This page describes the steps for doing a Plugins Release.
- General Instructions
- Interactive Plugins Release
- Manual
- Before cutting any releases, read the Apache's Releases Policy
- If you have not done so already, create a GPG key (see:
- Core Plugins are released at most weekly (see:
Important: This whole release process does not work in Windows Command Prompt or Powershell. If you really want to do this release process on Windows, you have to use Git Bash or similar.
You should have your platform repository checked out in a folder where you also have checked out all/most/some of the other Cordova repositories. If you followed the Cloning/Updating Cordova repositories
instructions of cordova-coho
, and used coho repo-clone
, this should already be the case.
The coho interactive plugins release command which will handle many of the manual steps listed below.
coho prepare-plugins-release
This will do the following:
- Ask for Release Identifier
- Update repos
- Let you select which repos to release
- Let you modify release notes and finalize version to release
- Branch, tag and push up to master
- Increment version on master with
- Create svn dist archives for you to share with the cordova list for voting purposes.
(Caution: This interactive process still has some kinks)
Try to the interactive plugins release process. If you struggle with, use the manual process which is documented below.
This whole process depends on the ACTIVE
environment variable being set and containing a list of the plugins you want to release. This command can automatically select the plugins that need a release:
ACTIVE=$(for l in cordova-plugin-*; do ( cd $l; last_release=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 2>/dev/null || git rev-list --max-parents=0 HEAD); git log --pretty=format:'* %s' --topo-order --no-merges $last_release..master | grep -v "Incremented plugin version" > /dev/null && echo $l); done | xargs echo)
echo $ACTIVE
If you don't want to release all plugins, but you have specific plugins you want to release, you need to set ACTIVE
equal to them:
ACTIVE="cordova-plugin-camera cordova-plugin-contacts cordova-plugin-device-motion"
echo $ACTIVE
Releases are identified by a "Release Identifier" that is used in commit messages and for temporary folders.
Good choices are unique and have a direct relation to the release you are about to perform. Examples for valid identifiers would be plugins20190506
or splashscreen@503
. You can also create a release issue and use that (including the repository name): cordova-plugin-splashscreen#123
You set it similar to the active plugins:
Email the dev mailing-list at [email protected] and see if anyone has reason to postpone the release.
Subject: [DISCUSS] Cordova Plugins Release
Does anyone have any reason to delay a Cordova plugins release?
Any outstanding patches to land?
If not, I will start the release tomorrow.
Make sure to adapt the subject and content to the actual plugins you want to release.
Note that it would be possible to continue with some of the Before Release items while waiting for a possible response.
# Update your repos
coho repo-status -r plugins -b master # check if there are any unpushed changes in the repos
coho repo-update -r plugins # updates the repos
coho repo-clone -r plugins # clone any possibly missing plugin repos
coho foreach -r plugins "git checkout master" # make sure all plugins have master checked out
TODO How to do only for active? => See ${ACTIVE// //
foo below
TODO How to run for many repo folders?
See if any dependencies are outdated
(cd ... && npm outdated --depth=0)
(The --depth=0
prevents from listing dependencies of dependencies.)
Alternative 1:
- Explicitly pin the outdated dependency versions in the
section ofpackage.json
. - Raise a new issue to update the dependencies in an upcoming release.
Alternative 2:
Within a new Pull Request: update any outdated dependencies in the project's package.json
file. Be sure to run through the test section below for compatibility issues.
Ensure that the latest version of npm is installed (using a command such as npm i npm@latest
), package-lock.json
is present (do npm i --package-lock-only
if needed), and then check:
(cd cordova-plugin-splashscreen && npm audit)
TODO How to run npm audit
for many repo folders?
TODO Get rid of package-lock.json afterwards
Ensure license headers are present everywhere. For reference, see this background. Expect some noise in the output, for example some files from test fixtures will show up.
coho audit-license-headers -r active-plugins | less
TODO only run for $ACTIVE, not for all active-plugins
Tip: Skim by searching for "Unknown Licenses" where the number infront it not 0.
