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simplify the bond style data structure
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aoterodelaroza committed Aug 22, 2024
1 parent 59a6f45 commit 7e3b1e5
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Showing 4 changed files with 47 additions and 134 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion VERSION
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@@ -1 +1 @@
11 changes: 1 addition & 10 deletions src/gui/scenes.f90
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Expand Up @@ -108,14 +108,6 @@ module scenes
logical, allocatable :: shown_g(:,:) ! by-species bond shown flags (nspc,nspc)
! the bond information
type(neighstar), allocatable :: nstar(:) ! the neighbor star
logical(c_bool), allocatable :: shown(:,:) ! whether the bond is shown
integer(c_int), allocatable :: style(:,:) ! bond style (0=single color, 1=two colors)
real(c_float), allocatable :: rgb(:,:,:) ! color of the bond (3,nstar%ncon)
real(c_float), allocatable :: rad(:,:) ! radius of the bond
real(c_float), allocatable :: border(:,:) ! border of the bond
integer(c_int), allocatable :: order(:,:) ! bond order (-n=dashed,1=single,2=double,etc.)
integer(c_int), allocatable :: imol(:,:) ! molecular connections (0=any,1=intramol,2=intermol)
logical, allocatable :: bothends(:,:) ! if true, both atoms need to be drawn to draw the bond
procedure :: reset => reset_bond_style
procedure :: generate_neighstars_from_globals
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -349,10 +341,9 @@ module subroutine reset_bond_style(d,isys,flavor)
integer, intent(in), value :: isys
integer, intent(in) :: flavor
end subroutine reset_bond_style
module subroutine generate_neighstars_from_globals(d,isys,recalculate)
module subroutine generate_neighstars_from_globals(d,isys)
class(draw_style_bond), intent(inout), target :: d
integer, intent(in) :: isys
logical, intent(in) :: recalculate
end subroutine generate_neighstars_from_globals
! representation
module subroutine representation_init(r,sc,isys,irep,itype,style,flavor)
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160 changes: 42 additions & 118 deletions src/gui/[email protected]
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1166,14 +1166,6 @@ module subroutine reset_bond_style(d,isys,flavor)
d%isdef = .true.
if (allocated(d%shown_g)) deallocate(d%shown_g)
if (allocated(d%nstar)) deallocate(d%nstar)
if (allocated(d%shown)) deallocate(d%shown)
if (allocated(d%style)) deallocate(d%style)
if (allocated(d%rgb)) deallocate(d%rgb)
if (allocated(d%rad)) deallocate(d%rad)
if (allocated(d%border)) deallocate(d%border)
if (allocated(d%order)) deallocate(d%order)
if (allocated(d%imol)) deallocate(d%imol)
if (allocated(d%bothends)) deallocate(d%bothends)

! check the system is sane
if (isys < 1 .or. isys > nsys) return
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1216,7 +1208,7 @@ module subroutine reset_bond_style(d,isys,flavor)
end do
d%rad_g = 0.15_c_float
d%order_g = 0
call d%generate_neighstars_from_globals(isys,.true.)
call d%generate_neighstars_from_globals(isys)
elseif (flavor == repflavor_atoms_hbonds) then
! hydrogen bonds
d%border_g = 0._c_float
Expand All @@ -1241,42 +1233,25 @@ module subroutine reset_bond_style(d,isys,flavor)
end do
d%rad_g = 0.15_c_float
d%order_g = 0
call d%generate_neighstars_from_globals(isys,.true.)
call d%generate_neighstars_from_globals(isys)
! default flavor
d%nstar = sys(isys)%c%nstar
n = 0
do i = 1, sys(isys)%c%ncel
n = max(n,d%nstar(i)%ncon)
end do
d%shown = .true.
d%style = 0
d%rgb = 0._c_float
d%rad = bond_rad_def
d%border = atomborder_def
d%order = 1
d%imol = 0
d%bothends = .true.
end if

end subroutine reset_bond_style

!> Generate the neighbor stars from the data in the rij table using
!> the geometry in system isys.
module subroutine generate_neighstars_from_globals(d,isys,recalculate)
module subroutine generate_neighstars_from_globals(d,isys)
use gui_main, only: nsys, sys, sysc, sys_ready
use param, only: bohrtoa, atmcov, atmvdw
class(draw_style_bond), intent(inout), target :: d
integer, intent(in) :: isys
logical, intent(in) :: recalculate

integer :: i, j, n, ispc, jspc
real*8 :: r1cov, r1vdw, r2cov, r2vdw
Expand All @@ -1290,85 +1265,34 @@ module subroutine generate_neighstars_from_globals(d,isys,recalculate)
! allocate temporary data for rij table

