…ube-proxy presents
To ensure full functionality of AntreaProxy, except for handling ClusterIP from Nodes,
even when kube-proxy in iptables mode is present, certain key changes are implemented
when proxyAll is enabled:
The jump rules for the chains managed by Antrea, `ANTREA-PREROUTING` and `ANTREA-OUTPUT`
in nat table, are installed by inserting instead of appending to bypass the chain
`KUBE-SERVICES` performing Service DNAT managed by kube-proxy. Antrea ensures that
the jump rules take precedence over those managed by kube-proxy.
The iptables rules of nat table chain `ANTREA-PREROUTING` are like below, and they are
similar in chain `ANTREA-OUTPUT`.
-A ANTREA-PREROUTING -m comment --comment "Antrea: DNAT external to NodePort packets" -m set --match-set ANTREA-NODEPORT-IP dst,dst -j DNAT --to-destination
The rule is to DNAT NodePort traffic, bypassing chain `KUBE-SERVICES`.
The iptables rules of raw table chains ANTREA-PREROUTING / ANTREA-OUTPUT are like
1. -A ANTREA-PREROUTING -m comment --comment "Antrea: do not track incoming encapsulation packets" -m udp -p udp --dport 6081 -m addrtype --dst-type LOCAL -j NOTRACK
2. -A ANTREA-PREROUTING -m comment --comment "Antrea: drop Pod multicast traffic forwarded via underlay network" -m set --match-set CLUSTER-NODE-IP src -d -j DROP
3. -A ANTREA-PREROUTING -m comment --comment "Antrea: do not track request packets destined to external IPs" -m set --match-set ANTREA-EXTERNAL-IP dst -j NOTRACK
4. -A ANTREA-PREROUTING -m comment --comment "Antrea: do not track reply packets sourced from external IPs" -m set --match-set ANTREA-EXTERNAL-IP src -j NOTRACK
5. -A ANTREA-OUTPUT -m comment --comment "Antrea: do not track request packets destined to external IPs" -m set --match-set ANTREA-EXTERNAL-IP dst -j NOTRACK
- Rules 1-2 are not new rules.
- Rule 3 is to bypass conntrack for packets sourced from external and destined to
externalIPs, which also results in bypassing the chains managed by Antrea Proxy
and kube-proxy in nat table.
- Rule 4 is to bypass conntrack for packets sourced from externalIPs, which also
results in bypassing the chains managed by Antrea Proxy and kube-proxy in nat
- Rule 5 is to bypass conntrack for packets sourced from local and destined to
externalIPs, which also results in bypassing the chains managed by Antrea Proxy
and kube-proxy in nat table.
The following are the benchmark results of a LoadBalancer Service configured with DSR mode.
The results of TCP_STREAM and TCP_RR (single TCP connection) are almost the same as that
before. The result of TCP_CRR (multiple TCP connections) performs better than before. One
reason should be that conntrack is skipped for LoadBalancer Services.
Test v2.0 proxyAll Dev proxyAll Delta
TCP_STREAM 4933.97 4918.35 -0.32%
TCP_RR 8095.49 8032.4 -0.78%
TCP_CRR 1645.66 1888.93 +14.79%
Signed-off-by: Hongliang Liu <[email protected]>