Ensure all dependencies and subdependencies have Apache-compatible licenses.
coho check-license -r active-plugins
TODO only run for $ACTIVE, not for all active-plugins
Remove the -dev
suffix on the version in plugin.xml
for l in $ACTIVE; do ( cd $l; v="$(grep version= plugin.xml | grep -v xml | head -n1 | cut -d'"' -f2)"; v2="${v%-dev}"; if [ "$v" != "$v2" ]; then echo "$l: Setting version in plugin.xml to $v2"; sed -i -E s:"version=\"$v\":version=\"$v2\":" plugin.xml; fi) ; done
Remove the -dev
suffix on the version in package.json
for l in $ACTIVE; do ( cd $l; v="$(grep -m 1 '"version"' package.json | cut -d'"' -f4)"; if [[ $v = *-dev ]]; then v2="${v%-dev}"; echo "$l: Setting version in package.json to $v2"; sed -i -E '1,/version":.*/s/version":.*/version": "'$v2'",/' package.json; fi) ; done
For each of the plugins that have a test project inside it, update the version number there (cordova-plugin-*/tests/plugin.xml
) to match the version of the plugin itself (cordova-plugin-*/plugin.xml
for l in $ACTIVE; do ( cd $l; v="$(grep version= plugin.xml | grep -v xml | head -n1 | cut -d'"' -f2)"; vt="$(grep version= tests/plugin.xml | grep -v xml | head -n1 | cut -d'"' -f2)"; if [ "$v" != "$vt" ]; then echo "$l: Setting version in tests/plugin.xml to $v"; sed -i -E s:"version=\"$vt\":version=\"$v\":" tests/plugin.xml; fi); done
And same for cordova-plugin-*/tests/package.json
and cordova-plugin-*/package.json
for l in $ACTIVE; do ( cd $l; v="$(grep -m 1 '"version"' package.json | cut -d'"' -f4)"; vt="$(grep -m 1 '"version"' tests/package.json | cut -d'"' -f4)"; if [ "$v" != "$vt" ]; then echo "$l: Setting version in tests/package.json to $v"; sed -i -E '1,/version":.*/s/version":.*/version": "'$v'",/' tests/package.json; fi); done
TODO Output how many files were edited for success control
If the changes merit it, manually bump the major / minor version instead of the patch version. Manual process, but list the changes via:
for l in $ACTIVE; do ( cd $l; echo $l; last_release=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 2>/dev/null || git rev-list --max-parents=0 HEAD); git log --pretty=format:'* %s' --topo-order --no-merges $last_release..master | grep -v "Incremented plugin version" ); done
If this justifies or requires a major / minor version update, manually edit the version numbers in the files that currently already have uncommitted changes.
TODO Decide before updating version numbers
Update their
files with changes since the last release:
for l in $ACTIVE; do (coho update-release-notes -r $l); done
Then curate:
vim ${ACTIVE// // }/
or use your favorite text editor manually.
Commit these changes (plugin.xml
, package.json
, tests/plugin.xml
) together:
for l in $ACTIVE; do ( cd $l; v="$(grep version= plugin.xml | grep -v xml | head -n1 | cut -d'"' -f2)"; git commit -am "Updated version and for release $v ($RELEASE)"); done
Reply to the DISCUSS thread with a link to the updated release notes.
TODO This will only work if you have all the Cordova plugins checked out via Coho, not just a few of them
Create mobilespec and sanity check all plugins on at least one platform (preferably, a released version of the platform and not master). Run through mobilespec, ensuring to do manual tests that relate to changes in the
cordova-mobile-spec/createmobilespec/createmobilespec.js --android --ios
(cd mobilespec && ./cordova build && ./cordova run android --device)
(cd mobilespec && ./cordova build && ./cordova run ios --device)
This should start a black-ish app with a "Plugin tests" button. When clicking it you end up in a screen with "Auto Tests" and "Manual Tests" buttons. You should run both and see if all/most/the expected ones succeed.
