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first implementation of list_near_lattice_points
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aoterodelaroza committed Feb 13, 2024
1 parent 01e9100 commit e6638c0
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Showing 3 changed files with 210 additions and 3 deletions.
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions src/crystalmod.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ module crystalmod
procedure :: identify_atom_env
procedure :: promolecular_env
procedure :: find_asterisms_covalent
procedure :: list_near_lattice_points

! molecular environments and neighbors (mols)
procedure :: identify_fragment !< Build an atomic fragment of the crystal
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -458,6 +459,18 @@ end subroutine promolecular_env
module subroutine find_asterisms_covalent(c)
class(crystal), intent(inout) :: c
end subroutine find_asterisms_covalent
module subroutine list_near_lattice_points(c,xp,icrd,sorted,nat,dist,lvec,up2d,up2n,nozero)
class(crystal), intent(inout) :: c
real*8, intent(in) :: xp(3)
integer, intent(in) :: icrd
logical, intent(in) :: sorted
integer, intent(out) :: nat
real*8, allocatable, intent(inout), optional :: dist(:)
integer, allocatable, intent(inout), optional :: lvec(:,:)
real*8, intent(in), optional :: up2d
integer, intent(in), optional :: up2n
logical, intent(in), optional :: nozero
end subroutine list_near_lattice_points
module function identify_fragment(c,nat,x0) result(fr)
class(crystal), intent(in) :: c
integer, intent(in) :: nat
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169 changes: 166 additions & 3 deletions src/[email protected]
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Expand Up @@ -96,7 +96,6 @@ end subroutine build_env
!> This routine is thread-safe.
module subroutine list_near_atoms(c,xp,icrd,sorted,nat,eid,dist,lvec,ishell0,up2d,&
use hashmod, only: hash
use tools, only: mergesort
use tools_io, only: ferror, faterr
use tools_math, only: cross, det3
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -181,7 +180,7 @@ module subroutine list_near_atoms(c,xp,icrd,sorted,nat,eid,dist,lvec,ishell0,up2

! run the search
if (present(up2sh).or.present(up2n)) then
!!! search a number of shells or a number of atoms (up2n, up2sh) !!!
! search a number of shells or a number of atoms (up2n, up2sh) !!!

up2n_ = 0
if (present(up2sh)) then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -342,7 +341,7 @@ module subroutine list_near_atoms(c,xp,icrd,sorted,nat,eid,dist,lvec,ishell0,up2
end if
!!! search atoms up to a given distance (up2d*) !!!
! search atoms up to a given distance (up2d*) !!!

! calculate the number of blocks in each direction required for satifying
! that the largest sphere in the super-block has radius > dmax.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -890,4 +889,168 @@ module subroutine find_asterisms_covalent(c)

end subroutine find_asterisms_covalent

!> Given the point xp (in icrd coordinates), calculate the list of
!> nearest lattice points. If sorted is true, the list is sorted by
!> distance. One (and only one) of these criteria must be
!> given:
!> - up2d = list up to a distance up2d.
!> - up2n = up to a number of atoms.
!> If up2n is present, the list is sorted by distance on output
!> regardless of the value of sorted.
!> Optional input:
!> - nozero = disregard zero-distance lattice points.
!> Output:
!> - nat = the list contains nat lattice points.
!> Optional output:
!> - dist(nid) = distance from xp.
!> - lvec(3,nid) = lattice vector coordinates (crystallographic).
!> This routine is thread-safe.
module subroutine list_near_lattice_points(c,xp,icrd,sorted,nat,dist,lvec,up2d,up2n,nozero)
use types, only: realloc
use tools, only: mergesort
use tools_math, only: det3, cross
use tools_io, only: ferror, faterr
use param, only: icrd_cart, icrd_crys
class(crystal), intent(inout) :: c
real*8, intent(in) :: xp(3)
integer, intent(in) :: icrd
logical, intent(in) :: sorted
integer, intent(out) :: nat
real*8, allocatable, intent(inout), optional :: dist(:)
integer, allocatable, intent(inout), optional :: lvec(:,:)
real*8, intent(in), optional :: up2d
integer, intent(in), optional :: up2n
logical, intent(in), optional :: nozero

logical :: nozero_
logical :: sorted_, ok
integer :: nx(3), nn, i0(3), i1(3), i, j, k, lvecx(3)
real*8 :: up2d_2, x(3), lvecini(3), blockcv(3), blockomega, xorigc(3)
real*8 :: xdif(3), dd
integer, allocatable :: at_lvec(:,:), iord(:)
real*8, allocatable :: at_dist(:)

real*8, parameter :: eps = 1d-20

! process input
nozero_ = .false.
sorted_ = sorted .or. present(up2n)
if (present(nozero)) nozero_ = nozero
if (present(up2d)) then
up2d_2 = up2d * up2d
elseif (present(up2n)) then
call ferror("list_near_lattice_points","must give one of up2d or up2n",faterr)
end if

! translate the point to the main cell
if (icrd == icrd_crys) then
x = c%x2xr(xp)
elseif (icrd == icrd_cart) then
x = c%c2xr(xp)
x = xp
end if
lvecini = floor(x)
x = x - lvecini
xorigc = c%xr2c(x)

! allocate space for lattice points
nat = 0
nn = 20
if (present(up2n)) nn = min(up2n,20)
at_dist = 0d0
at_lvec = 0

! run the search
if (present(up2n)) then
! search a number of shells or a number of points (up2n) !!!
write (*,*) "fixme!"
! search atoms up to a given distance (up2d) !!!

