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started implementation of the edit keyword
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aoterodelaroza committed Jan 10, 2024
1 parent 516c432 commit 45e3a0e
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Showing 5 changed files with 166 additions and 2 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions src/crystalmod.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ module crystalmod
procedure :: cell_delaunay !< Transform to the Delaunay primitive cell
procedure :: reorder_atoms !< reorder the atoms in the crystal/molecule
procedure :: wholemols !< Re-assign atomic types to have an asymmetric unit with whole molecules
procedure :: delete_atoms !< Delete a list of atoms

! symmetry (symmetry)
procedure :: sitesymm !< Determine the local-symmetry group symbol for a point
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -511,6 +512,12 @@ module subroutine wholemols(c,ti)
class(crystal), intent(inout) :: c
type(thread_info), intent(in), optional :: ti
end subroutine wholemols
module subroutine delete_atoms(c,nat,iat,ti)
class(crystal), intent(inout) :: c
integer, intent(in) :: nat
integer, intent(in) :: iat(nat)
type(thread_info), intent(in), optional :: ti
end subroutine delete_atoms
module function sitesymm(c,x0,eps0,leqv,lrotm)
class(crystal), intent(in) :: c
real*8, intent(in) :: x0(3)
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53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions src/[email protected]
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -697,4 +697,57 @@ module subroutine wholemols(c,ti)

end subroutine wholemols

!> Delete the atoms with IDs in the array iat(1:nat) from the
!> structure.
module subroutine delete_atoms(c,nat,iat,ti)
use crystalseedmod, only: crystalseed
use types, only: realloc
class(crystal), intent(inout) :: c
integer, intent(in) :: nat
integer, intent(in) :: iat(nat)
type(thread_info), intent(in), optional :: ti

type(crystalseed) :: seed
logical, allocatable :: useatoms(:), usespcs(:)
integer :: i

! make seed from this crystal
call c%makeseed(seed,copysym=.false.)

! flag the atoms and species to use
useatoms = .true.
do i = 1, nat
useatoms(iat(i)) = .false.
end do
usespcs = .false.
do i = 1, c%ncel
if (useatoms(i)) usespcs(c%atcel(i)%is) = .true.
end do

! re-do the atom and species info
seed%nat = 0
do i = 1, c%ncel
if (useatoms(i)) then
seed%nat = seed%nat + 1
seed%x(:,seed%nat) = c%atcel(i)%x
seed%is(seed%nat) = c%atcel(i)%is
end if
end do
call realloc(seed%x,3,seed%nat)
call realloc(seed%is,seed%nat)
seed%nspc = 0
do i = 1, c%nspc
if (usespcs(i)) then
seed%nspc = seed%nspc + 1
seed%spc(seed%nspc) = c%spc(i)
end if
end do
call realloc(seed%spc,seed%nspc)

! build the new crystal
call c%struct_new(seed,crashfail=.true.,ti=ti)

end subroutine delete_atoms

end submodule edit
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion src/[email protected]
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ module subroutine critic_main()
use struct_drivers, only: struct_crystal_input, struct_molcell,&
struct_atomlabel, struct_sym, struct_sym, struct_charges, struct_write,&
struct_powder, struct_rdf, struct_compare, struct_comparevc, struct_environ,&
struct_econ, struct_edit,&
struct_coord, struct_polyhedra, struct_packing, struct_vdw, struct_identify,&
struct_makemols_neighcrys, struct_molreorder, struct_molmove,&
struct_kpoints, struct_bz, struct_newcell, struct_amd
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -93,6 +93,12 @@ module subroutine critic_main()
end if
call struct_crystal_input(subline,ismoli,.true.,.not.quiet,s0=sy)

! newcell
elseif (equal(word,'edit')) then
call check_structure_defined(ok)
if (.not.ok) cycle
call struct_edit(sy,.not.quiet)

