This repository implements Decentralized Parallel Stochastic Gradient Descent (D-PSGD) algorithm.
- MobileNet-V2
- ResNet
- VGG11
- found in env.yml file
- --world_size = total number of agents
- --graph = graph topology (default ring)
- --neighbors = number of neighbor per agent (default 2)
- --arch = model to train
- --normtype = type of normalization layer
- --dataset = dataset to train
- --batch_size = batch size for training
- --epochs = total number of training epochs
- --lr = learning rate
- --momentum = momentum coefficient
- --nesterov = activates nesterov momentum
- --gamma = averaging rate for gossip
- --alpha = amount of skew in the data distribution (alpha of Dirichlet distribution); 0.01 = completely non-iid and 10 = more towards iid
- --weight_decay = L2 regularization coefficient
test file shows sample commands to run the code