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implemented up2n for crystals
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aoterodelaroza committed Feb 8, 2024
1 parent db2c024 commit c73f96a
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305 changes: 245 additions & 60 deletions src/[email protected]
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Expand Up @@ -69,13 +69,13 @@ end subroutine build_env

!> Given the point xp (in icrd coordinates), calculate the list of
!> nearest atoms. If sorted is true, the list is sorted by distance
!> and shell. One of these optional criteria must be given:
!> and shell. One (and only one) of these criteria must be given:
!> - up2d = list up to a distance up2d.
!> - up2dsp = between a minimum and a maximum species-dependent distance.
!> - up2dcidx = up to a distance to each atom in the complete list.
!> - up2sh = up to a number of shells.
!> - up2n = up to a number of atoms.
!> If up2n or up2sh is used, the list is always sorted.
!> The atom list with up2n is sorted by distance on output.
!> Optional input:
!> - nid0 = consider only atoms with index nid0 from the nneq list.
Expand All @@ -93,8 +93,6 @@ end subroutine build_env
!> - lvec(3,nid) = lattice vectors for the atoms.
!> - ishell0(nid) = shell ID.
!> Sorted and the up2sh and up2n options work only if the dist(:)
!> array is present.
module subroutine list_near_atoms(c,xp,icrd,sorted,nat,eid,dist,lvec,ishell0,up2d,&
use tools, only: mergesort
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -122,22 +120,35 @@ module subroutine list_near_atoms(c,xp,icrd,sorted,nat,eid,dist,lvec,ishell0,up2
integer, intent(in), optional :: ispc0
logical, intent(in), optional :: nozero

logical :: doshell, ok, nozero_, docycle
logical :: ok, nozero_, docycle, sorted_
real*8 :: x(3), xorigc(3), dmax, dd, lvecx(3), xr(3)
integer :: i, j, k, ix(3), nx(3), i0(3), i1(3), idx
integer :: ib(3)
integer, allocatable :: at_id(:), at_lvec(:,:), iord(:)
integer :: ib(3), ithis(3), nsafe
integer, allocatable :: at_id(:), at_lvec(:,:)
real*8, allocatable :: at_dist(:)
integer :: nb, nshellb
integer, allocatable :: idb(:,:), iaux(:), iord(:)

real*8, parameter :: eps = 1d-10

! process input
if (.not.present(up2d).and..not.present(up2dsp).and..not.present(up2dcidx).and.&
.not.present(up2sh).and..not.present(up2n)) &
call ferror("list_near_atoms","must give one of up2d, up2dsp, up2dcidx, up2sh, or up2n",faterr)
doshell = present(ishell0) .or. present(up2sh)
nozero_ = .false.
sorted_ = sorted .or. present(up2n)
if (present(nozero)) nozero_ = nozero
if (present(up2d)) then
dmax = up2d
elseif (present(up2dsp)) then
dmax = maxval(up2dsp)
elseif (present(up2dcidx)) then
dmax = maxval(up2dcidx)
elseif (present(up2n)) then
elseif (present(up2sh)) then
write (*,*) "fixme!"
stop 1
call ferror("list_near_atoms","must give one of up2d, up2dsp, up2dcidx, up2sh, or up2n",faterr)
end if

! locate the block containing the point
if (icrd == icrd_crys) then
Expand All @@ -150,50 +161,29 @@ module subroutine list_near_atoms(c,xp,icrd,sorted,nat,eid,dist,lvec,ishell0,up2
xorigc = c%xr2c(x)
ix = floor(x * c%nblock)

! up to a distance
if (present(up2d)) then
dmax = up2d
elseif (present(up2dsp)) then
dmax = maxval(up2dsp)
elseif (present(up2dcidx)) then
dmax = maxval(up2dcidx)
write (*,*) "fixme!"
stop 1
end if

! calculate the number of blocks in each direction required for satifying
! that the largest sphere in the super-block has radius > dmax.
! r = Vblock / 2 / max(cv(3)/n3,cv(2)/n2,cv(1)/n1)
nx = ceiling(c%blockcv / (0.5d0 * c%blockomega / max(dmax,1d-40)))

! define the search space
do i = 1, 3
if (mod(nx(i),2) == 0) then
i0(i) = ix(i) - nx(i)/2
i1(i) = ix(i) + nx(i)/2
i0(i) = ix(i) - (nx(i)/2+1)
i1(i) = ix(i) + (nx(i)/2+1)
end if
end do