! newcell
elseif (equal(word,'newcell')) then
call check_structure_defined(ok)
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/struct_drivers.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ module struct_drivers
public :: struct_polyhedra
public :: struct_packing
public :: struct_vdw
public :: struct_edit
public :: struct_newcell
public :: struct_molcell
public :: struct_identify
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -122,6 +123,10 @@ module subroutine struct_vdw(s,line)
type(system), intent(in) :: s
character*(*), intent(in) :: line
end subroutine struct_vdw
module subroutine struct_edit(s,verbose)
type(system), intent(inout) :: s
logical, intent(in) :: verbose
end subroutine struct_edit
module subroutine struct_newcell(s,line,verbose)
type(system), intent(inout) :: s
character*(*), intent(in) :: line
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95 changes: 94 additions & 1 deletion src/[email protected]
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1331,7 +1331,7 @@ module subroutine struct_compare(s,line)
use tools_math, only: crosscorr_triangle, rmsd_walker, umeyama_graph_matching,&
ullmann_graph_matching, emd, synthetic_powder
use tools_io, only: getword, equal, faterr, ferror, uout, string, ioj_center,&
ioj_left, string, lower, lgetword, fopen_read, fclose, getline, isreal,&
ioj_left, string, lower, lgetword, fopen_read, fclose, isreal,&
use types, only: realloc
use param, only: isformat_unknown, maxzat, pi
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3103,6 +3103,99 @@ module subroutine struct_vdw(s,line)

end subroutine struct_vdw

!> Edit a molecular or crystal structure
module subroutine struct_edit(s,verbose)
use systemmod, only: system
use tools_io, only: uout, ucopy, uin, getline, lgetword, equal, ferror, faterr,&
getword, isinteger, string
use types, only: realloc
type(system), intent(inout) :: s
logical, intent(in) :: verbose

character(len=:), allocatable :: line, word, errmsg
integer :: lp
integer :: idx, nat, i
integer, allocatable :: iat(:)
logical :: ok

if (verbose) then
write (uout,'("* Edit the crystal or molecular structure (EDIT)")')
write (uout,*)
end if

! transform to the primitive?
errmsg = "Invalid syntax"
do while (getline(uin,line,ucopy=ucopy))
lp = 1
word = lgetword(line,lp)
if (equal(word,"delete")) then
word = lgetword(line,lp)

nat = 0
if (equal(word,"atoms") .or. equal(word,"atom")) then
! read the list of atoms
do while (.true.)
word = getword(line,lp)
if (len_trim(word) == 0) exit
ok = isinteger(idx,word)
if (.not.ok) then
errmsg = "invalid atom number in delete atoms"
goto 999
end if
if (idx < 1 .or. idx > s%c%ncel) then
errmsg = "atomic ID " // string(idx) // " outside valid range"
goto 999
end if
nat = nat + 1
if (nat > size(iat,1)) call realloc(iat,2*nat)
iat(nat) = idx
end do
elseif (equal(word,"molecules") .or. equal(word,"molecule")) then
! read the list of molecules
do while (.true.)
word = getword(line,lp)
if (len_trim(word) == 0) exit
ok = isinteger(idx,word)
if (.not.ok) then
errmsg = "invalid molecule number in delete atoms"
goto 999
end if
if (idx < 1 .or. idx > s%c%nmol) then
errmsg = "molecule ID " // string(idx) // " outside valid range"
goto 999
end if
do i = 1, s%c%ncel
if (s%c%idatcelmol(i) == idx) then
nat = nat + 1
if (nat > size(iat,1)) call realloc(iat,2*nat)
iat(nat) = i
end if
end do
end do

! transform
call s%c%delete_atoms(nat,iat(1:nat))
call s%reset_fields()
if (verbose) &
call s%report(.true.,.true.,.true.,.true.,.true.,.true.,.false.)
goto 999
end if
elseif (equal(word,"end") .or. equal(word,"endedit")) then
elseif (len_trim(word) > 0) then
goto 999
end if
end do

999 continue

call ferror('struct_edit',errmsg,faterr,line,syntax=.true.)

end subroutine struct_edit

!> Build a new crystal from the current crystal by cell transformation
module subroutine struct_newcell(s,line,verbose)
use systemmod, only: system
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