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[Example] Added Guild/Member token (#9172)
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junkil-park authored Jul 28, 2023
1 parent 9feb38f commit b422401
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Showing 2 changed files with 330 additions and 0 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions aptos-move/move-examples/token_objects/guild/Move.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
name = 'guild'
version = '1.0.0'

guild = "_"

AptosFramework = { local = "../../../framework/aptos-framework" }
AptosTokenObjects = { local = "../../../framework/aptos-token-objects" }
320 changes: 320 additions & 0 deletions aptos-move/move-examples/token_objects/guild/sources/guild.move
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
/// This module implements the guild and member tokens.
/// The flow works as follows:
/// 1. When the admin (i.e., the contract owner) publishes this module,
/// - a guild collection manager object is created,
/// - a guild collection is created with the signer of the guild collection manager, and
/// - a whitelist for guild masters is created.
/// 2. The admin adds guild masters to the whitelist.
/// 3. A whitelisted guild master calls `mint_guild` to mint a guild token,
/// and creates a member collection for the guild.
/// 4. A guild master with a guild token calls `mint_member` to mint
/// a member token for a user who is a guild member.
/// 5. A guild master burns (or revokes) a member token.
module guild::guild {
use std::option;
use std::signer;
use std::string::{Self, String};
use aptos_framework::object::{Self, Object};
use aptos_std::smart_vector::{Self, SmartVector};
use aptos_token_objects::collection;
use aptos_token_objects::token;

/// The provided signer is not the admin
const ENOT_ADMIN: u64 = 1;
/// The provided signer is not the owner
const ENOT_OWNER: u64 = 2;
/// The provided signer is not a guild master
const ENOT_GUILD_MASTER: u64 = 3;

/// The guild token collection name
const GUILD_COLLECTION_NAME: vector<u8> = b"Guild Collection Name";
/// The guild collection description
const GUILD_COLLECTION_DESCRIPTION: vector<u8> = b"Guild Collection Description";
/// The guild collection URI
const GUILD_COLLECTION_URI: vector<u8> = b"https://guild.collection.uri";

/// Published under the contract owner's account.
struct Config has key {
/// Whitelist of guild masters.
whitelist: SmartVector<address>,
/// `extend_ref` of the guild collection manager object. Used to obtain its signer.
extend_ref: object::ExtendRef,

#[resource_group_member(group = aptos_framework::object::ObjectGroup)]
/// Guild token
struct GuildToken has key {
/// Used to get the signer of the token
extend_ref: object::ExtendRef,
/// Member collection name
member_collection_name: String,

#[resource_group_member(group = aptos_framework::object::ObjectGroup)]
/// Member token
struct MemberToken has key {
/// Belonging guild
guild: Object<GuildToken>,
/// Used to burn
burn_ref: token::BurnRef,

/// Initializes the module, creating the manager object, the guild token collection and the whitelist.
fun init_module(sender: &signer) acquires Config {
// Create the guild collection manager object to use it to autonomously
// manage the guild collection (e.g., create the collection and mint tokens).
let constructor_ref = object::create_object(signer::address_of(sender));
let extend_ref = object::generate_extend_ref(&constructor_ref);

// Publish the config resource.
move_to(sender, Config { whitelist: smart_vector::new(), extend_ref});

// Create the guild collection.

/// Returns the guild token address by name
public fun guild_token_address(guild_token_name: String): address acquires Config {
token::create_token_address(&guild_collection_manager_address(), &string::utf8(GUILD_COLLECTION_NAME), &guild_token_name)

/// Returns the guild token address by name
public fun member_token_address(guild_token: Object<GuildToken>, member_token_name: String): address acquires GuildToken {
let guild_token_addr = object::object_address(&guild_token);
let member_collection_name = &borrow_global<GuildToken>(guild_token_addr).member_collection_name;
token::create_token_address(&guild_token_addr, member_collection_name, &member_token_name)

/// Adds a guild master to the whitelist. This function allows the admin to add a guild master
/// to the whitelist.
public entry fun whitelist_guild_master(admin: &signer, guild_master: address) acquires Config {
assert!(signer::address_of(admin) == guild_collection_manager_owner(), ENOT_ADMIN);
let config = borrow_global_mut<Config>(@guild);
smart_vector::push_back(&mut config.whitelist, guild_master);

/// Mints a guild token, and creates a new associated member collection.
/// This function allows a whitelisted guild master to mint a new guild token.
public entry fun mint_guild(
guild_master: &signer,
description: String,
name: String,
uri: String,
member_collection_name: String,
member_collection_description: String,
member_collection_uri: String,
) acquires Config {
// Checks if the guild master is whitelisted.
let guild_master_addr = signer::address_of(guild_master);
assert!(is_whitelisted(guild_master_addr), ENOT_GUILD_MASTER);

// The collection name is used to locate the collection object and to create a new token object.
let collection = string::utf8(GUILD_COLLECTION_NAME);
// Creates the guild token, and get the constructor ref of the token. The constructor ref
// is used to generate the refs of the token.
// TODO: Switch to `create_token` once it is available.
let constructor_ref = token::create_named_token(

// Generates the object signer and the refs. The refs are used to manage the token.
let object_signer = object::generate_signer(&constructor_ref);
let extend_ref = object::generate_extend_ref(&constructor_ref);

// Transfers the token to the guild master.
let transfer_ref = object::generate_transfer_ref(&constructor_ref);
let linear_transfer_ref = object::generate_linear_transfer_ref(&transfer_ref);
object::transfer_with_ref(linear_transfer_ref, guild_master_addr);

