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[SPARK-21657][SQL] optimize explode quadratic memory consumpation
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## What changes were proposed in this pull request?

The issue has been raised in two Jira tickets: [SPARK-21657](, [SPARK-16998]( Basically, what happens is that in collection generators like explode/inline we create many rows from each row. Currently each exploded row contains also the column on which it was created. This causes, for example, if we have a 10k array in one row that this array will get copy 10k times - to each of the row. this results a qudratic memory consumption. However, it is a common case that the original column gets projected out after the explode, so we can avoid duplicating it.
In this solution we propose to identify this situation in the optimizer and turn on a flag for omitting the original column in the generation process.

## How was this patch tested?

1. We added a benchmark test to MiscBenchmark that shows x16 improvement in runtimes.
2. We ran some of the other tests in MiscBenchmark and they show 15% improvements.
3. We ran this code on a specific case from our production data with rows containing arrays of size ~200k and it reduced the runtime from 6 hours to 3 mins.

Author: oraviv <[email protected]>
Author: uzadude <[email protected]>
Author: uzadude <[email protected]>

Closes #19683 from uzadude/optimize_explode.
  • Loading branch information
uzadude authored and cloud-fan committed Dec 29, 2017
1 parent cc30ef8 commit fcf66a3
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Showing 13 changed files with 128 additions and 74 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ class Analyzer(
(oldVersion, oldVersion.copy(aggregateExpressions = newAliases(aggregateExpressions)))

case oldVersion: Generate
if oldVersion.generatedSet.intersect(conflictingAttributes).nonEmpty =>
if oldVersion.producedAttributes.intersect(conflictingAttributes).nonEmpty =>
val newOutput =
(oldVersion, oldVersion.copy(generatorOutput = newOutput))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1138,7 +1138,7 @@ class Analyzer(
case g: Generate =>
val maybeResolvedExprs =, g))
val (newExprs, newChild) = resolveExprsAndAddMissingAttrs(maybeResolvedExprs, g.child)
(newExprs, g.copy(join = true, child = newChild))
(newExprs, g.copy(unrequiredChildIndex = Nil, child = newChild))

// For `Distinct` and `SubqueryAlias`, we can't recursively resolve and add attributes
// via its children.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1578,7 +1578,7 @@ class Analyzer(
resolvedGenerator =
join = projectList.size > 1, // Only join if there are other expressions in SELECT.
unrequiredChildIndex = Nil,
outer = outer,
qualifier = None,
generatorOutput = ResolveGenerate.makeGeneratorOutput(generator, names),
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Expand Up @@ -608,8 +608,8 @@ trait CheckAnalysis extends PredicateHelper {
// allows to have correlation under it
// but must not host any outer references.
// Note:
// Generator with join=false is treated as Category 4.
case g: Generate if g.join =>
// Generator with requiredChildOutput.isEmpty is treated as Category 4.
case g: Generate if g.requiredChildOutput.nonEmpty =>

// Category 4: Any other operators not in the above 3 categories
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Expand Up @@ -359,12 +359,12 @@ package object dsl {

def generate(
generator: Generator,
join: Boolean = false,
unrequiredChildIndex: Seq[Int] = Nil,
outer: Boolean = false,
alias: Option[String] = None,
outputNames: Seq[String] = Nil): LogicalPlan =
Generate(generator, join = join, outer = outer, alias,, logicalPlan)
Generate(generator, unrequiredChildIndex, outer,
alias,, logicalPlan)

def insertInto(tableName: String, overwrite: Boolean = false): LogicalPlan =
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -456,12 +456,15 @@ object ColumnPruning extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
f.copy(child = prunedChild(child, f.references))
case e @ Expand(_, _, child) if (child.outputSet -- e.references).nonEmpty =>
e.copy(child = prunedChild(child, e.references))
case g: Generate if !g.join && (g.child.outputSet -- g.references).nonEmpty =>
g.copy(child = prunedChild(g.child, g.references))

// Turn off `join` for Generate if no column from it's child is used
case p @ Project(_, g: Generate) if g.join && p.references.subsetOf(g.generatedSet) =>
p.copy(child = g.copy(join = false))
// prune unrequired references
case p @ Project(_, g: Generate) if p.references != g.outputSet =>
val requiredAttrs = p.references -- g.producedAttributes ++ g.generator.references
val newChild = prunedChild(g.child, requiredAttrs)
val unrequired = g.generator.references -- p.references
val unrequiredIndices = newChild.output.zipWithIndex.filter(t => unrequired.contains(t._1))
p.copy(child = g.copy(child = newChild, unrequiredChildIndex = unrequiredIndices))

