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Miriam compatibility

ansell edited this page Aug 30, 2011 · 3 revisions

From: help

File formats

Seems to assume that RDF is only available in a single format, ie, RDF/XML

Would be nice to have other possible formats including, but not limited to, RDF/JSON (Talis), JSON-LD, N3, NTriples, Turtle. All of these are supported by QueryAll, including Quad formats such as NQuads, Trix and Trig (and graphs native in RDF/JSON using a small extension to the Talis proposed specification)

Should define what comprises, "use as identifier, should not have any query parameters", as some of the query parameters are closely linked to the context of the query parameters, ie, miriam:project/queryall:profile


Would need to have a dedicated path for other services, otherwise search and the links services will be difficult to support.

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