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doc(config): config组件添加文档说明 (#251)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* chore: update workflows config.

* chore: update workflows config.

* fix(deps): update dependency classnames to v2.3.2 (#190)

Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>

* fix:修复预览标签

* feat:添加basic案例

* fix:添加布局案例

* ci:update ci

* fix:修复 umi setup

* ci:update ci

* fix:修复案例包版本

* doc:更新文档

* fix(user-login):修改登录组件

* fix(deps): update dependency @ant-design/icons to v5 (#205)

Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>

* chore(deps): update dependency antd to v5.3.3 (#201)

Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>

* chore(deps): update react-router monorepo to ~6.10.0 (#202)

Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>

* fix(deps): update dependency husky to v8.0.3 (#199)

Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>

* fix(deps): update dependency lerna to v6.6.1 (#203)

Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>

* fix(deps): update dependency prettier to v2.8.7 (#183)

Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>

* chore(deps): update dependency react-intl to ~6.3.0 (#208)

Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>

* fix(deps): update dependency jest-environment-jsdom to v29 (#206)

Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>

* fix(deps): update dependency compile-less-cli to v1.8.14 (#207)

Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>

* fix(deps): update dependency lint-staged to ~13.2.0 (#204)

Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>

* fix(deps): update dependency react-frame-component to v5.2.6 (#200)

Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>

* type:修复类型

* ci:update  ci

* type:修改类型

* doc:更新文档

* fix:修改案例依赖

* fix:修复表单设置初始隐藏表单项

* fix:修复本地文档预览网站

* doc:更新文档

* fix:更新文档预览

* doc(user-login):更新文档预览

* doc:更新文档

* ci:update ci

* fix:使用异步加载文档

* doc:更新文档

* chore:update tsbb@4

* released v2.0.0-bate.5

* chore(deps): update dependency react-refresh to ^0.14.0 (#212)

Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>

* fix:修改文档预览主题色

* feat(authorized):添加AuthorizedConfigProvider和useAuthorizedonfig

* type:修复类型

* released v2.0.0-bate.5

* fix:修复文档和权限取值判断

* released v2.0.0

* doc(User-Login): API文档

* doc(Basic-Layouts): api文档修改

* doc(antdp-ui): 组件api文档

* fix(doc): 调整Edit-table api文档

* doc(EditTable): 增加使用案例

* doc(EditTable): 处理文档报错

* fix: 修改文档菜单以及路由

* doc: 增加升级文档 & 更新日志文档

* chore(deps): update dependency react-intl to ~6.4.0 (#214)

Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>

* chore(deps): update dependency antd to v5.4.2 (#213)

Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>

* fix(deps): update dependency rc-field-form to ~1.29.0 (#210)

Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>

* fix: update base antd to v5.4.2

* fix: 修复文档控件明暗主题色切换

* doc: 增加更新日志

* fix(website): 调整文档header组件样式

* fix: 删除layout header 没有使用的组件

* doc: 增加新增页面文档

* doc: 新增网络请求文档

* fix(basic-layouts): 修复Breadcrumb中Breadcrumb.Item 替换为 items

* doc: 增加proxy文档

* doc: 更新请求文档

* doc: 多级时路由不再跳转

* doc: 增加umi文档菜单

* dep(@antdp/hooks): 新增react-query

* released v2.0.1

* fix: 处理ci报错

* doc: 处理预实例报错

* doc: 更新日志v2.0.1

* doc(change-log): Update

* doc(change-log): Update

* doc: 更新日志删除不必要信息

* doc: 调整文档顶部菜单高度和边距

* deps(@antdp/hooks): 导出fetchFn

* deps(basic-layouts): 增加菜单搜索功能

* doc: 增加react-query请求相应文档

* doc: 增加样式文档

* doc: Update

* doc: 修改快速开始文档

* doc: 修改新增页面文档

* doc: 修改请求和样式文档

* doc: 增加mock文档

* doc: 增加数据流文档

* doc: 实例预览删除多余路由页面

* fix: 修复实例路由报错 & basic yarn报错

* fix: 默认开启react-query

* released v2.0.2

* fix: 增加如何创建js项目

* doc: 增加国际化文档

* doc: 快速开始增加js项目创建方法

* doc: 增加dva文档

* fix: 增加快速开始进入目录提示

* doc: 增加权限文档

* doc: 增加dva配图

* doc: 修改配置文档

* doc: 增加basic实例预览

* doc: 删除页面开发菜单图标

* fix: 菜单研发更改为页面开发

* doc: 增加实例预览

* fix: 修改实例预览路径

* doc: 在线实例增加列表页和组件页

* doc: 在线预览实例增加表格列表页

* doc: 添加成功页和失败页 (#220)

