0. Defaults to false
      --error-on-deprecated      If a deprecated object is found, the program will exit with return code 1 instead of 0. Defaults to false
      --filename string          Name of the file the results will be saved to, if empty it will display to stdout
      --format string            Format in which the list will be displayed [stdout, plain, json, yaml] (default "stdout")
  -h, --help                     help for kubepug
      --input-file string        Location of a file or directory containing k8s manifests to be analized
      --k8s-version string       Which kubernetes release version ( should be used to validate objects. Defaults to master (default "master")
      --kubeconfig string        Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests.
      --tls-server-name string   Server name to use for server certificate validation. If it is not provided, the hostname used to contact the server is used
  -v, --verbosity string         Log level: debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic (default "warning")

Alternatively you can install using go install

$ go install

Checking a Kubernetes Cluster

You can check the status of a running cluster with the following command.

$ kubepug --k8s-version=v1.22 # Will verify the current context against v1.22 version
Deprecated APIs:
PodSecurityPolicy found in policy/v1beta1
	 ├─ Deprecated at: 1.21
	 ├─ PodSecurityPolicy governs the ability to make requests that affect the Security Contextthat will be applied to a pod and container.Deprecated in 1.21.
		-> OBJECT: restrictive namespace: default

Deleted APIs:
Ingress found in extensions/v1beta1
	 ├─ Deleted at: 1.22
	 ├─ Replacement:
	 ├─ Ingress is a collection of rules that allow inbound connections to reach theendpoints defined by a backend. An Ingress can be configured to give servicesexternally-reachable urls, load balance traffic, terminate SSL, offer namebased virtual hosting etc.DEPRECATED - This group version of Ingress is deprecated by Ingress. See the release notes for more information.
		-> OBJECT: bla namespace: blabla

Putting Kubepug in your CI / Checking input files

You can verify files with the following:

$ kubepug --input-file=./deployment/ --error-on-deleted --error-on-deprecated

With the command above

  • The data.json from will be used
  • All YAML files (excluding subdirectories) will be verified
  • The program will exit with an error if deprecated or deleted objects are found.

Air-gapped environment

This happens when you have a secure environment that does not have an internet connectivity.

The data.json file is generated every hour, based on the latest stable version of Kubernetes API. You can download it from and move it to a safe location.

Then run kubepug pointing to the location of this file:

kubepug --k8s-version=v1.22 --database=location/of/your/data.json

Building your own data.json file

Steps to follow:

  1. Clone/Download this repository, and build the container on generator/ directory
git clone
docker build -t generator -f generator/Dockerfile generator
  1. Generate the data.json
docker run generator > data.json

Generator uses the latest stable Kubernetes API version, if you want the latest dev version you should run as:

docker run -e VERSION=master generator > data.json
  1. Securely move the json file to your Air-Gapped environment, to the folder of your choosing. This folder will be used by kubepug.

  2. Execute kubepug with the option database, like this

kubepug --k8s-version=v1.22 --database=location/of/your/data.json

Example of Usage in CI with Github Actions

name: Sample CI Workflow
# This workflow is triggered on pushes to the repository.
on: [push]
  HELM_VERSION: "v3.9.0"
  K8S_TARGET_VERSION: "v1.22.0"

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Check-out repo
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - uses: azure/setup-helm@v1
          version: $HELM_VERSION
        id: install

      - uses: cpanato/[email protected]

      - name: Run Kubepug with your Helm Charts Repository
        run: |
          find charts -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d | xargs -t -n1 -I% /bin/bash -c 'helm template % --api-versions ${K8S_TARGET_VERSION} | kubepug --error-on-deprecated --error-on-deleted --k8s-version ${K8S_TARGET_VERSION} --input-file /dev/stdin'




As I've used this project to learn Go and also some Kubernetes client-go some parts of this plugin are based in Caio Begotti's Pod-Tree, Ahmet Balkan kubectl-tree and Bitnami Kubecfg

Logo based in Mão vetor criado por freepik -


Kubernetes PreUpGrade (Checker)







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  • Go 98.2%
  • Other 1.8%