if (recalculate) then
! fill table data
do i = 1, sys(isys)%c%nspc
r1cov = atmcov(sys(isys)%c%spc(i)%z)
r1vdw = atmvdw(sys(isys)%c%spc(i)%z)
do j = i, sys(isys)%c%nspc
r2cov = atmcov(sys(isys)%c%spc(j)%z)
r2vdw = atmvdw(sys(isys)%c%spc(j)%z)
if (d%distancetype_g == 0) then
if (d%radtype_g(1) == 0) then
rij_t(i,1,j) = d%bfmin_g * (r1cov + r2cov)
rij_t(i,1,j) = d%bfmin_g * (r1vdw + r2vdw)
end if
if (d%radtype_g(2) == 0) then
rij_t(i,2,j) = d%bfmax_g * (r1cov + r2cov)
rij_t(i,2,j) = d%bfmax_g * (r1vdw + r2vdw)
end if
! fill table data
do i = 1, sys(isys)%c%nspc
r1cov = atmcov(sys(isys)%c%spc(i)%z)
r1vdw = atmvdw(sys(isys)%c%spc(i)%z)
do j = i, sys(isys)%c%nspc
r2cov = atmcov(sys(isys)%c%spc(j)%z)
r2vdw = atmvdw(sys(isys)%c%spc(j)%z)
if (d%distancetype_g == 0) then
if (d%radtype_g(1) == 0) then
rij_t(i,1,j) = d%bfmin_g * (r1cov + r2cov)
rij_t(i,1,j) = d%dmin_g / bohrtoa
rij_t(i,2,j) = d%dmax_g / bohrtoa
rij_t(i,1,j) = d%bfmin_g * (r1vdw + r2vdw)
end if
rij_t(j,:,i) = rij_t(i,:,j)
end do
end do

! generate the new neighbor star
call sys(isys)%c%find_asterisms(d%nstar,rij=rij_t)
end if

! reallocate the additional information that goes with the neighstar
if (allocated(d%shown)) deallocate(d%shown)
if (allocated(d%style)) deallocate(d%style)
if (allocated(d%rgb)) deallocate(d%rgb)
if (allocated(d%rad)) deallocate(d%rad)
if (allocated(d%border)) deallocate(d%border)
if (allocated(d%order)) deallocate(d%order)
if (allocated(d%imol)) deallocate(d%imol)
if (allocated(d%bothends)) deallocate(d%bothends)
n = 0
do i = 1, sys(isys)%c%ncel
n = max(n,d%nstar(i)%ncon)
end do
d%shown = .true.
d%style = 0
d%rgb = 0._c_float
d%rad = bond_rad_def
d%border = atomborder_def
d%order = 1
d%imol = 0
d%bothends = .true.

! transfer the info from the species table to the neighbor star
do i = 1, sys(isys)%c%ncel
ispc = sys(isys)%c%atcel(i)%is
do j = 1, d%nstar(i)%ncon
jspc = sys(isys)%c%atcel(d%nstar(i)%idcon(j))%is
d%shown(j,i) = d%shown_g(ispc,jspc)
d%style(j,i) = d%style_g
d%rgb(:,j,i) = d%rgb_g
d%rad(j,i) = d%rad_g
d%border(j,i) = d%border_g
d%order(j,i) = d%order_g
d%imol(j,i) = d%imol_g
d%bothends(j,i) = d%bothends_g
if (d%radtype_g(2) == 0) then
rij_t(i,2,j) = d%bfmax_g * (r1cov + r2cov)
rij_t(i,2,j) = d%bfmax_g * (r1vdw + r2vdw)
end if
rij_t(i,1,j) = d%dmin_g / bohrtoa
rij_t(i,2,j) = d%dmax_g / bohrtoa
end if
rij_t(j,:,i) = rij_t(i,:,j)
end do
end do

! not using the default values anymore
d%isdef = .false.
! generate the new neighbor star
call sys(isys)%c%find_asterisms(d%nstar,rij=rij_t)

end subroutine generate_neighstars_from_globals

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1778,18 +1702,18 @@ module subroutine add_draw_elements(r,nc,nsph,drawlist_sph,ncyl,drawlist_cyl,&

! bonds
do ib = 1, r%bond_style%nstar(i)%ncon
if (.not.r%bond_style%shown(ib,i)) cycle
ineigh = r%bond_style%nstar(i)%idcon(ib)
if (.not.r%bond_style%shown_g(sys(r%id)%c%atcel(ineigh)%is,sys(r%id)%c%atcel(i)%is)) cycle
ixn = ix + r%bond_style%nstar(i)%lcon(:,ib)

if (r%bond_style%imol(ib,i) == 1) then ! intramol
if (r%bond_style%imol_g == 1) then ! intramol
if (.not.sys(r%id)%c%in_same_molecule(i,ix,ineigh,ixn)) cycle
elseif (r%bond_style%imol(ib,i) == 2) then ! intermol
elseif (r%bond_style%imol_g == 2) then ! intermol
if (sys(r%id)%c%in_same_molecule(i,ix,ineigh,ixn)) cycle
end if

call check_lshown(ineigh,ixn(1),ixn(2),ixn(3))
if (r%bond_style%bothends(ib,i)) then
if (r%bond_style%bothends_g) then
! skip if the atom has been represented already
! (draws once, and only if both atoms are present)
if (.not.lshown(ineigh,ixn(1),ixn(2),ixn(3))) cycle
Expand All @@ -1800,7 +1724,7 @@ module subroutine add_draw_elements(r,nc,nsph,drawlist_sph,ncyl,drawlist_cyl,&
end if