* doc: (预览实例)详情表单页

* doc: 修改v1-v2 umi文档地址错误

* doc: 在线文档替换为kktpro

* fix: 提交忽略.kktp文件

* doc: 添加个人中心和个人设置 (#221)

* doc: 添加成功页和失败页

* doc: 添加个人中心和个人设置

* fix: 修复ci 报错

* fix: 删除.kktp文件

* fix: 禁止上传.kktp文件

* fix: 处理ci报错

* doc: 处理在线文档报错

* fix: 修复在线预览文档报错

* doc: 在线文档首页

* doc: 修改文档首页样式

* fix: 增加ts项目转换js项目命令

* fix: 修复生成ts项目脚本报错

* fix: 修复ci报错

* fix: 修复ci报错

* fix: 修复ci报错

* fix: 删除antdp-example & 预览实例加载antdp-base

* fix: 修改antdp-example名字为antdp-base

* doc: 首页样式修改

* doc: 预览文档tabbar修改

* doc: 文档首页调整

* doc: 修改首页样式

* doc:添加图表页 (#224)

* doc: 添加成功页和失败页

* doc: 添加个人中心和个人设置

* doc:添加图表页

* doc:添加图表页

* doc:添加基础详情页和高级详情页

* fix: 修复在线预览缺少图表依赖

* fix: 固定antd版本

* doc: QuickForm 增加antd Form链接

* fix: antdp-base固定antd版本

* style: 首页高分辨率下出现空白 (#226)

* doc: 修改首页样式

* fix: ButtongroupPro 增加权限功能

* released v2.0.3

* fix: ButtonGroupPro menu菜单修改antd去除的api & 兼容按钮权限

* released v2.0.4

* doc: 增加2.0.3 & 2.0.4更新文档

* fix(deps): update dependency rc-field-form to ~1.30.0 (#217)

Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>

* fix(deps): update dependency prettier to v2.8.8 (#216)

Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>

* fix(deps): update dependency lerna to v6.6.2 (#225)

Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>

* chore(deps): update react monorepo to ~18.2.0 (#218)

Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>

* chore(deps): update react-router monorepo to ~6.11.0 (#223)

Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>

* chore(deps): update dependency antd to v5.4.7 (#215)

Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>

* deps:  update dependency recursive-readdir-files to v2

* fix: 修复@antdp/request token设置错误

* releasedv2.0.5

* fix: 修复ButtonGroupPro padding过大

* released v2.0.6

* fix: layout-tabs兼容react-router-dom v6 & 处理切换选项卡重复渲染页面问题

* fix: 增加监听@antdp/request

* released v2.0.7

* fix: 修 复无菜单权限,跳往403页面不刷 新

* released v2.0.8

* fix: 修复搜索菜单父级隐藏仍能搜索到子级

* released v2.0.9

* fix: fix internatization console warning.

* fix: 修复message报错

* released v2.0.10

* fix: 修复basic-layouts包裹App超屏

* released v2.0.11

* fix: 全局包 裹antd App

* released v2.0.12

* style(layout): 修改布局样式增加背景色 (#232)

Co-authored-by: shenzhiqing <[email protected]>

* fix: basic-layouts修改头部样式

* released v2.0.13

* fix: 处理ci报错

* fix: 升级kktp

* fix: 修复npm install报错

* chore:升级依赖

* fix: basic-layouts 可以收起展开

* chore:update @kkt/pro

* released v.2.0.14

* fix: basic-layouts 修改侧边菜单栏阴影色

* released v2.0.14

* fix: config增加ANTD_MENU_SLIDER& basic-layouts增加左侧菜单栏布局

* fix: basic-layouts 增加暗白颜色 & 支持antd config配置

* fix: website首页增加案例

* fix(layoutmenu): 修改侧边菜单栏最后一个菜单被遮挡的问题 (#234)

Co-authored-by: shenzhiqing <[email protected]>

* released v2.0.16

* fix: basic-layouts 页面适应dark light配色

* doc(bsaic-layouts): 更新README

* fix: antdp-base 增加ProList试例

* fix: 修复路由没权限跳转报错问题 (#235)

* style: 首页高分辨率下出现空白

* fix: 修复路由没权限跳转报错问题

* docs: Update

* fix(deps): update dependency lerna to v7 #237

* fix: antdp-base登陆修改为pro-component组件

* 组件菜单组件名错误 #246~

* yarn install 项目报错,提示node版本号不对,文档没及时更新依赖说明 #238

* fix:  初始化js项目,有tsconfig.json文件 #239

* fix: basic增加 custom.d.ts 处理svg引用ts类型报错

* fix: 增加实例预览2

* fix: 增加实例预览3

* fix: 更换首页图片

* doc: 修改新增菜单和权限文档

* doc: config组件添加文档说明


Co-authored-by: jaywcjlove <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
Co-authored-by: SunLxy <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: WX <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: panbibi <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: WmW <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: star-hamster <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: shenzhiqing <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: admin <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: xyf <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
11 people authored Jun 9, 2023
1 parent ec23f21 commit 39f636d
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 398 changed files with 22,428 additions and 2,853 deletions.
26 changes: 21 additions & 5 deletions .github/workflows/ci.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,13 +24,20 @@ jobs:
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
filter-author: (小弟调调™|Renovate Bot)
filter: '[R|r]elease[d]\s+[v|V]\d(\.\d+){0,2}'