! calculate the number of blocks in each direction required for satifying
! that the largest sphere in the super-block has radius > dmax.
! r = Vblock / 2 / max(cv(3)/n3,cv(2)/n2,cv(1)/n1)
blockcv(1) = norm2(cross(c%m_xr2c(:,2),c%m_xr2c(:,3)))
blockcv(2) = norm2(cross(c%m_xr2c(:,1),c%m_xr2c(:,3)))
blockcv(3) = norm2(cross(c%m_xr2c(:,1),c%m_xr2c(:,2)))
blockomega = det3(c%m_xr2c)
nx = ceiling(blockcv / (0.5d0 * blockomega / max(up2d,1d-40)))

! define the search space
do i = 1, 3
if (mod(nx(i),2) == 0) then
i0(i) = - nx(i)/2
i1(i) = + nx(i)/2
i0(i) = - (nx(i)/2+1)
i1(i) = + (nx(i)/2+1)
end if
end do

! run over all lattice points
do i = i0(1), i1(1)
do j = i0(2), i1(2)
do k = i0(3), i1(3)
lvecx = (/i,j,k/)
xdif = matmul(c%m_xr2c,real(lvecx,8)) - xorigc
dd = dot_product(xdif,xdif)
! check if we should add the lattice point to the list
ok = .true.

if (nozero_ .and. dd < eps) then
ok = .false.
elseif (present(up2d)) then
ok = (dd <= up2d_2)
end if
if (ok) then
nat = nat + 1
if (nat > size(at_dist,1)) then
call realloc(at_dist,2*nat)
call realloc(at_lvec,3,2*nat)
end if
at_dist(nat) = sqrt(dd)
at_lvec(:,nat) = nint(matmul(c%m_xr2x,lvecini + lvecx))
end if
end do ! k = i0(3), i1(3)
end do ! j = i0(2), i1(2)
end do ! i = i0(1), i1(1)
end if

! sort if necessary
if (sorted_ .and. nat > 1) then
! permutation vector
do i = 1, nat
iord(i) = i
end do

! sort by distance
call mergesort(at_dist,iord,1,nat)

! reorder and clean up
at_dist = at_dist(iord)
at_lvec = at_lvec(:,iord)
call realloc(at_lvec,3,nat)
call realloc(at_dist,nat)
end if

! reduce the list if up2n (always sorted)
! if (present(up2n)) nat = up2n_

! output
if (present(dist)) dist = at_dist(1:nat)
if (present(lvec)) lvec = at_lvec(:,1:nat)

end subroutine list_near_lattice_points

end submodule env
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions src/[email protected]
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Expand Up @@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ module subroutine critic_main()
use tools_io, only: ferror, faterr, uin, ucopy, uout, getword, lgetword, getline,&
equal, isinteger, isreal, string, usegui
use param, only: param_init
! xxxx
use param, only: icrd_crys
use environmod, only: environ

! parsing
integer :: lp, lpold
Expand All @@ -67,6 +70,12 @@ module subroutine critic_main()
logical :: doref, doname, doflags
! xxxx
real*8 :: xp(3), dmax
real*8, allocatable :: dist(:)
integer, allocatable :: lvec(:,:), eid(:)
integer :: nat, ierr
type(environ) :: e

! Start reading
ncom = 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -621,6 +630,28 @@ module subroutine critic_main()
elseif (equal(word,'trick')) then
call trick(line(lp:))

! trick
elseif (equal(word,'temp')) then
! xxxx

xp = 0d0
dmax = 20d0

call e%build_lattice(sy%c%m_x2c,50d0)
call e%list_near_atoms(xp,icrd_crys,.true.,nat,ierr,eid=eid,dist=dist,up2d=dmax)
do i = 1, nat
write (*,*) i, e%xr2x(e%at(eid(i))%x), dist(i)
end do
write (*,*)

call sy%c%list_near_lattice_points(xp,icrd_crys,.true.,nat,dist,lvec,up2d=dmax)
do i = 1, nat
write (*,*) i, lvec(:,i), dist(i)
end do

write (*,*) "fin!"
stop 1

! end
elseif (equal(word,'end').or.equal(word,'exit')) then
call check_no_extra_word(ok)
Expand Down

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