// Publishes the GuildToken resource with the refs.
let guild_token = GuildToken {
move_to(&object_signer, guild_token);

// Creates a member collection which is associated to the guild token.
create_member_collection(&object_signer, member_collection_name, member_collection_description, member_collection_uri);

/// Mints a member token. This function mints a new member token and transfers it to the
/// `receiver` address.
public entry fun mint_member(
guild_master: &signer,
guild_token: Object<GuildToken>,
description: String,
name: String,
uri: String,
receiver: address,
) acquires GuildToken {
// Checks if the guild master is the owner of the guild token.
assert!(object::owner(guild_token) == signer::address_of(guild_master), ENOT_OWNER);

let guild = borrow_global<GuildToken>(object::object_address(&guild_token));
let guild_token_object_signer = object::generate_signer_for_extending(&guild.extend_ref);
// Creates the member token, and get the constructor ref of the token. The constructor ref
// is used to generate the refs of the token.
let constructor_ref = token::create_named_token(

// Generates the object signer and the refs. The refs are used to manage the token.
let object_signer = object::generate_signer(&constructor_ref);
let burn_ref = token::generate_burn_ref(&constructor_ref);
let transfer_ref = object::generate_transfer_ref(&constructor_ref);

// Transfers the token to the `soul_bound_to` address
let linear_transfer_ref = object::generate_linear_transfer_ref(&transfer_ref);
object::transfer_with_ref(linear_transfer_ref, receiver);

// Publishes the MemberToken resource with the refs.
let member_token = MemberToken {
guild: guild_token,
move_to(&object_signer, member_token);

/// Burns a member token.
public entry fun burn_member(
guild_master: &signer,
token: Object<MemberToken>,
) acquires MemberToken {
let belonging_guild = borrow_global<MemberToken>(object::object_address(&token)).guild;
assert!(object::owner(belonging_guild) == signer::address_of(guild_master), ENOT_OWNER);
let member_token = move_from<MemberToken>(object::object_address(&token));
let MemberToken {
guild: _,
} = member_token;

/// Returns the signer of the guild collection manager object.
fun guild_collection_manager_signer(): signer acquires Config {
let manager = borrow_global<Config>(@guild);

/// Returns the signer of the guild collection manager object.
fun guild_collection_manager_owner(): address acquires Config {
let manager = borrow_global<Config>(@guild);
let manager_addr = object::address_from_extend_ref(&manager.extend_ref);

/// Returns the address of the guild collection manager object.
fun guild_collection_manager_address(): address acquires Config {
let manager = borrow_global<Config>(@guild);

/// Creates the guild collection. This function creates a collection with unlimited supply using
/// the module constants for description, name, and URI, defined above. The royalty configuration
/// is skipped in this collection for simplicity.
fun create_guild_collection(admin: &signer) {
// Constructs the strings from the bytes.
let description = string::utf8(GUILD_COLLECTION_DESCRIPTION);
let name = string::utf8(GUILD_COLLECTION_NAME);
let uri = string::utf8(GUILD_COLLECTION_URI);

// Creates the collection with unlimited supply and without establishing any royalty configuration.

/// Creates the member collection. This function creates a collection with unlimited supply using
/// the module constants for description, name, and URI, defined above. The royalty configuration
/// is skipped in this collection for simplicity.
fun create_member_collection(guild_token_object_signer: &signer, name: String, description: String, uri: String) {
// Creates the collection with unlimited supply and without establishing any royalty configuration.

inline fun is_whitelisted(guild_master: address): bool {
let whitelist = &borrow_global<Config>(@guild).whitelist;
smart_vector::contains(whitelist, &guild_master)

#[test(fx = @std, admin = @guild, guild_master = @0x456, user = @0x789)]
public fun test_guild(fx: signer, admin: &signer, guild_master: &signer, user: address) acquires GuildToken, MemberToken, Config, Config {
use std::features;

let feature = features::get_auids();
features::change_feature_flags(&fx, vector[feature], vector[]);

// This test assumes that the creator's address is equal to @token_objects.
assert!(signer::address_of(admin) == @guild, 0);

// -----------------------------------
// Admin creates the guild collection.
// -----------------------------------

// ---------------------------------------------
// Admin adds the guild master to the whitelist.
// ---------------------------------------------
whitelist_guild_master(admin, signer::address_of(guild_master));

// ------------------------------------------
// Guild master mints a guild token.
// ------------------------------------------
string::utf8(b"Guild Token #1 Description"),
string::utf8(b"Guild Token #1"),
string::utf8(b"Guild Token #1 URI"),
string::utf8(b"Member Collection #1"),
string::utf8(b"Member Collection #1 Description"),
string::utf8(b"Member Collection #1 URI"),

// -------------------------------------------
// Guild master mints a member token for User.
// -------------------------------------------
let token_name = string::utf8(b"Member Token #1");
let token_description = string::utf8(b"Member Token #1 Description");
let token_uri = string::utf8(b"Member Token #1 URI");
let guild_token_addr = guild_token_address(string::utf8(b"Guild Token #1"));
let guild_token = object::address_to_object<GuildToken>(guild_token_addr);
// Creates the member token for User.

// ------------------------------------------------
// Guild master burns the member token of the User.
// ------------------------------------------------
let member_token_addr = member_token_address(guild_token, token_name);
burn_member(guild_master, object::address_to_object<MemberToken>(member_token_addr));

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