- run: export NODE_OPTIONS="--max-old-space-size=8192"
- run: npm install
- run: npm run build
- run: npm run hoist
- run: npm run umiinstall
- run: npm run build:antdp-base
- run: npm run build:website
# examples/basic 里面的 ts 转换 成 js版本并存储到 examples/basicjs
- run: yarn run build:js

- name: Generate Contributors Images
uses: jaywcjlove/github-action-contributors@main
filter-author: (renovate\[bot\]|actions-user|renovate-bot|dependabot\[bot\])
output: ./examples/website/build/CONTRIBUTORS.svg
avatarSize: 32

- name: Create Tag
id: create_tag
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,9 +74,18 @@ jobs:
- name: Compress antdp-base Example.
run: zip -r -y . -x "node_modules/*" -x "dist/*" -x "coverage/*" -x ".eslintcache" -x "sandbox.config.json" -x "package-lock.json"
working-directory: examples/antdp-base

- run: cp -rp examples/antdp-base/ examples/website/build/zip

- name: Compress basic Example.
run: zip -r -y . -x "node_modules/*" -x ".umi/*" -x "dist/*" -x "coverage/*" -x ".eslintcache" -x "sandbox.config.json" -x "package-lock.json"
working-directory: examples/basic
- run: cp -rp examples/basic/ examples/website/build/zip

- name: Compress basicjs Example.
run: zip -r -y . -x "node_modules/*" -x ".umi/*" -x "dist/*" -x "coverage/*" -x ".eslintcache" -x "sandbox.config.json" -x "package-lock.json"
working-directory: examples/basicjs
- run: cp -rp examples/basicjs/ examples/website/build/zip

- name: Add Download Page
working-directory: examples/website/build/zip
run: |
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ yarn-error.log*

Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .prettierignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ dist

