Some useful Objective-C Category
A UIViewController Category to display a ViewController as a popup with different transition effects. Written by Martin Juhasz, June 2012.
NSRegularExpression extensions that make regular expressions easier in Objective-C, Swift, iOS, OSX.
Category used to map your way inside an application. This is specially useful when you are working with a complex path and you are new to the project. Using this category will see the name of the UIViewController you are in, plus a representation of how deep you are.
This is a project for iOS which regroups a collection of useful UIImage categories to handle operations such as filtering, blurring, enhancing, masking, reflecting, resizing, rotating, saving. There is also a subclass of UIImageView to load an image asynchronously from a URL and display it as it is downloaded.
Dealing with NSStrings that contain HTML
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Blocks in C and Objective-C are downright magical. They make coding easier and potentially quicker, not to mention faster on the front end with multithreading and Grand Central Dispatch. BlocksKit hopes to facilitate this kind of programming by removing some of the annoying - and, in some cases, impeding - limits on coding with blocks.