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New version of IOS SDKs for mobile implementation of DocCheck Login.


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The DocCheck App Login SDK provides you with a simple to use integration of the authentication through DocCheck. This is done by providing a ViewController which wraps the Web flow and handles callbacks for the authentication.


  • iOS 11.0+
  • Xcode 12+
  • Swift 5.0+

DocCheck Login ID

In order to ensure smooth integration and functioning always adhere to using the respective framework. Before you can implement the DocCheck Login in your app, you will need to set up a new login in CReaM ( For detailed instructions please read the technical manual in the download section of (chapter 2.2.3). When a new login has been created, please add the bundle identifier (for iOS) or the package name (for Android) in the destination URL. This process in general runs as follows: topleveldomain.companyname.appname

Example for input in the target URL in CReaM:


DocCheck License

For mobile applications a mobile license is required.To get more details about the different packages (basic, economy and business) as well as booking process please contact [email protected].



DocCheckAppLogin is available through the CocoaPods dependency management tools. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'DocCheckAppLoginSDK'

For the case that the SDK is not yet listed on cocoapods you can always fall back to getting a version directly from this repository like this:

pod 'DocCheckAppLoginSDK', :git => '', :tag => '0.1.4'

Swift Package Manager - experimental

The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the swift compiler. It is in early development, but we support its use on supported platforms.

Once you have your Swift package set up, adding DocCheckAppLogin as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0"))


let docCheckAppLoginViewController = DocCheckLogin(
    with: "YOUR_LOGIN_ID",
    language: "YOUR_SELECTED_LANGUAGE", // optional will default to de
    templateName: "TEMPLATE_NAME" // optional will default to s_mobile
// optional listener
docCheckAppLoginViewController.loginSuccesful = {
    // do something on success like dismissing the viewcontroller
docCheckAppLoginViewController.loginFailed = { error in
    // do something on failed login like showing an error message
docCheckAppLoginViewController.loginCanceled = {
    // do something on user initiated cancel like showing a hint
docCheckAppLoginViewController.receivedUserInformations = { userInfo in
    // get user information based on what was provided by the server

// expecting self to be a UIViewController
self.present(docCheckAppLoginViewController, animated: true)


An example project with integration instructions can be found in the Example Repository

Response Parameters

Name Status Description Value License Type
login_id internal login ID associated with the login e.g. 200000012345 all
appid internal bundle identifier for the current app, is related to the mobile special e.g. "bundleidentifier" all
intdclanguageid internal internal ID that tracks the user language e.g. 148 all
strDcLanguage internal iso code that tracks the user language (for Personal form). One of "de", "en"/"com", "fr", "nl", "it", "es". all
uniquekey valid alphanumerical string that is individual per user, is passed by each login e.g. abc_abc884e739adf439ed521720acb5b232 economy + business
code valid Oauth2 parameter e.g. abc884e739adf439ed521720acb5b232abc884e739adf439ed521720acb5b232 economy + business
state valid Oauth2 parameter e.g. eHxI902CC3doao1 economy + business
dc_agreement valid status of confirmation of the data transfer consent form 0 = not confirmed; 1 = confirmed business

Please note that additional parameters can be delivered in case of valid consent for data transfer in combination with an implemented business license. For more Details, please check the OAuth2 documentation. Thats one can be reuqested via [email protected].

Parameter Routing

Starting with the economy license, a routing by parameter, language or country can be configured. Routing parameters must be configured within CReaM via the login configuration (step 4 "Specials" > configure profession/languag/country routing) Within CReaM a individual value can be definied for a certain profession. Those values will be passed via the login framework towards your mobile application.

The parameter can be defined as follows:



  • parameter must be configured "paramater=value", otherwise it won't be parsed as an parameter in the response
  • Don't forget to implement a fallback if no parameter is added via CReaM