RBC - Introduction to the RBC library
RBC is a library of extensions to the Tk library. It adds new commands and variables to the application´s interpreter.
The following commands are added to the interpreter from the RBC library:
__table __
: A table geometry manager for Tk. You specify window placements as table row,column positions and windows can also span multiple rows or columns. It also has many options for setting and/or bounding window sizes.
: The container widget lets you embed an X11 window from a foreign application into your Tk application. The foreign window is reparented inside of the widget. You can then place and arrange the container just as you would any Tk widget.
__tabset __
: The tabset widget displays a series of overlapping folders. Only the contents of one folder at a time is displayed. By clicking on the tab´s of a folder, you can view other folders. Each folder may contain any Tk widget that can be automatically positioned and resized in the folder.
__treeview __
: The treeview widget displays hierarchical data. Data is represented as nodes in a general-ordered tree. Each node may have sub-nodes and these nodes can in turn has their own children. A node is displayed as a row entry in the widget. Each entry has a text label and icon. When a node has children, its entry is drawn with a small button to the left of the label. Clicking the mouse over this button opens or closes the node. When a node is open, its children are exposed. When it is closed, the children and their descedants are hidden. The button is normally a + or - symbol (ala Windows Explorer), but can be replaced with a pair of Tk images (open and closed images). The treeview widget replaces both the hiertable and hierbox widgets.
: A simple hypertext widget. Combines text and Tk widgets into a single scroll-able window. Tcl commands can be embedded into text, which are invoked as the text is parsed. In addition, Tk widgets can be appended to the window at the current point in the text. Htext can be also used to create scrolled windows of Tk widgets.
: A 2D plotting widget. Plots two variable data in a window with an optional legend and annotations. It has of several components; coordinate axes, crosshairs, a legend, and a collection of elements and tags.
: The stripchart command creates a strip chart for plotting two-dimensional data (x,y coordinates). It has many configurable components: coordinate axes, elements, legend, grid lines, cross hairs, etc. They allow you to customize the look and feel of the strip chart. The stripchart is essen- tially the same as the graph widget. The use of a strip chart differs in that the X-axis typically refers to time points. Data values are added at intervals. The strip chart lets you automatically maintain a view of the most recent time points. The axis options -shiftby and -autorange control this. You can specify different line styles for data points (see the -styles option).
: Computes a spline fitting a set of data points (x and y vectors) and produces a vector of the interpolated images (y-coordinates) at a given set of x-coordinates.
: A barchart widget. Plots two-variable data as rectangular bars in a window. The x-coordinate values designate the position of the bar along the x-axis, while the y-coordinate values designate the magnitude. The barchart widget has of several components; coordinate axes, crosshairs, a legend, and a collection of elements and tags.
: Creates a vector of floating point values. The vector´s components can be manipulated in three ways: through a Tcl array variable, a Tcl com- mand, or the C API.
: The tree command creates tree data objects. A tree object is general ordered tree of nodes. Each node has both a label and a key-value list of data. Data can be heterogeneous, since nodes do not have to contain the same data keys. It is associated with a Tcl command that you can use to access and modify the its structure and data. Tree objects can also be managed via a C API.
: Like Tcl´s exec command, bgexec runs a pipeline of Unix commands in the background. Unlike exec, the output of the last process is collected and a global Tcl variable is set upon its completion. bgexec can be used with tkwait to wait for Unix commands to finish while still handling expose events. Intermediate output is also available while the pipeline is active.
: Reads and writes bitmaps from Tcl. New X bitmaps can be defined on-the-fly from Tcl, obviating the need to copy around bitmap files. Other options query loaded X bitmap´s dimensions and data.
: Provides a drag-and-drop facility for Tk. Information (represented by a token window) can be dragged to and from any Tk window, including those of another Tk application. drag&drop acts as a coordinator, directing Tk send commands between (or within) TCL/Tk applications.
: Raise, lower, map, or, unmap any window. The raise and lower functions are useful for stacking windows above or below "busy windows".
: Arranges for Tcl procedures to be called before and/or after the execution of every Tcl command. This command may be used in the logging, profil- ing, or tracing of Tcl code.
: A simple Tcl command tracing facility useful for debugging Tcl code. Displays each Tcl command before and after substitution along its level in the interpreter on standard error.
The following Tcl variables are either set or used by RBC at various times in its execution:
rbc_library or ::rbc::library
: This variable contains the name of a directory containing a library of Tcl scripts and other files related to RBC. Currently, this directory contains the drag&drop protocol scripts and the PostScript prolog used by graph and barchart. The value of this variable is taken from the pkgIndex.tcl file at startup.
: Top level namespace of the rbc widget and tool collection
It´s easy to add RBC to an existing Tk application. RBC requires no patches or edits to the Tcl or Tk libraries. To add RBC, simply add the following code snippet to your application´s tcl file.
package require rbc
To compile the rbc use the following GNU standard procedure
make install…
To start the demo use…
make demo
make wish ARGS=demos/barchart1.tcl ?DEBUG=valgrind?
This is version 0.2 of the RBC library. It should be considered alpha quality software.
RBC is an extension of the Tcl/Tk toolkit and contains refactored components from version 2.4z of the BLT library. These components were refactored so that they would function with version Tcl/Tk 8.5.
RBC is available from: : https://github.com/aotto1968/RBCdev
More information on BLT is available from: : http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/blt/files
RBC is intended to work with Tcl/Tk versions 8.4 and 8.5, although it may work with others. RBC is a TEA compliant extension, although it is not (yet) entirely free of dependency on Tcl/Tk private structures.
RBC is a subset of BLT, contains the essential components for developing data graphing applications. Some BLT components have been superseded by advances in Tcl and Tk, and some others have been extracted into separate extensions. RBC contains the following BLT components:
RBC is a TEA compliant extension. You should be able to unpack the source code, and perform the usual configure / make / make install procedure. Making the test target will run the automated test suite.
Since RBC still depends on some Tcl/Tk private data structures, you may experience some difficulty in bulding it against some Tcl distributions which do not have the complete set of public and private headers.
In order to fulfill degree requirements, the four of us undertook the refactoring of a few commonly used BLT components. The project was proposed by an alumnus of the students´ institute and was accepted by the school´s Computer Science and Software Engineering Department. The project began in the Fall of 2008 and culminated on the students´ graduation in the Spring of 2009. In addition to refactoring parts of BLT, we also began developing a graphical data analysis tool that is designed to work with RBC (and BLT) and be easily extensible. For more information see the GDAT project available at: http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/gdat/
In keeping with the spirit of BLT, we have released this project to the open source community in hopes that you will continue development and add more components from the BLT library that are compatible with version 8.5 and later of Tcl/Tk.
Send bug reports, requests, suggestions, etc. to https://github.com/aotto1968/RBCdev/