Rename pyrocky package path #22
GitHub Actions / Pytest Report
Nov 20, 2023 in 0s
Pytest Report ❌
❌ build/pytest.xml
1 tests were completed in 24s with 0 passed, 1 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
pytest | 1❌ | 24s |
❌ pytest
❌ test_minimal_simulation
rocky_session = <ansys.rocky.core.client.RockyClient object at 0x000001C581703C10>
Check failure on line 0 in build/pytest.xml
github-actions / Pytest Report
pytest ► tests.test_pyrocky ► test_minimal_simulation
Failed test found in:
rocky_session = <ansys.rocky.core.client.RockyClient object at 0x000001C581703C10>
Raw output
rocky_session = <ansys.rocky.core.client.RockyClient object at 0x000001C581703C10>
tmp_path = WindowsPath('C:/Users/ansys/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-ansys/pytest-20/test_minimal_simulation0')
def test_minimal_simulation(rocky_session, tmp_path):
rocky = pyrocky.connect_to_rocky()
project = rocky.api.CreateProject()
assert project, "No project created"
study = project.GetStudy()
particle = study.CreateParticle()
inlet_surface = study.CreateCircularSurface()
study.CreateParticleInlet(entry_point=inlet_surface, particle=particle)
domain = study.GetDomainSettings()
domain.SetCoordinateLimitsMaxValues((10, 1, 10))
solver = study.GetSolver()
solver.SetSimulationDuration(2) # Simulate for 2 sec.
project.SaveProject(str(tmp_path / "rocky-testing.rocky"))
> particles_count = study.GetParticles().GetNumpyCurve("Particles Count")
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
src\ansys\rocky\core\ in GetNumpyCurve
serpent_dicts = api.SendToApiElement(
..\..\..\..\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\Pyro5\ in __call__
return self.__send(self.__name, args, kwargs)
..\..\..\..\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\Pyro5\ in _pyroInvoke
data = serializer.loads(
..\..\..\..\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\Pyro5\ in loads
return self.recreate_classes(serpent.loads(data))
..\..\..\..\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\Pyro5\ in recreate_classes
return tuple(self.recreate_classes(x) for x in literal)
..\..\..\..\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\Pyro5\ in <genexpr>
return tuple(self.recreate_classes(x) for x in literal)
..\..\..\..\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\Pyro5\ in recreate_classes
return self.dict_to_class(literal)
..\..\..\..\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\Pyro5\ in dict_to_class
return super(SerpentSerializer, cls).dict_to_class(data)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
cls = <class 'Pyro5.serializers.SerpentSerializer'>
data = {'__class__': 'ndarray', 'bytes': {'data': 'gAJjbnVtcHkuY29yZS5tdWx0aWFycmF5Cl9yZWNvbnN0cnVjdApxAGNudW1weQpuZGFycmF5Cn...ONw4zDjMOMw4zDjMO8P8KawpnCmcKZwpnCmcO9P2ZmZmZmZsO+PzMzMzMzM8O/PwAAAAAAAABAcRFoBYZxElJxE3RxFGIu', 'encoding': 'base64'}}
def dict_to_class(cls, data):
Recreate an object out of a dict containing the class name and the attributes.
Only a fixed set of classes are recognized.
from . import core, client, server # circular imports...
classname = data.get("__class__", "<unknown>")
if isinstance(classname, bytes):
classname = classname.decode("utf-8")
if classname in cls.__custom_dict_to_class_registry:
converter = cls.__custom_dict_to_class_registry[classname]
return converter(classname, data)
if "__" in classname:
raise errors.SecurityError("refused to deserialize types with double underscores in their name: " + classname)
# for performance reasons, the constructors below are hardcoded here
# instead of added on a per-class basis to the dict-to-class registry
if classname == "Pyro5.core.URI":
uri = core.URI.__new__(core.URI)
return uri
elif classname == "Pyro5.client.Proxy":
proxy = client.Proxy.__new__(client.Proxy)
return proxy
elif classname == "Pyro5.server.Daemon":
daemon = server.Daemon.__new__(server.Daemon)
return daemon
elif classname.startswith("Pyro5.util."):
if classname == "Pyro5.util.SerpentSerializer":
return SerpentSerializer()
elif classname == "Pyro5.util.MarshalSerializer":
return MarshalSerializer()
elif classname == "Pyro5.util.JsonSerializer":
return JsonSerializer()
elif classname == "Pyro5.util.MsgpackSerializer":
return MsgpackSerializer()
elif classname.startswith("Pyro5.errors."):
errortype = getattr(errors, classname.split('.', 2)[2])
if issubclass(errortype, errors.PyroError):
return SerializerBase.make_exception(errortype, data)
elif classname == "struct.error":
return SerializerBase.make_exception(struct.error, data)
elif classname == "Pyro5.core._ExceptionWrapper":
ex = data["exception"]
if isinstance(ex, dict) and "__class__" in ex:
ex = SerializerBase.dict_to_class(ex)
return core._ExceptionWrapper(ex)
elif data.get("__exception__", False):
if classname in all_exceptions:
return SerializerBase.make_exception(all_exceptions[classname], data)
# translate to the appropriate namespace...
namespace, short_classname = classname.split('.', 1)
if namespace in ("builtins", "exceptions"):
exceptiontype = getattr(builtins, short_classname)
if issubclass(exceptiontype, BaseException):
return SerializerBase.make_exception(exceptiontype, data)
elif namespace == "sqlite3" and short_classname.endswith("Error"):
import sqlite3
exceptiontype = getattr(sqlite3, short_classname)
if issubclass(exceptiontype, BaseException):
return SerializerBase.make_exception(exceptiontype, data)
log.warning("unsupported serialized class: " + classname)
> raise errors.SerializeError("unsupported serialized class: " + classname)
E Pyro5.errors.SerializeError: unsupported serialized class: ndarray
..\..\..\..\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\Pyro5\ SerializeError