// Eliminate unneeded attributes from right side of a Left Existence Join.
case j @ Join(_, right, LeftExistence(_), _) =>
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Expand Up @@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ class AstBuilder(conf: SQLConf) extends SqlBaseBaseVisitor[AnyRef] with Logging
val expressions = expressionList(ctx.expression)
UnresolvedGenerator(visitFunctionName(ctx.qualifiedName), expressions),
join = true,
unrequiredChildIndex = Nil,
outer = ctx.OUTER != null,
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Expand Up @@ -73,8 +73,13 @@ case class Project(projectList: Seq[NamedExpression], child: LogicalPlan) extend
* their output.
* @param generator the generator expression
* @param join when true, each output row is implicitly joined with the input tuple that produced
* it.
* @param unrequiredChildIndex this paramter starts as Nil and gets filled by the Optimizer.
* It's used as an optimization for omitting data generation that will
* be discarded next by a projection.
* A common use case is when we explode(array(..)) and are interested
* only in the exploded data and not in the original array. before this
* optimization the array got duplicated for each of its elements,
* causing O(n^^2) memory consumption. (see [SPARK-21657])
* @param outer when true, each input row will be output at least once, even if the output of the
* given `generator` is empty.
* @param qualifier Qualifier for the attributes of generator(UDTF)
Expand All @@ -83,15 +88,17 @@ case class Project(projectList: Seq[NamedExpression], child: LogicalPlan) extend
case class Generate(
generator: Generator,
join: Boolean,
unrequiredChildIndex: Seq[Int],
outer: Boolean,
qualifier: Option[String],
generatorOutput: Seq[Attribute],
child: LogicalPlan)
extends UnaryNode {

/** The set of all attributes produced by this node. */
def generatedSet: AttributeSet = AttributeSet(generatorOutput)
lazy val requiredChildOutput: Seq[Attribute] = {
val unrequiredSet = unrequiredChildIndex.toSet
child.output.zipWithIndex.filterNot(t => unrequiredSet.contains(t._2)).map(_._1)

override lazy val resolved: Boolean = {
generator.resolved &&
Expand All @@ -114,9 +121,7 @@ case class Generate(

def output: Seq[Attribute] = {
if (join) child.output ++ qualifiedGeneratorOutput else qualifiedGeneratorOutput
def output: Seq[Attribute] = requiredChildOutput ++ qualifiedGeneratorOutput

case class Filter(condition: Expression, child: LogicalPlan)
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Expand Up @@ -38,54 +38,64 @@ class ColumnPruningSuite extends PlanTest {
CollapseProject) :: Nil

test("Column pruning for Generate when Generate.join = false") {
val input = LocalRelation(', 'b.array(StringType))
test("Column pruning for Generate when Generate.unrequiredChildIndex = child.output") {
val input = LocalRelation(', ', 'c.array(StringType))

val query = input.generate(Explode('b), join = false).analyze
val query =
.generate(Explode('c), outputNames = "explode" :: Nil)
.select('c, 'explode)

val optimized = Optimize.execute(query)

val correctAnswer ='b).generate(Explode('b), join = false).analyze
val correctAnswer =
.generate(Explode('c), outputNames = "explode" :: Nil)

comparePlans(optimized, correctAnswer)

test("Column pruning for Generate when Generate.join = true") {
val input = LocalRelation(', ', 'c.array(StringType))
test("Fill Generate.unrequiredChildIndex if possible") {
val input = LocalRelation('b.array(StringType))

val query =
.generate(Explode('c), join = true, outputNames = "explode" :: Nil)
.select('a, 'explode)
.generate(Explode('b), outputNames = "explode" :: Nil)
.select(('explode + 1).as("result"))

val optimized = Optimize.execute(query)

val correctAnswer =
.select('a, 'c)
.generate(Explode('c), join = true, outputNames = "explode" :: Nil)
.select('a, 'explode)
.generate(Explode('b), unrequiredChildIndex =,
outputNames = "explode" :: Nil)
.select(('explode + 1).as("result"))

comparePlans(optimized, correctAnswer)

test("Turn Generate.join to false if possible") {
val input = LocalRelation('b.array(StringType))
test("Another fill Generate.unrequiredChildIndex if possible") {
val input = LocalRelation(', ', 'c1.string, 'c2.string)

val query =
.generate(Explode('b), join = true, outputNames = "explode" :: Nil)
.select(('explode + 1).as("result"))
.generate(Explode(CreateArray(Seq('c1, 'c2))), outputNames = "explode" :: Nil)
.select('a, 'c1, 'explode)

val optimized = Optimize.execute(query)

val correctAnswer =
.generate(Explode('b), join = false, outputNames = "explode" :: Nil)
.select(('explode + 1).as("result"))
.select('a, 'c1, 'c2)
.generate(Explode(CreateArray(Seq('c1, 'c2))),
unrequiredChildIndex = Seq(2),
outputNames = "explode" :: Nil)

