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implemented: read FPLO grids
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aoterodelaroza committed May 2, 2024
1 parent f86eab9 commit 7aa1fdb
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Showing 5 changed files with 130 additions and 28 deletions.
11 changes: 9 additions & 2 deletions src/[email protected]
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -292,8 +292,8 @@ module subroutine field_new(f,seed,c,id,sptr,errmsg,ti)
use param, only: ifformat_unknown, ifformat_wien, ifformat_elk, ifformat_pi,&
ifformat_cube, ifformat_bincube, ifformat_abinit, ifformat_vasp,&
ifformat_vaspnov, ifformat_qub,&
ifformat_xsf, ifformat_elkgrid, ifformat_siestagrid, ifformat_dftb,&
ifformat_pwc, ifformat_fmt,&
ifformat_xsf, ifformat_elkgrid, ifformat_siestagrid, ifformat_fplogrid,&
ifformat_dftb, ifformat_pwc, ifformat_fmt,&
ifformat_wfn, ifformat_wfx, ifformat_fchk, ifformat_molden, ifformat_as,&
ifformat_as_promolecular, ifformat_as_core, ifformat_as_lap, ifformat_as_grad,&
ifformat_as_pot, ifformat_as_resample,&
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -435,6 +435,13 @@ module subroutine field_new(f,seed,c,id,sptr,errmsg,ti)
f%type = type_grid
f%file = seed%file(1)

elseif (seed%iff == ifformat_fplogrid) then
if (.not.allocated(f%grid)) allocate(f%grid)
call f%grid%end()
call f%grid%read_fplo(c_loc(c),seed%file(1),c%m_x2c,errmsg,ti=ti)
f%type = type_grid
f%file = seed%file(1)

elseif (seed%iff == ifformat_dftb) then
if (.not.allocated(f%dftb)) allocate(f%dftb)
call f%dftb%end()
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11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions src/[email protected]
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ module subroutine fieldseed_parse(f,line,withoptions,lp0)
ifformat_unknown, ifformat_wien, ifformat_elk, ifformat_pi, ifformat_cube,&
ifformat_bincube, ifformat_abinit, ifformat_fmt,&
ifformat_vasp, ifformat_vaspnov, ifformat_qub, ifformat_xsf, ifformat_elkgrid,&
ifformat_siestagrid, ifformat_dftb, ifformat_pwc,&
ifformat_siestagrid, ifformat_fplogrid, ifformat_dftb, ifformat_pwc,&
ifformat_wfn, ifformat_wfx, ifformat_fchk,&
ifformat_molden, ifformat_as, ifformat_as_promolecular, ifformat_as_core, ifformat_as_lap,&
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,6 +126,9 @@ module subroutine fieldseed_parse(f,line,withoptions,lp0)
elseif (equal(lfile,"siesta")) then
f%iff = ifformat_siestagrid
call read_next_as_file()
elseif (equal(lfile,"fplo")) then
f%iff = ifformat_fplogrid
call read_next_as_file()
elseif (equal(lfile,"dftb")) then
f%iff = ifformat_dftb
call read_next_as_file()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -193,7 +196,7 @@ module subroutine fieldseed_parse(f,line,withoptions,lp0)
! no files needed
nfile = 0
elseif (f%iff == ifformat_cube .or. f%iff == ifformat_bincube .or.&
f%iff == ifformat_abinit .or. f%iff == ifformat_siestagrid .or.&
f%iff == ifformat_abinit .or. f%iff == ifformat_siestagrid .or. f%iff == ifformat_fplogrid .or.&
f%iff == ifformat_vasp .or. f%iff == ifformat_vaspnov .or. f%iff == ifformat_qub .or.&
f%iff == ifformat_xsf .or. f%iff == ifformat_wfn .or. f%iff == ifformat_wfx .or.&
f%iff == ifformat_fmt .or.&
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -647,7 +650,7 @@ module function field_detect_format(file,molden_type)
use wfn_private, only: molden_type_unknown, molden_type_orca
use tools_io, only: ferror, equal
use param, only: dirsep,&
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -687,6 +690,8 @@ module function field_detect_format(file,molden_type)
equal(extdot,'DRHO') .or. equal(extdot,'LDOS') .or.&
equal(extdot,'VT') .or. equal(extdot,'VH')) then
field_detect_format = ifformat_siestagrid
else if (equal(extdot,'001')) then
field_detect_format = ifformat_fplogrid
else if (equal(extdot,'xml')) then
field_detect_format = ifformat_dftb
else if (equal(extdot,'CHG').or.equal(extdot,'CHGCAR').or.&
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9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/grid3mod.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ module grid3mod
procedure :: read_cube !< grid3 from a Gaussian cube file
procedure :: read_bincube !< grid3 from a binary cube file
procedure :: read_siesta !< grid3 from siesta RHO file
procedure :: read_fplo !< grid3 from FPLO 001 file
procedure :: read_abinit !< grid3 from abinit binary file
procedure :: read_vasp !< grid3 from VASP file (CHG, CHGCAR, etc.)
procedure :: read_qub !< grid3 from aimpac qub format
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -168,6 +169,14 @@ module subroutine read_siesta(f,cptr,file,x2c,errmsg,ti)
character(len=:), allocatable, intent(out) :: errmsg
type(thread_info), intent(in), optional :: ti
end subroutine read_siesta
module subroutine read_fplo(f,cptr,file,x2c,errmsg,ti)
class(grid3), intent(inout) :: f
type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: cptr
character*(*), intent(in) :: file
real*8, intent(in) :: x2c(3,3)
character(len=:), allocatable, intent(out) :: errmsg
type(thread_info), intent(in), optional :: ti
end subroutine read_fplo
module subroutine read_abinit(f,cptr,file,x2c,errmsg,ti)
class(grid3), intent(inout) :: f
type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: cptr
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80 changes: 80 additions & 0 deletions src/[email protected]
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -659,6 +659,86 @@ module subroutine read_siesta(f,cptr,file,x2c,errmsg,ti)