for l in $ACTIVE; do ( cd $l; v="$(grep version= plugin.xml | grep -v xml | head -n1 | cut -d'"' -f2)"; echo "Tagging $l to $v"; git tag "$v" ); done
If there currently is no release branch (e.g. 5.0.x
) on the remote, you can create one with this command:
for l in $ACTIVE; do ( cd $l; v="$(grep version= plugin.xml | grep -v xml | head -n1 | cut -d'"' -f2)"; b=`expr $v : '^\(....\)'`; x="x"; b=$b$x; git branch $b; echo "Creating branch $b for $l"); done
If a release branch already exists on the remote, you will have to manually checkout the branch, merge master
into it and then checkout master
# in each plugin
v="$(grep version= plugin.xml | grep -v xml | head -n1 | cut -d'"' -f2)"; b=`expr $v : '^\(....\)'`; x="x"; b=$b$x;
git checkout $b
git merge master
# fix eventual merge conflicts and commit
git checkout master
# update plugin.xml
for l in $ACTIVE; do ( cd $l; v="$(grep version= plugin.xml | grep -v xml | head -n1 | cut -d'"' -f2)"; v_no_dev="${v%-dev}"; if [ "$v" = "$v_no_dev" ]; then v2="$(echo $v|awk -F"." '{$NF+=1}{print $0RT}' OFS="." ORS="")-dev"; echo "$l: Setting version in plugin.xml to $v2"; sed -i -E s:"version=\"$v\":version=\"$v2\":" plugin.xml; fi) ; done
# update package.json
for l in $ACTIVE; do ( cd $l; v="$(grep -m 1 '"version"' package.json | cut -d'"' -f4)"; if [[ $v != *-dev ]]; then v2="$(echo $v|awk -F"." '{$NF+=1}{print $0RT}' OFS="." ORS="")-dev"; echo "$l: Setting version in package.json to $v2"; sed -i -E '1,/version":.*/s/version":.*/version": "'$v2'",/' package.json; fi); done
# update the nested test plugin.xml
for l in $ACTIVE; do ( cd $l; v="$(grep version= plugin.xml | grep -v xml | head -n1 | cut -d'"' -f2)"; vt="$(grep version= tests/plugin.xml | grep -v xml | head -n1 | cut -d'"' -f2)"; if [ "$v" != "$vt" ]; then echo "$l: Setting version in tests/plugin.xml to $v"; sed -i -E s:"version=\"$vt\":version=\"$v\":" tests/plugin.xml; fi); done
# update the nested test package.json
for l in $ACTIVE; do ( cd $l; v="$(grep -m 1 '"version"' package.json | cut -d'"' -f4)"; vt="$(grep -m 1 '"version"' tests/package.json | cut -d'"' -f4)"; if [ "$v" != "$vt" ]; then echo "$l: Setting version in tests/package.json to $v"; sed -i -E '1,/version":.*/s/version":.*/version": "'$v'",/' tests/package.json; fi); done
# commit
for l in $ACTIVE; do (cd $l; git commit -am "Incremented plugin version. ($RELEASE)" ); done
First command shows which commit will be pushed, second one if there are uncommited files in any of the plugin checkouts.
# Sanity check:
coho repo-status -r plugins
coho foreach -r plugins "git status -s"
Then push the changes (commits in master
, tag and release branch):
# Push: (assumes "origin" is apache remote)
for l in $ACTIVE; do ( cd $l; tag=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0); echo $l; set -x; git push origin master && git push origin refs/tags/$tag); done
for l in $ACTIVE; do ( cd $l; v="$(grep version= plugin.xml | grep -v xml | head -n1 | cut -d'"' -f2)"; b=`expr $v : '^\(....\)'`; x="x"; b=$b$x; git push origin $b;); done
Finally check it's all pushed now:
# Check that it was all successful:
coho repo-update -r plugins
coho repo-status -r plugins
Attention: The following steps need SVN installed and unfortunately don't give an error if it is not, failing silently. You also need do have a secret key set up for signing the release.
Ensure you have the svn repos checked out:
coho repo-clone -r dist -r dist/dev
Create archives from your tags:
coho create-archive -r ${ACTIVE// / -r } --dest cordova-dist-dev/$RELEASE
Sanity Check:
# Manually double check version numbers are correct on the file names
# Then run:
coho verify-archive cordova-dist-dev/$RELEASE/*.tgz
(cd cordova-dist-dev && svn up && svn add $RELEASE && svn commit -m "Uploading release candidates for plugins release ($RELEASE)")
If everything went well the Release Candidate will show up here:
Gather highlights from
into a Release Announcement blog post
This command can do that automatically:for l in $ACTIVE; do (cd $l; current_release=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0); previous_release=$(git describe --abbrev=0 --tags `git rev-list --tags --skip=1 --max-count=1`); echo "$l@$current_release"; awk '/### '$current_release'.*/,/### '$previous_release'.*/ {temp=match($0,/### '$previous_release'/); title=match($0, /### '$current_release'/); if(temp == 0 && title == 0) print $0}' <; done
Instructions on publishing a blog post are on the
repo -
Get blog post proofread by submitting a PR to
and asking someone on dev list to +1 it.