comparePlans(optimized, correctAnswer)
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -624,14 +624,14 @@ class FilterPushdownSuite extends PlanTest {
test("generate: predicate referenced no generated column") {
val originalQuery = {
.generate(Explode('c_arr), true, false, Some("arr"))
.generate(Explode('c_arr), alias = Some("arr"))
.where(('b >= 5) && ('a > 6))
val optimized = Optimize.execute(originalQuery.analyze)
val correctAnswer = {
.where(('b >= 5) && ('a > 6))
.generate(Explode('c_arr), true, false, Some("arr")).analyze
.generate(Explode('c_arr), alias = Some("arr")).analyze

comparePlans(optimized, correctAnswer)
Expand All @@ -640,14 +640,14 @@ class FilterPushdownSuite extends PlanTest {
test("generate: non-deterministic predicate referenced no generated column") {
val originalQuery = {
.generate(Explode('c_arr), true, false, Some("arr"))
.generate(Explode('c_arr), alias = Some("arr"))
.where(('b >= 5) && ('a + Rand(10).as("rnd") > 6) && ('col > 6))
val optimized = Optimize.execute(originalQuery.analyze)
val correctAnswer = {
.where('b >= 5)
.generate(Explode('c_arr), true, false, Some("arr"))
.generate(Explode('c_arr), alias = Some("arr"))
.where('a + Rand(10).as("rnd") > 6 && 'col > 6)
Expand All @@ -659,14 +659,14 @@ class FilterPushdownSuite extends PlanTest {
val generator = Explode('c_arr)
val originalQuery = {
.generate(generator, true, false, Some("arr"))
.generate(generator, alias = Some("arr"))
.where(('b >= 5) && ('c > 6))
val optimized = Optimize.execute(originalQuery.analyze)
val referenceResult = {
.where('b >= 5)
.generate(generator, true, false, Some("arr"))
.generate(generator, alias = Some("arr"))
.where('c > 6).analyze

Expand All @@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ class FilterPushdownSuite extends PlanTest {
test("generate: all conjuncts referenced generated column") {
val originalQuery = {
.generate(Explode('c_arr), true, false, Some("arr"))
.generate(Explode('c_arr), alias = Some("arr"))
.where(('col > 6) || ('b > 5)).analyze
val optimized = Optimize.execute(originalQuery)
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Expand Up @@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ class PlanParserSuite extends AnalysisTest {
"select * from t lateral view explode(x) expl as x",
.generate(explode, join = true, outer = false, Some("expl"), Seq("x"))
.generate(explode, alias = Some("expl"), outputNames = Seq("x"))

// Multiple lateral views
Expand All @@ -286,12 +286,12 @@ class PlanParserSuite extends AnalysisTest {
|lateral view explode(x) expl
|lateral view outer json_tuple(x, y) jtup q, z""".stripMargin,
.generate(explode, join = true, outer = false, Some("expl"), Seq.empty)
.generate(jsonTuple, join = true, outer = true, Some("jtup"), Seq("q", "z"))
.generate(explode, alias = Some("expl"))
.generate(jsonTuple, outer = true, alias = Some("jtup"), outputNames = Seq("q", "z"))

// Multi-Insert lateral views.
val from = table("t1").generate(explode, join = true, outer = false, Some("expl"), Seq("x"))
val from = table("t1").generate(explode, alias = Some("expl"), outputNames = Seq("x"))
"""from t1
|lateral view explode(x) expl as x
Expand All @@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ class PlanParserSuite extends AnalysisTest {
|where s < 10
.generate(jsonTuple, join = true, outer = false, Some("jtup"), Seq("q", "z"))
.generate(jsonTuple, alias = Some("jtup"), outputNames = Seq("q", "z"))
from.where('s < 10).select(star()).insertInto("t3")))
Expand All @@ -312,10 +312,8 @@ class PlanParserSuite extends AnalysisTest {
val expected = table("t")
UnresolvedGenerator(FunctionIdentifier("posexplode"), Seq('x)),
join = true,
outer = false,
Seq("x", "y"))
alias = Some("posexpl"),
outputNames = Seq("x", "y"))
"select * from t lateral view posexplode(x) posexpl as x, y",
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/Dataset.scala
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Expand Up @@ -2095,7 +2095,7 @@ class Dataset[T] private[sql](
val generator = UserDefinedGenerator(elementSchema, rowFunction,

withPlan {
Generate(generator, join = true, outer = false,
Generate(generator, unrequiredChildIndex = Nil, outer = false,
qualifier = None, generatorOutput = Nil, planWithBarrier)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2136,7 +2136,7 @@ class Dataset[T] private[sql](
val generator = UserDefinedGenerator(elementSchema, rowFunction, apply(inputColumn).expr :: Nil)

withPlan {
Generate(generator, join = true, outer = false,
Generate(generator, unrequiredChildIndex = Nil, outer = false,
qualifier = None, generatorOutput = Nil, planWithBarrier)
Expand Down

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