end subroutine read_siesta

!> Read a grid in FPLO grid format
module subroutine read_fplo(f,cptr,file,x2c,errmsg,ti)
use tools_io, only: fopen_read, fclose, getline_raw, isinteger
use tools_math, only: matinv
class(grid3), intent(inout) :: f
type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: cptr
character*(*), intent(in) :: file !< Input file
real*8, intent(in) :: x2c(3,3)
character(len=:), allocatable, intent(out) :: errmsg
type(thread_info), intent(in), optional :: ti

logical :: ok
integer :: luc, nspin, istat
integer :: i, ix, iy, iz, n(3), ll, lp
real*8 :: r(3,3)
real*4, allocatable :: g(:)
character(len=:), allocatable :: line

errmsg = "Error reading file"

! initialize
call f%end()
f%isinit = .true.
f%isqe = .false.
f%iswan = .false.
f%mode = mode_default

! open file
luc = fopen_read(file,ti=ti)
if (luc < 0) goto 999

! read the header and initialize geometry
n = 0
do while (getline_raw(luc,line))
ll = len(line)
if (ll >= 17) then
if (line(1:17) == "#position-subdiv:") then
line = line(18:)
lp = 1
ok = isinteger(n(1),line,lp)
ok = ok .and. isinteger(n(2),line,lp)
ok = ok .and. isinteger(n(3),line,lp)
if (.not.ok) then
errmsg = "Error reading number of grid points."
goto 999
end if
elseif (ll >= 9) then
if (line(1:9) == "#columns:") exit
end if
end if
end do
if (any(n <= 0)) then
errmsg = "Number of grid points not found."
goto 999
end if
call init_geometry(f,x2c,n,cptr)

! read the field and close
if (istat /= 0) then
errmsg = "Error allocating grid"
goto 999
end if
f%f = 0d0
do iz = 1, n(3)
do iy = 1, n(2)
do ix = 1, n(1)
read (luc,*,err=999,end=999) f%f(ix,iy,iz)
end do
end do
end do
call fclose(luc)

errmsg = ""
999 continue
if (luc > 0) call fclose(luc)

end subroutine read_fplo

!> Read a grid in abinit format
module subroutine read_abinit(f,cptr,file,x2c,errmsg,ti)
use tools_math, only: matinv
Expand Down
47 changes: 24 additions & 23 deletions src/param.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -144,29 +144,30 @@ module param
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_xsf = 10
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_elkgrid = 11
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_siestagrid = 12
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_dftb = 13
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_pwc = 14
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_wfn = 15
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_wfx = 16
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_fchk = 17
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_molden = 18
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_fmt = 19
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_as = 20
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_as_promolecular = 21
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_as_core = 22
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_as_lap = 23
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_as_grad = 24
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_as_pot = 25
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_as_resample = 26
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_as_clm = 27
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_as_clm_sub = 28
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_as_ghost = 29
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_copy = 30
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_promolecular = 31
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_promolecular_fragment = 32
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_as_hxx1 = 33
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_as_hxx2 = 34
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_as_hxx3 = 35
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_fplogrid = 13
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_dftb = 14
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_pwc = 15
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_wfn = 16
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_wfx = 17
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_fchk = 18
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_molden = 19
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_fmt = 20
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_as = 21
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_as_promolecular = 22
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_as_core = 23
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_as_lap = 24
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_as_grad = 25
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_as_pot = 26
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_as_resample = 27
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_as_clm = 28
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_as_clm_sub = 29
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_as_ghost = 30
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_copy = 31
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_promolecular = 32
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_promolecular_fragment = 33
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_as_hxx1 = 34
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_as_hxx2 = 35
integer, parameter, public :: ifformat_as_hxx3 = 36

! free atomic polarizabilities from CRC handbook, 88th ed.
real*8, parameter :: alpha_free(1:maxzat0) = (/ 0.6668D0, 0.2051D0, 24.3300D0, 5.6000D0,& ! 1-4
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