! allocate space for atoms
nat = 0

! run over the atoms and compile the list
do i = i0(1), i1(1)
do j = i0(2), i1(2)
do k = i0(3), i1(3)
! xxxx

if (present(up2n)) then
nshellb = 0
do while(.true.)
call make_block_shell(nshellb)

do i = 1, nb
ithis = idb(:,i) + ix

if (c%ismolecule) then
if (i < 0 .or. i >= c%nblock(1) .or. j < 0 .or. j >= c%nblock(2) .or.&
k < 0 .or. k >= c%nblock(3)) cycle
ib = (/i, j, k/)
if (ithis(1) < 0 .or. ithis(1) >= c%nblock(1) .or.&
ithis(2) < 0 .or. ithis(2) >= c%nblock(2) .or.&
ithis(3) < 0 .or. ithis(3) >= c%nblock(3)) cycle
ib = ithis
lvecx = 0
ib = (/modulo(i,c%nblock(1)), modulo(j,c%nblock(2)), modulo(k,c%nblock(3))/)
lvecx = real(((/i,j,k/) - ib) / c%nblock,8)
ib = (/modulo(ithis(1),c%nblock(1)), modulo(ithis(2),c%nblock(2)), modulo(ithis(3),c%nblock(3))/)
lvecx = real((ithis - ib) / c%nblock,8)
end if

! run over atoms in this block
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -222,27 +212,121 @@ module subroutine list_near_atoms(c,xp,icrd,sorted,nat,eid,dist,lvec,ishell0,up2
dd = norm2(x - xorigc)

! check if we should add the atom to the list
if (nozero_ .and. dd < eps) then
ok = .false.
elseif (present(up2d)) then
ok = (dd <= dmax)
elseif (present(up2dsp)) then
ok = (dd >= up2dsp(c%atcel(idx)%is,1) .and. dd <= up2dsp(c%atcel(idx)%is,2))
elseif (present(up2dcidx)) then
ok = (dd <= up2dcidx(idx))
end if
ok = .true.
if (nozero_ .and. dd < eps) ok = .false.
if (ok) call add_atom_to_output_list()
end if

! next atom
idx = c%atcel(idx)%inext
end do
end do ! while idx
end do

! check if we have enough atoms
nsafe = count(at_dist(1:nat) <= dmax)
if (nsafe >= up2n) exit

! next shell
nshellb = nshellb + 1
end do ! while loop

! filter out the unneeded atoms
nsafe = 0
do i = 1, nat
if (at_dist(i) <= dmax) then
nsafe = nsafe + 1
iaux(nsafe) = i
end if
end do
end do
nat = nsafe
at_id(1:nsafe) = at_id(iaux)
at_dist(1:nsafe) = at_dist(iaux)
at_lvec(:,1:nsafe) = at_lvec(:,iaux)
call realloc(at_id,nsafe)
call realloc(at_dist,nsafe)
call realloc(at_lvec,3,nsafe)
! calculate the number of blocks in each direction required for satifying
! that the largest sphere in the super-block has radius > dmax.
! r = Vblock / 2 / max(cv(3)/n3,cv(2)/n2,cv(1)/n1)
nx = ceiling(c%blockcv / (0.5d0 * c%blockomega / max(dmax,1d-40)))

! define the search space
do i = 1, 3
if (mod(nx(i),2) == 0) then
i0(i) = ix(i) - nx(i)/2
i1(i) = ix(i) + nx(i)/2
i0(i) = ix(i) - (nx(i)/2+1)
i1(i) = ix(i) + (nx(i)/2+1)
end if
end do

! run over the atoms and compile the list
do i = i0(1), i1(1)
do j = i0(2), i1(2)
do k = i0(3), i1(3)
if (c%ismolecule) then
if (i < 0 .or. i >= c%nblock(1) .or. j < 0 .or. j >= c%nblock(2) .or.&
k < 0 .or. k >= c%nblock(3)) cycle
ib = (/i, j, k/)
lvecx = 0
ib = (/modulo(i,c%nblock(1)), modulo(j,c%nblock(2)), modulo(k,c%nblock(3))/)
lvecx = real(((/i,j,k/) - ib) / c%nblock,8)
end if

! run over atoms in this block
idx = c%iblock0(ib(1),ib(2),ib(3))
do while (idx /= 0)
! apply filters
docycle = .false.
if (present(nid0)) &
docycle = (c%atcel(idx)%idx /= nid0)
if (present(ispc0)) &
docycle = (c%atcel(idx)%is /= ispc0)
if (present(id0)) &
docycle = (idx /= id0)
if (present(iz0)) &
docycle = (c%spc(c%atcel(idx)%is)%z /= iz0)

if (.not.docycle) then
! calculate distance
if (c%ismolecule) then
x = c%x2c(c%atcel(idx)%x)
xr = c%x2xr(c%atcel(idx)%x)
xr = xr - floor(xr) + lvecx
x = c%xr2c(xr)
end if
dd = norm2(x - xorigc)

