- You need a PGP key to sign releases for Apache Cordova.
- GnuPG, short
is the Apache recommended client to create and manage these keys. - PGP, GPG, GnuPG, OpenPGP can be confusing - read about the background
On a Mac:
brew install gpg
On Windows:
Download and install gpg4win
Create a new key with
- email = [email protected]
- description = "CODE SIGNING KEY"
Use this command
gpg --gen-key
(more elaborate instructions at http://www.apache.org/dev/openpgp.html#generate-key + http://www.apache.org/dev/openpgp.html#generation-final-steps)
Look at your keyring:
gpg --list-sigs --fingerprint
Example Output:
pub 4096R/8A496450 2014-02-27
Key fingerprint = B998 A96C 4DAA 821A 9C3A FA5C E28E 332A 8A49 6450
uid Andrew Grieve (CODE SIGNING KEY) <[email protected]>
sig 3 8A496450 2014-02-27 Andrew Grieve (CODE SIGNING KEY) <[email protected]>
sub 4096R/A59029E7 2014-02-27
sig 8A496450 2014-02-27 Andrew Grieve (CODE SIGNING KEY) <[email protected]>
In this example, 8A496450
is your key ID. Set it to a environment variable:
(Or on Windows: set KEY_ID=8A496450
. Everywhere you see $KEY_ID
from now on, use %KEY_ID%
Publish to dist/KEYS
# Clone `cordova-dist` if you don't have it already:
coho repo-clone -r dist
# Append your key to the KEYS file
gpg --armor --export $KEY_ID >> cordova-dist/KEYS
# Make sure that's the only change to the file
( cd cordova-dist && svn diff )
# Commit
( cd cordova-dist && svn commit -m "Added my signing PGP key to KEYS" )
See committer subversion access for information how to access SVN (TLDR: add --username=...
to the svn commit
command if needed).
Publish to keys.gnupg.net
gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --send-keys $KEY_ID
Visit http://pgp.mit.edu/ and paste in result of:
// Mac
gpg --armor --export $KEY_ID | pbcopy
// Windows
gpg --armor --export $KEY_ID | clip
Copy to your Apache homedir:
gpg --armor --export $KEY_ID > $KEY_ID.asc
scp $KEY_ID.asc people.apache.org:
Recommended to make it easier for other PMC members to check dist archives:
Here is a quick command to show your gpg key fingerprint:
gpg --fingerprint
Sign into: https://id.apache.org/ and add your fingerprint (not your KEY_ID). This will cause emails from Apache to you to be encrypted.
curl "https://people.apache.org/keys/group/cordova.asc" | gpg --import
Import any extra committer's keys via:
curl "https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/cordova/KEYS" | gpg --import