A passionate iOS and Android developer based in Canada, specializing in crafting seamless, user-centered mobile applications.
- 🌱 Currently learning: Android Development
- 👯 Looking to collaborate on: iOS and Android Development projects, and open-source contributions
- 💬 Ask me about: iOS, Swift, Vapor, Python, Machine Learning, AWS, and Android Development
- 📫 Reach me at: [email protected]
- ⚡ Fun fact: I’m always exploring new technologies and love spending time outdoors
- HP Trivia: An interactive trivia game with animations and sound effects, showcasing AVFoundation integration.
- Omnifood: A website using HTML and CSS, designed for the Omni Food company to showcase its services.
- Artable: An e-commerce app for browsing and purchasing artwork, complete with an admin interface, Firebase authentication, Firestore database, and Stripe payments.
- Dex3App: A Pokémon Dex app to track and explore Pokémon species.
- MedWise: A medication management app, developed as a capstone project, to help users track their medication schedules.
- 🌟 1.5 years of experience in iOS development
- 🧠 Proficient in Python, Machine Learning, and AWS
- 🚀 Expertise in Swift, Vapor, SwiftUI, and Core Data