Send an email to dev ML with:
[VOTE] Plugins Release
Please review and vote on the release of this plugins release
by replying to this email (and keep discussion on the DISCUSS thread)
The plugins have been published to dist/dev:$RELEASE/
The packages were published from their corresponding git tags:
### PASTE OUTPUT OF: coho print-tags -r ${ACTIVE// / -r }
Upon a successful vote I will upload the archives to dist/, upload them to npm, and post the corresponding blog post.
Voting guidelines:
How to vote on a plugins release at
Voting will go on for a minimum of 48 hours.
I vote +1:
* Ran coho audit-license-headers over the relevant repos
* Ran coho check-license to ensure all dependencies and subdependencies have Apache-compatible licenses
* Ensured continuous build was green when repos were tagged
Replace $RELEASE
and ### ...
line with the actual values!
TODO Include Release notes in email, at least as a link
TODO This needs much better instructions
Steps to verify a plugins release
Setup Repo clone can be skipped if you have cordova-dist-dev. Warning, this requires svn setup.
coho repo-clone -r cordova-dist-dev (cd cordova-dist-dev && svn up)
Verify the release:
// Verify the archive
// $RELEASE should be included in the vote email
coho verify-archive cordova-dist-dev/$RELEASE/*.tgz
// update local checkouts
coho repo-update -r plugins
// check licences
coho check-license -r active-plugins
coho audit-license-headers -r active-plugins | less
// Tip: Skim by searching for "Unknown Licenses"
- Test
Check plugins CI
(Optional locally run mobile-spec
cordova-mobile-spec/createmobilespec/createmobilespec.js --android --ios
(cd mobilespec && ./cordova build && ./cordova run android --device)
(cd mobilespec && ./cordova build && ./cordova run ios --device)
Respond to the vote thread with:
The vote has now closed. The results are:
Positive Binding Votes: (# of PMC members that +1'ed)
.. names of all +1 PMC members ..
Negative Binding Votes: (# of PMC members that -1'ed)
.. names of all -1 PMC members ..
Other Votes:
.. list any non-binding votes, from non-PMC members ..
The vote has passed.
If there were any votes from non-pmc, include them in an additional Non-Binding
Positive Non-Binding Votes: (# that +1'ed)
.. names of all +1 non-PMC members ..
Negative Non-Binding Votes: (# that -1'ed)
.. names of all -1 non-PMC members ..
Note: list of PMC members:
- Revert commit adding
on master branch - Address the concerns (on master branch)
- Re-tag release using
git tag -f
- Add back
- Start a new vote
If you've lost your list of ACTIVE, you can recreate it from the voted on release:
ACTIVE=$(cd cordova-dist-dev/$RELEASE; ls *.tgz | sed -E 's:-[^-]*$::')
cd cordova-dist
svn up
for l in $ACTIVE; do ( svn rm plugins/$l* ); done
cp ../cordova-dist-dev/$RELEASE/* plugins/
svn add plugins/*
svn commit -m "Published plugins release to dist ($RELEASE)"
Find your release here:
Then you can also remove the release candidate from dist-dev/
cd ../cordova-dist-dev
svn up
svn rm $RELEASE
svn commit -m "Removing release candidates from dist/dev ($RELEASE)"
cd ..
And finally you can publish your package to npm:
cd cordova-dist/plugins
for l in $ACTIVE; do (
npm publish $l-*.tgz
) done;
Make a copy of your released tag with a prefix of rel\YOURTAG
for l in $ACTIVE; do ( cd $l; tag=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0); git checkout $tag; git tag 'rel/'$tag; git push origin refs/tags/'rel/'$tag; git checkout master); done
These are permanent release tags for Apache.
- Go to:
- Use
[email protected]
as "Full version name" - Click "Update release data" to submit it to the list
Merge the prepare Pull Request with the blog post to publish it on the Cordova Blog.
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Plugin Release
cordova-plugin-xxx@VERSION has been released!
- Update these instructions if they were missing anything.