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rewrite the fill_molecular_fragments routine
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aoterodelaroza committed Feb 21, 2024
1 parent 5ce5953 commit aaafaac
Showing 1 changed file with 59 additions and 125 deletions.
184 changes: 59 additions & 125 deletions src/[email protected]
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -128,11 +128,11 @@ module subroutine fill_molecular_fragments(c)
use types, only: realloc
class(crystal), intent(inout) :: c

integer :: i, j, k, l, jid, newid, newl(3)
integer :: i, j, k, l, jid, newid, id, newl(3)
integer :: nat, nlvec, lwork, info
logical :: found, fdisc
integer, allocatable :: id(:), lvec(:,:), iord(:), icidx(:)
logical, allocatable :: ldone(:), used(:)
integer, allocatable :: lvec(:,:), iord(:), icidx(:), lmol(:,:)
logical, allocatable :: ldone(:), used(:), isdiscrete(:)
real*8, allocatable :: rlvec(:,:), sigma(:), uvec(:,:), vvec(:,:), work(:)
real*8 :: xcm(3)

Expand All @@ -142,128 +142,48 @@ module subroutine fill_molecular_fragments(c)
if (allocated(c%idatcelmol)) deallocate(c%idatcelmol)
if (c%ncel == 0) return

! checks andallocate
! checks and allocate
if (.not.allocated(c%nstar)) &
call ferror('fill_molecular_fragments','no asterisms found',faterr)
used = .false.
c%idatcelmol = 0
isdiscrete = .true.

! run over atoms in the unit cell
! depth-first search for the connected components
do i = 1, c%ncel
if (used(i)) cycle
if (c%idatcelmol(i) > 0) cycle

! increment the fragment counter
c%nmol = c%nmol + 1
if (c%nmol > size(c%mol)) then
call realloc_fragment(c%mol,2*c%nmol)
if (c%nmol > size(isdiscrete,1)) then
call realloc(isdiscrete,2*c%nmol)
isdiscrete(c%nmol:) = .true.
end if
c%mol(c%nmol)%discrete = .true.
c%mol(c%nmol)%nlvec = 0

! initialize the stack with atom i in the seed
nat = 1
id(1) = i
lvec(:,1) = 0d0
ldone(1) = .false.
! run the stack
do while (.not.all(ldone(1:nat)))
! find the next atom that is not done
do j = 1, nat
if (.not.ldone(j)) exit
end do
ldone(j) = .true.
jid = id(j)

! run over all neighbors of j
do k = 1, c%nstar(jid)%ncon
! id for the atom and lattice vector
newid = c%nstar(jid)%idcon(k)
newl = c%nstar(jid)%lcon(:,k) + lvec(:,j)

! Is this atom in the fragment already? -> skip it. If it
! has a different lattice vector, mark the fragment as
! not discrete.
found = .false.
do l = 1, nat
found = (newid == id(l))
fdisc = all(newl == lvec(:,l))
if (found) exit
end do
if (found) then
if (.not.fdisc.and..not.c%ismolecule) then
if (.not.allocated(c%mol(c%nmol)%lvec)) allocate(c%mol(c%nmol)%lvec(3,1))

newl = newl - lvec(:,l)
found = .false.
do l = 1, c%mol(c%nmol)%nlvec
if (all(c%mol(c%nmol)%lvec(:,l) == newl) .or. all(c%mol(c%nmol)%lvec(:,l) == -newl)) then
found = .true.
end if
end do
if (.not.found) then
c%mol(c%nmol)%nlvec = c%mol(c%nmol)%nlvec + 1
if (c%mol(c%nmol)%nlvec > size(c%mol(c%nmol)%lvec,2)) then
call realloc(c%mol(c%nmol)%lvec,3,2*c%mol(c%nmol)%nlvec)
end if
c%mol(c%nmol)%lvec(:,c%mol(c%nmol)%nlvec) = newl
end if

c%mol(c%nmol)%discrete = .false.
end if
end if

! Have we used this atom already?
if (used(newid)) cycle

! Add the atom to the stack and mark it as used.
nat = nat + 1
if (nat > size(ldone)) then
call realloc(id,2*nat)
call realloc(lvec,3,2*nat)
call realloc(ldone,2*nat)
end if
id(nat) = newid
lvec(:,nat) = newl
used(newid) = .true.
ldone(nat) = .false.
end do
end do