! check if we should add the atom to the list
ok = .true.
if (nozero_ .and. dd < eps) then
ok = .false.
elseif (present(up2d)) then
ok = (dd <= dmax)
elseif (present(up2dsp)) then
ok = (dd >= up2dsp(c%atcel(idx)%is,1) .and. dd <= up2dsp(c%atcel(idx)%is,2))
elseif (present(up2dcidx)) then
ok = (dd <= up2dcidx(idx))
end if
if (ok) call add_atom_to_output_list()
end if

! next atom
idx = c%atcel(idx)%inext
end do ! while idx
end do ! k = i0(3), i1(3)
end do ! j = i0(2), i1(2)
end do ! i = i0(1), i1(1)
end if

! sort if necessary
if (sorted .and. nat > 0) then
if (sorted_ .and. nat > 0) then
! permutation vector
do i = 1, nat
Expand All @@ -259,12 +343,113 @@ module subroutine list_near_atoms(c,xp,icrd,sorted,nat,eid,dist,lvec,ishell0,up2
end if

! reduce the list if up2n
if (present(up2n)) then
nat = up2n
call realloc(at_id,up2n)
call realloc(at_dist,up2n)
call realloc(at_lvec,3,up2n)
end if

! assign optional outputs
if (present(eid)) eid = at_id
if (present(dist)) dist = at_dist
if (present(lvec)) lvec = at_lvec

! Find the indices for the nth shell of blocks. Sets the number of indices (nb),
! the indices themselves (idb(3,nb)), and the rmax for this shell (dmax).
subroutine make_block_shell(n)
integer, intent(in) :: n

integer :: i, j, ic

! special case: n = 0
if (n == 0) then
nb = 1
if (allocated(idb)) deallocate(idb)
idb = 0
dmax = 0d0
end if

! allocate space for (2n+1)^3 - (2n-1)^3 blocks
nb = 2 + 24 * n * n
if (allocated(idb)) deallocate(idb)

! list them
ic = 0
do i = -n+1, n-1
do j = -n+1, n-1
ic = ic + 1
idb(:,ic) = (/n,i,j/)
ic = ic + 1
idb(:,ic) = (/-n,i,j/)

ic = ic + 1
idb(:,ic) = (/i,n,j/)
ic = ic + 1
idb(:,ic) = (/i,-n,j/)

ic = ic + 1
idb(:,ic) = (/i,j,n/)
ic = ic + 1
idb(:,ic) = (/i,j,-n/)
end do
ic = ic + 1
idb(:,ic) = (/n,n,i/)
ic = ic + 1
idb(:,ic) = (/n,-n,i/)
ic = ic + 1
idb(:,ic) = (/-n,n,i/)
ic = ic + 1
idb(:,ic) = (/-n,-n,i/)

ic = ic + 1
idb(:,ic) = (/n,i,n/)
ic = ic + 1
idb(:,ic) = (/n,i,-n/)
ic = ic + 1
idb(:,ic) = (/-n,i,n/)
ic = ic + 1
idb(:,ic) = (/-n,i,-n/)

ic = ic + 1
idb(:,ic) = (/i,n,n/)
ic = ic + 1
idb(:,ic) = (/i,n,-n/)
ic = ic + 1
idb(:,ic) = (/i,-n,n/)
ic = ic + 1
idb(:,ic) = (/i,-n,-n/)
end do

ic = ic + 1
idb(:,ic) = (/n,n,n/)
ic = ic + 1
idb(:,ic) = (/n,n,-n/)
ic = ic + 1
idb(:,ic) = (/n,-n,n/)
ic = ic + 1
idb(:,ic) = (/n,-n,-n/)
ic = ic + 1
idb(:,ic) = (/-n,n,n/)
ic = ic + 1
idb(:,ic) = (/-n,n,-n/)
ic = ic + 1
idb(:,ic) = (/-n,-n,n/)
ic = ic + 1
idb(:,ic) = (/-n,-n,-n/)

! calculate the radius of the largest sphere contained in the blocked
! region (dmax)
dmax = 0.5d0 * c%blockomega / maxval(c%blockcv / real(n,8))

end subroutine make_block_shell

! add current atom (idx) to the output list
subroutine add_atom_to_output_list()
nat = nat + 1
if (nat > size(at_id,1)) then
Expand Down

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