Expand Down
38 changes: 30 additions & 8 deletions examples/antdp-base/config/config.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,24 +3,46 @@ import proxy from './proxy';
import router from './router.json';
export default config(router, {
npmClient: 'npm',
define: {
// /** 是否显示 左侧菜单 */
// 是否显示 左侧菜单
// ANTD_MENU_IS_SHOW: false,
// /** 是否显示 head头部 */
// 是否显示 head头部
// ANTD_HEAD_IS_SHOW: false,
ANTD_IS_TABS: false,
// 是否展示tab栏
// 是否展示面包屑
auth_menu: 'authMenu',
auth_btn: 'authBtn',
auth_check_url: undefined,
auth_check_url: '',
/** 是否展示搜索菜单 */
locale: {
// 默认使用 src/locales/zh-CN.ts 作为多语言文件
default: 'zh-CN',
baseSeparator: '-',
antd: true,
// default true, when it is true, will use `navigator.language` overwrite default
// baseNavigator: true,
* [国际化] 控制台提示 Warning: The current popular language does not exist, please check the locales folder! 警告信息
* 警用 `baseNavigator` 和 `title` 两个配置项 可以解决国际化警告问题
baseNavigator: false,
title: false,
dva: {},
model: {},
request: {},
reactQuery: {
// 是否开启 react query 官方 devtool 工具
devtool: false,
queryClient: true,
222 changes: 110 additions & 112 deletions examples/antdp-base/config/router.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,157 +11,155 @@
"path": "/",
"redirectTo": "/welcome"
"path": "/*",
"component": "@/pages/404"
"path": "/welcome",
"name": "首页",
"icon": "welcome",
"locale": "welcome",
"icon": "dashboard",
"component": "@/pages/Home/index"
"path": "/dashboard",
"name": "实例展示",
"icon": "dashboard",
"name": "页面实例",
"locale": "dashboard",
"icon": "fileText",
"side": true,
"component": "@/pages/Demo"
"path": "/components",
"name": "组件页",
"locale": "components",
"icon": "form",
"routes": [
"path": "/dashboard/demo",
"name": "实例展示",
"locale": "实例展示",
"icon": "pie-chart",
"index": true,
"component": "@/pages/Demo"
"path": "/components/quickform",
"name": "快速表单",
"locale": "quickform",
"component": "@/pages/Components/QuickForm"
"path": "/dashboard/workplace",
"name": "工作台",
"locale": "工作台",
"icon": "pie-chart",
"component": "@/pages/Dashboard",
"side": true,
"routes": [
"path": "/dashboard/workplace/dashboard/demo",
"name": "实例展示1",
"locale": "实例展示1",
"icon": "pie-chart",
"index": true,
"component": "@/pages/Demo"
"path": "/dashboard/workplace/dashboard/workplace",
"name": "工作台1",
"locale": "工作台1",
"icon": "pie-chart",
"component": "@/pages/Dashboard"
"path": "/dashboard/workplace/dashboard/notfund",
"name": "测试不存在页面1",
"hideInMenu": true,
"icon": "radar-chart"
"path": "/components/formdetail",
"name": "详情表单",
"locale": "formdetail",
"component": "@/pages/Components/FormDetail"
"path": "/dashboard/notfund",
"name": "测试不存在页面",
"hideInMenu": true,
"icon": "radar-chart"
"path": "/components/edittable",
"name": "编辑表格",
"locale": "edittable",
"component": "@/pages/Components/EditTable"
"path": "/components/proform",
"name": "ProForm",
"locale": "proform",
"component": "@/pages/Components/ProForm"
"path": "/EditTable",
"name": "编辑表格",
"icon": "file-protect",
"component": "@/pages/EditTable",
"path": "/list",
"name": "列表页",
"icon": "table",
"locale": "list",
"routes": [
"path": "/EditTable/demo",
"name": "实例展示",
"locale": "实例展示",
"icon": "pie-chart",
"index": true,
"component": "@/pages/Demo"
"path": "/list/basiclist",
"name": "基础列表",
"locale": "basiclist",
"component": "@/pages/List/BasicList"
"path": "/EditTable/workplace",
"name": "工作台",
"locale": "工作台",
"hideInMenu": true,
"icon": "pie-chart",
"component": "@/pages/Dashboard"
"path": "/list/cardlist",
"name": "卡片列表",
"locale": "cardlist",
"component": "@/pages/List/CardList"
"path": "/EditTable/notfund",
"name": "测试不存在页面",
"icon": "radar-chart"
"path": "/list/tablelist",
"name": "ProTable",
"locale": "tablelist",
"component": "@/pages/List/TableList"
"path": "/list/prolist",
"name": "ProList",
"locale": "prolist",
"component": "@/pages/List/ProList"
"path": "/EditTables",
"name": "编辑表格2",
"icon": "file-protect",
"component": "@/pages/EditTable"
"path": "/EditTabless",
"name": "编辑表格3",
"icon": "file-protect",
"component": "@/pages/EditTable"
"path": "/EditTable1",
"name": "编辑表格",
"icon": "file-protect",
"component": "@/pages/EditTable"
"path": "/EditTables2",
"name": "编辑表格2",
"icon": "file-protect",
"component": "@/pages/EditTable"
"path": "/EditTabless3",
"name": "编辑表格3",
"icon": "file-protect",
"component": "@/pages/EditTable"
"path": "/EditTable4",
"name": "编辑表格",
"icon": "file-protect",
"component": "@/pages/EditTable"
"path": "/EditTables5",
"name": "编辑表格2",
"icon": "file-protect",
"component": "@/pages/EditTable"
"path": "/detail",
"name": "详情页",
"icon": "profile",
"locale": "detail",
"routes": [
"path": "/detail/basicdetails",
"name": "基础详情页",
"locale": "basicdetails",
"component": "@/pages/Detail/BasicDetails"
"path": "/detail/advanceddetails",
"name": "高级详情页",
"locale": "advanceddetails",
"component": "@/pages/Detail/AdvancedDetails"
"path": "/EditTabless6",
"name": "编辑表格3",
"icon": "file-protect",
"component": "@/pages/EditTable"
"path": "/results",
"name": "结果页",
"locale": "results",
"icon": "checkCircle",
"routes": [
"path": "/results/success",
"name": "成功页",
"locale": "success",
"component": "@/pages/Results/Success"
"path": "/results/fail",
"name": "失败页",
"locale": "fail",
"component": "@/pages/Results/Fail"
"path": "/404",
"name": "404",
"hideInMenu": true,
"icon": "file-protect",
"component": "@/pages/404"
"path": "/person",
"name": "个人页",
"icon": "user",
"locale": "person",
"routes": [
"path": "/person/personalCenter",
"name": "个人中心",
"locale": "personalCenter",
"component": "@/pages/Person/PersonalCenter"
"path": "/person/personalSettings",
"name": "个人设置",
"locale": "personalSettings",
"component": "@/pages/Person/PersonalSettings"
"path": "/403",
"name": "403",
"hideInMenu": true,
"icon": "file-protect",
"component": "@/pages/403"
"component": "@/pages/403",
"hideInMenu": true
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