: This file includes a collection of functions related to model fitting. It encompasses an abstract class for fitting models, computing validation intervals, and objective functions. -
: The core model definition for the ODE models used. -
: This utility file provides wrapper functions for model fitting. Key features include simulating synthetic data for testing and evaluating the likelihood function of models. -
: Preprocessing of data for fitting. This file contains methods and utilities for data cleaning, transformation, and preparation, ensuring that the data is in the right format for fitting. -
: A Jupyter Notebook for generating all the tables and figures given in the publication. -
: This file lists all the dependencies required to set up a Conda environment for running the scripts and the Jupyter Notebook included in this repository. -
: This script is dedicated to conducting parameter fitting on the data. It includes functionalities for parameter screening and optimization to enhance model accuracy and performance.
Clone the repository:
git clone [repository-url]
Set up a Conda environment:
conda create --name [env-name] --file requirements.txt
Activate the environment:
conda activate [env-name]
This project is licensed under BSD - see the LICENSE file for details.
Data can be accessed under ASBDATA