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EventMesh SIG Meeting

mike_xwm edited this page Sep 24, 2021 · 3 revisions

Meeting Arrangement

Dear eventmesh community members, we'll get the SIG online meeting kick off for discussing the development progress and problems of the community. The meeting will be held every two weeks, the address and the summary of the meeting will be written below.We are looking forward to your participation.

Meeting Subject: Apache EventMesh Meeting

Time: 2021/09/24, 17:00-18:00

Meeting Address:


Current community progress:

1.SchemaRegistry server implementation code has been merged, need to supply schema compatibility implementation

2.OpenTelemetry http trace export to Zipkin code review

3.CloudEvents integrate, for now support openmessaging convert to CloudEvents, code has been merged, need to support CloudEvents protocol in SDK.

4.Admin module integerate, support create topic interface implementation, code review

5.Event Streaming feature design, welcome to discuss and contribute

6.EventMesh immplementation principle analysis article preparation

Feature planning for version 1.3.0 :

1.Support CloudEvents protocol

2.Support integerate OpenTelemetry, metrics export to Prometheus, trace export to Zipkin

3.Support integerate OpenSchema, interact with SchemaRegistry

4.Integration and optimization of existing function points


Related Matters needing attention:

When submitting code contributions, pay attention to the LICENSE check. Currently, gradle plug-ins are required. Before submitting features, you can perform the checkLicense task to check the LICENSE of the newly added dependencies.