! add this fragment to the list
used(i) = .true.
c%mol(c%nmol)%nspc = c%nspc
c%mol(c%nmol)%spc = c%spc(1:c%nspc)
c%mol(c%nmol)%nat = nat
do j = 1, nat
! if not a discrete fragment, do not translate
if (.not.c%mol(c%nmol)%discrete) lvec(:,j) = 0
c%mol(c%nmol)%at(j)%x = c%atcel(id(j))%x + lvec(:,j)
c%mol(c%nmol)%at(j)%r = c%x2c(c%mol(c%nmol)%at(j)%x)
c%mol(c%nmol)%at(j)%cidx = id(j)
c%mol(c%nmol)%at(j)%idx = c%atcel(id(j))%idx
c%mol(c%nmol)%at(j)%lvec = lvec(:,j)
c%mol(c%nmol)%at(j)%is = c%atcel(id(j))%is
end do
if (c%mol(c%nmol)%nlvec > 0) &
call realloc(c%mol(c%nmol)%lvec,3,c%mol(c%nmol)%nlvec)
call explore_node(i,c%nmol,(/0,0,0/))
end do

! reorder the fragment in order of increasing cidx
do j = 1, nat
iord(j) = j
icidx(j) = c%mol(c%nmol)%at(j)%cidx
end do
call qcksort(icidx,iord,1,nat)
c%mol(c%nmol)%at = c%mol(c%nmol)%at(iord)
! fill molecules
do i = 1, c%nmol
c%mol(i)%nspc = c%nspc
c%mol(i)%spc = c%spc
c%mol(i)%nat = 0
allocate(c%mol(i)%at(count(c%idatcelmol == i)))
end do
do i = 1, c%ncel
id = c%idatcelmol(i)
c%mol(id)%nat = c%mol(id)%nat + 1
if (isdiscrete(id)) then
c%mol(id)%at(c%mol(id)%nat)%x = c%atcel(i)%x + lmol(:,i)
c%mol(id)%at(c%mol(id)%nat)%lvec = lmol(:,i)
c%mol(id)%at(c%mol(id)%nat)%x = c%atcel(i)%x
c%mol(id)%at(c%mol(id)%nat)%lvec = 0
end if
c%mol(id)%at(c%mol(id)%nat)%r = c%x2c(c%mol(id)%at(c%mol(id)%nat)%x)
c%mol(id)%at(c%mol(id)%nat)%cidx = i
c%mol(id)%at(c%mol(id)%nat)%idx = c%atcel(i)%idx
c%mol(id)%at(c%mol(id)%nat)%is = c%atcel(i)%is
end do
call realloc_fragment(c%mol,c%nmol)

! translate all fragments to the main cell
if (.not.c%ismolecule) then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -316,15 +236,29 @@ module subroutine fill_molecular_fragments(c)
end if

! fill the mapping between atoms and molecules
if (allocated(c%idatcelmol)) deallocate(c%idatcelmol)
c%idatcelmol = 0
do i = 1, c%nmol
do j = 1, c%mol(i)%nat
c%idatcelmol(c%mol(i)%at(j)%cidx) = i
end do
end do
recursive subroutine explore_node(i,nmol,lvec)
integer, intent(in) :: i
integer, intent(in) :: nmol
integer, intent(in) :: lvec(3)

integer :: k, newid

c%idatcelmol(i) = nmol
lmol(:,i) = lvec
do k = 1, c%nstar(i)%ncon
newid = c%nstar(i)%idcon(k)
if (c%idatcelmol(newid) == 0) then
call explore_node(newid,nmol,lvec+c%nstar(i)%lcon(:,k))
if (isdiscrete(nmol)) then
if (any(lvec+c%nstar(i)%lcon(:,k) /= lmol(:,newid))) &
isdiscrete(nmol) = .false.
end if
end if
end do

end subroutine explore_node

end subroutine fill_molecular_fragments

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