! draw the bond, reallocate if necessary
if (r%bond_style%style(ib,i) == 0) then
if (r%bond_style%style_g == 0) then
ncyl = ncyl + 1
ncyl = ncyl + 2
Expand All @@ -1823,15 +1747,15 @@ module subroutine add_draw_elements(r,nc,nsph,drawlist_sph,ncyl,drawlist_cyl,&
x1 = xc + uoriginc
x2 = sys(r%id)%c%atcel(ineigh)%x + ixn
x2 = sys(r%id)%c%x2c(x2) + uoriginc
if (r%bond_style%style(ib,i) == 0) then
if (r%bond_style%style_g == 0) then
drawlist_cyl(ncyl)%x1 = real(x1,c_float)
drawlist_cyl(ncyl)%x1delta = cmplx(xdelta1,kind=c_float_complex)
drawlist_cyl(ncyl)%x2 = real(x2,c_float)
drawlist_cyl(ncyl)%x2delta = cmplx(xdelta2,kind=c_float_complex)
drawlist_cyl(ncyl)%r = r%bond_style%rad(ib,i)
drawlist_cyl(ncyl)%rgb = r%bond_style%rgb(:,ib,i)
drawlist_cyl(ncyl)%order = r%bond_style%order(ib,i)
drawlist_cyl(ncyl)%border = r%bond_style%border(ib,i)
drawlist_cyl(ncyl)%r = r%bond_style%rad_g
drawlist_cyl(ncyl)%rgb = r%bond_style%rgb_g
drawlist_cyl(ncyl)%order = r%bond_style%order_g
drawlist_cyl(ncyl)%border = r%bond_style%border_g
! calculate the midpoint, taking into account the atomic radii
if (r%atom_style%type == 0) then ! species
Expand All @@ -1853,20 +1777,20 @@ module subroutine add_draw_elements(r,nc,nsph,drawlist_sph,ncyl,drawlist_cyl,&
drawlist_cyl(ncyl-1)%x1delta = cmplx(xdelta1,kind=c_float_complex)
drawlist_cyl(ncyl-1)%x2 = real(x0,c_float)
drawlist_cyl(ncyl-1)%x2delta = cmplx(xdelta0,kind=c_float_complex)
drawlist_cyl(ncyl-1)%r = r%bond_style%rad(ib,i)
drawlist_cyl(ncyl-1)%r = r%bond_style%rad_g
drawlist_cyl(ncyl-1)%rgb = rgb
drawlist_cyl(ncyl-1)%order = r%bond_style%order(ib,i)
drawlist_cyl(ncyl-1)%border = r%bond_style%border(ib,i)
drawlist_cyl(ncyl-1)%order = r%bond_style%order_g
drawlist_cyl(ncyl-1)%border = r%bond_style%border_g

drawlist_cyl(ncyl)%x1 = real(x0,c_float)
drawlist_cyl(ncyl)%x1delta = cmplx(xdelta0,kind=c_float_complex)
drawlist_cyl(ncyl)%x2 = real(x2,c_float)
drawlist_cyl(ncyl)%x2delta = cmplx(xdelta2,kind=c_float_complex)
drawlist_cyl(ncyl)%r = r%bond_style%rad(ib,i)
drawlist_cyl(ncyl)%r = r%bond_style%rad_g
drawlist_cyl(ncyl)%rgb = r%atom_style%rgb(:,idaux) * &
drawlist_cyl(ncyl)%order = r%bond_style%order(ib,i)
drawlist_cyl(ncyl)%border = r%bond_style%border(ib,i)
drawlist_cyl(ncyl)%order = r%bond_style%order_g
drawlist_cyl(ncyl)%border = r%bond_style%border_g
end if
end do ! ncon
end if
Expand Down
8 changes: 3 additions & 5 deletions src/gui/[email protected]
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2012,7 +2012,8 @@ module function draw_editrep_atoms(w,ttshown) result(changed)
& radii (Factor) or give bond distance range (Range)",ttshown)
call iw_text(")",highlight=.true.,sameline_nospace=.true.)
if (iw_button("Apply##applyglobal",sameline=.true.,danger=.true.)) then
call w%rep%bond_style%generate_neighstars_from_globals(isys,.true.)
call w%rep%bond_style%generate_neighstars_from_globals(isys)
w%rep%bond_style%isdef = .false.
changed = .true.
end if
call iw_tooltip("Recalculate and draw bonds using the selected distance criteria",ttshown)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2145,10 +2146,7 @@ module function draw_editrep_atoms(w,ttshown) result(changed)
end if ! begintable

! immediately update if non-distances have changed
if (ch) then
call w%rep%bond_style%generate_neighstars_from_globals(isys,.false.)
changed = .true.
end if
if (ch) changed = .true.

call igEndTabItem()
end if ! begin tab item (bonds)
Expand Down

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